Holy Ghost Catholic School News
October 14, 2024
Crochet Club
Available for all students grades 5-8.
Candy Donation
Cake Walk Donations
Please donate to our cake walk.
Fall Festival
Join us for fun, food, and games!
Raffle, Raffle, Raffle
Please ensure all requested tickets are sold and money turned in no later than Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.
Picture Retakes
If your student was absent during photos, or you are requesting a retake, please note the date.
Boo Grams!
The 8th grade class is selling Boo Grams. All proceeds go towards their graduation.
Living Rosary
Come and pray as a community! Join us for a living rosary, presented by Holy Ghost Catholic School students.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences are a great way to learn about your child's progress and areas of need.
Thank you!
Thank you to all the families that volunteered at the Barnes and Noble library fundraiser on September 7, 2024. This fundraiser was a success and the amount earned was more than last year! Holy Ghost appreciates your support and time.
Scholastic Book Fair
The annual Scholastic Book Fair is a great way to support HGCS and encourage reading!
What a fun time of year. Please follow guidelines to ensure everyone's safety and keep it school appropriate!
Lunch Info
All students can receive a free breakfast and lunch daily.
Calendar Updates- A Look Ahead
16- Q1 Ends
18-Fall Festival/10K- 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
21-Picture retake
22-25- Scholastic Book Fair
24-Living Rosary- 9:45 a.m.
24- ½ day with students- P/T Conferences 1:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.-Woody Young Available
25--No students- P/T Conferences 7:30-12:00 p.m.
30-Student Mass (no student Mass on Thursday 31st)
1- All Saints Mass
7-Veterans Day Celebration
11-No School- Veterans Day