Tremont Family Update
July 2023

Beginning of the School Year Updates
We hope you are enjoying all the wonderful things that summer has to offer. We can't believe it's August 1st.
You can now order your child's school supplies and pay other PTO fees.
Mark Your Calendar
Tremont Cross Country is BACK! (Info below...sign up today!)
August 5 and 6-K Screening (by appointment)
August 5—Classroom Assignments Go Live in PowerSchool by 4pm
August 8-Ice Cream Social 4-6pm on the playground
August 9–Kindergarten Class Placement Go Live in PowerSchool
August 12-K and 1 Parent Info Night 6-7pm and
Gifted Parent Info Night
3rd grade 5:30-5:55PM; 4th grade 6:00-6:25PM; 5th grade 6:30-7:00PM
August 13-Meet the Teacher Night 4-5:30pm
Multilingual Family Meeting 4-5:30pm
August 14-First Day of School for grades 1-5 and K w/ last names A-L
August 15-First Day of School for K w/ last names M-Z
August 16-5th grade breakfast on back playground 7:45am (5th grade only)
August 22- 2nd-5th Grade Parent Information Night 4-6PM
School Supplies and PTO Fees
School Supplies
The Tremont PTO has purchased school supplies for every child at Tremont. Due to the large order they got a great discounted rate that they want to pass along to all of you! So, no need to shop for school supplies. Your child's supplies will be in their classroom on the first day!
***Important update***
This year all students will be getting brand new iPads. The iPads require USB-C headphones. Due to this upgrade you will notice a price increase for supplies.
PTO Fees:
Student Activity Fee $15 per child (K-5)
This one-time fee is per student and helps pay for field trips, transportation and other activities that support the learning process throughout the year.
School Supply Fee $35 + $13 (headphones)=$48 (K-5)
This one-time fee is per student and includes all of the school supplies your child will need for the classroom for the 2024-2025 school year. This fee also includes headphones compatible with the new school iPads.
PTO Supporter Fee $25
Become a PTO supporter today!
By donating this one time fee (per family), you will be helping the PTO support and enhance the day-to-day experience for Tremont students and staff. PTO helps fund teacher grants to support things like service-learning projects and classroom enhancements, annual events and activities, field day and educational opportunities like field trips and author visits.
5th Grade Activity Fee (5th grade only) $25
This fee, in partnership with a donation from the PTO, provides your 5th grader with:
- T-shirt
- Special 5th grade breakfast
- Memory book
- Special 5th grade service learning project
- Digital copy of the slideshow
- End of the Year Party
Please contact Jean Allocco at if your family needs support with fees.
TREMONT SPIRITWEAR will be available for purchase soon, keep an eye out for a link to our Fall Tremont store! And an exclusive Tremont t-shirt will be available for purchase at the Ice Cream Social!
Tremont Cross Country
Tremont Cross Country is back!
Open to Tremont 2nd-5th graders.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-7pm August 13-October 5.
Please Venmo $50 to @Margaret-Meyer-2 and include your email, child's name & grade.
Questions? Please email,
Level Up
Our theme for this school year is "Level Up"! Tremont is an amazing place, but we can always get better! So, this year we are going to working on "Leveling Up" our routines, systems, procedures, academic rigor and more in order to ensure that your kids are parents are having the very best experience during their years at Tremont.
The first things we're "Leveling Up" are ARRIVAL TIME, SMART WATCHES and HATS.
Arrival Time
Last year, Mrs. Prati noticed that kids were coming to school each day well after the 8:15 designated arrival time. So, she put together a group of parent volunteers to help brainstorm ways to improve our current system. Here is the new plan for Tremont Arrival Time:
7:45am Drop Off Begins
Students in grades K-5 can be dropped off on the side of the building facing the Public Library by the awning that says "Tremont Elementary School".
Students will walk to the gym.
Kindergarten students who arrived between 7:45am and 8:00am will be escorted to the K playground at 8:00am.
8:00am Drop of Continues but expands
At 8am students can be dropped off and come in through the Tremont Road doors, the door facing the Public Library or the Kindergarten Playground. Students in grades 1-5 will walk to the gym and K students will remain on the K playground.
8:10am Students walk to classrooms
At 8:10am students will be dismissed from the gym to walk to their classrooms.
8:10-8:15 Arrival Continues and students walk directly to classrooms
Doors to Tremont will be closed and locked at exactly 8:15am and no staff will be in the parking lots.
Student will be marked tardy if they arrive after 8:15am.
Class will begin promptly each day at 8:15am.
Smart Watches
Smart Watches, including Apple Watches and Gizmos are permitted to be worn to school.
Upon arrival to the classroom students will have the choice to put the Apple Watch/Gizmo/Smart Watch in their backpack or in the classroom pocket chart that is designated for the devices.
Just like students are expected to keep phones in backpacks, the same expectation applies to smart watches.
We have noticed that wearing hats during instructional time has become a distraction for students. This year, we are asking for your help by having your children keep their hats at home. We think this will make "hat day" for spirit day even more fun.
As the principals at Tremont we feel so fortunate to work with such supportive parents and families. Thank you for your understand and partnership as we continue to "Level Up" this year.
Jacki and Emily
Accessing Class Placement Assignment on August 5th (1st-5th) and August 9th (K)
We are excited to share your child's classroom placement with you on the afternoon of Monday, August 5th (1st-5th) and on the afternoon of Friday, August 9th (kindergarten).
We worked extremely hard to ensure that we were setting up classes that would provide the best learning environment for each individual child. Please note that our placement decisions are final and were made based off of a variety of academic and social variables.
How to Find Your Child’s Teacher Assignment:
We will not send an email with your child’s specific teacher name. Instead we ask that families log into PowerSchool to review his information.
■ To review the name of your child’s teacher, log in to your PowerSchool parent portal as you would to review your child’s progress report or complete back to school or registration forms.
■ When you log in, you should see your child’s schedule screen that lists the teacher name.
■ If you need help with your log-in information, or you have not set up a PowerSchool parent account, please contact
Annual 5th Grade Breakfast
Fifth grade parents mark your calendars! The Tremont PTO is excited to welcome the Class of 2032 to our annual 5th grade breakfast! The breakfast will be held on Friday, August 16th at 7:45 am on the back playground at Tremont. Students will receive their class shirts, participate in a class picture and indulge in some breakfast goodies!
Summer Selfies with Mrs. Prati!
August 1, 2024
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