Board Briefs
August 20, 2024

Board Briefs - December 10, 2024
Superintendent's Report
- Dr. Hart shared an update on the Bond Referendum. Please click here to view the presentation.
- Dr. Hart recognized and thanked the following outgoing Board members for their years of service to the district, community, and students of Readington Township: Dr. Camille Cerciello, Mr. Randall Peach, and Mrs. Jennifer Wolf. See photo below.
Administrative Reports
- The November Enrollment - Drill Report was approved.
- RMS Quarter 1 Discipline Report was approved.
- School Safety System Submission Report September 2023-June 2024 was approved.
- Three HIB reports and the Superintendent's decision was accepted and affirmed.
- The amendment of motion 1.01 from the August 20, 2024 meeting was approved.
- The district bill list was approved.
- District travel was approved.
- The method of compliance in conformity of a toliet room facility at Three Bridges School for a classroom containing kindergarten students for the 2024-2025 school year was approved.
- Fundraisers were approved for Holland Brook School and Readington Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year.
- The list of updated HSA fundraisers was approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Student placements at Holland Brook School were approved.
- Dr. Padma Palvai, MD, Mindspace Psychiarty, LLC, was approved to provide school based evaluations.
- Additional field trips were approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- A student out of district placement was approved.
- Substitute teacher placements were approved.
- The following appointment was approved: Megan Heckman/SE Teacher-RMS.
- The following appointment was ratified and approved: Rosemarie Perna/Paraprofessional-TBS.
- The following retirement was approved with appreciation for years of service: Staci Beegle/BOE-Director of Pupil Services.
- The following resignations were approved: Mary Scarpa/TBS-Paraprofessional and Mackenzie Storms/TBS-SE Teacher.
- The following mentor assignment for Christina Lilly was approved: Erica Applegate.
- An other leave of absence was approved for a staff member.
- Completion of the Sustainable Jersey School application stipends were approved for the following staff members: Anne Romano/TBS, Tiffany Barca/TBS, Wendy Reardon/WHS, Betsy Freeman/RMS, and Theresa Amster/HBS.
- Katarzyna Pinto/PreK Paraprofessional was approved to attend preschool department meetings.
- Jill Komosinski/Nurse was approved to attend home wrestling matches.
- The amendment of motion 5.03 from the July 23, 2024 agenda was ratified and approved for the folloiwng appointment: Kirsten Baron/RMS-LTS PE & Health Teacher.
- The amendment of motion 5.02 from the September 10, 2024 agenda was ratified and approved for the following appointment: Jennifer Hardison/TBS-Paraprofessional.
- One policy for second reading and one policy for first reading were approved.
- The revised 2024-2025 district calendar was approved. Please click here to view.
- The board approved a resolution to call upon the Legislature to allow local governing bodies with the opportunity to electronically publish any legally required notices and loosen restrictions for the use of local township print publications to meet regulatory standards.
Next Board Meeting
The next Board of Education Re-organizational meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., and will be held in person in the Board Conference Room in the Board of Education office wing of Holland Brook School. To join via YouTube, please click here. Please review the agenda that will be posted on December 20, 2024.
Contact Information
Doreen Harris / 908-534-2897
Doreen Harris
Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent