Week 8 Term 4 SFDS Newsletter
St Francis de Sales - Tuesday 7 December 2021
Kia Ora Ano
What a dreary start to our week - weather wise…certainly doesn’t stop our learners from learning, getting out there and having fun!
Congratulations to our principal cup award winner Arthur…amazing determination to succeed…well done!
Next week is going to be manic here at SFDS so the newsletter will be brief from me.
We are celebrating and farewelling our delightful year 8 learners with a few events, so I just wanted to take the opportunity to say goodbye and to say thank you.
I have adored my 9 years here at SFDS and it will definitely be very sad to say goodbye come the end of term. St Francis de Sales School will always be a huge part of my life and a place where I truly feel I belong. This is where my education started; as a 5-year-old and where I have grown as a leader. I have made lifelong connections, wonderful friends and some who I now call my whānau.
A huge thank you to all of our staff here at SFDS. We are a TEAM here at SFDS and we all work together and collaborate so that our kura continues to flourish.
I feel very proud and very honoured to have been able to work alongside some of the best educators. Their drive, passion and determination; underpinned by skill, knowledge and empathy sees our tamariki settled, happy and learning at school despite the disruption of the last 2 years…I know that all of our learners feel like they belong and feel valued by all of our school team.
A huge thank you to our board of trustees for their ongoing dedication, time and solid commitment to our kura. It is important for our community to know that our BOT always puts the tamariki at the centre of all decisions made. Thank you to our BOT chairperson Dan McGuinness. I really appreciate how you go above and beyond and think outside the box. Thank you for supporting me in my role as principal at SFDS.
I have always felt incredibly valued as a principal, professional and a person by our learners, our BOT, our amazing staff and our community.
MOST of all I am going to miss your tamariki…it is a true privilege to be part of learners’ lives and to see them grow into curious and capable young people. I am going to miss seeing the excitement on their beautiful faces each day and watching that thirst for knowledge grow.
SFDS learners…Do you know what the best part about life is? Every morning you have a new opportunity to become a happier version of yourself and to shine. You never know when the light inside of you will be the beacon to help guide others…keep shining SFDS tamariki. I am really going to miss each and everyone of you!
I look forward to seeing many of you over the next few weeks as school rounds up and seeing you around ‘The Bay’ over summer.
Have a fantastic rest of the week and take care.
Nga Mihi Nui
Tracy Gundesen
Poipoia te Kakano Kia Puawai - Nurture the seed and it will blossom
Newsletter proudly sponsored by
For the St Francis de Sales Christmas nativity play at the Christmas Eve family mass (Friday 24 December) at 6pm. Last year’s play was such a success and we would love more children from all around to come and participate! If your child/ren are interested in taking part please send an email to winandmaria@gmail.com and we will be in touch. There are parts for everyone—speaking, non-speaking, prop work, etc.
UP COMING EVENTS - see full calendar for PE Days
Thursday 9 December
- Challenge 2000 Leadership day with current Year 6 & 7 Students
- Year 8 Home of Compassion Retreat Day
Friday 10 December - Tracy's Farewell 2-4pm
Tuesday 14 December - Papatuanuku at the park
MONDAY 20 DECEMBER: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 2021 - 12.30pm finish
SUNDAY 26 DECEMBER: Boxing day
MONDAY 27 DECEMBER: Public Holiday (Christmas Day observed)
TUESDAY 27 DECEMBER : Public Holiday (Boxing Day observed)
THURSDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2022: Uniform shop open 9.30am - 1pm
TUESDAY 1 FEBRUARY 2022: School Office opens 9am - 3pm
…to the following students who received a certificate at Papatuanuku assembly on Thursday:
Stefan S, Mahlee HB, Mateo L, Gabriele C, Harvey L, Lilly M, George T, Preshil ZP, Hamish S, Isabelle M, Xavier A, Daniel H, Frankie HB, Dallas T, Heidi J and Pippa R.
Our teams had their last game of the season last week. Huge congratulations to our Year 5/6 Rockets team (Caiden S, Enzo H, Kade T, Luca H, Charlie W, Benjamin P, Daniel N and Elijah S) who were unbeaten all season and won their grade. Well done boys! Thank you to all the coaches and managers who helped the teams out this season and did a great job under the specific rules.
Congratulations to Lola D (year 7), Matthew S (year 6) and Jayden S (year 4) who all received a $250 sports scholarship from Lance Williams.
We will be holding a small afternoon tea on Friday 10 December, in the school Library between 2 and 4 pm, this will be a chance for anyone to come in and say a final goodbye to Tracy so please feel free to pop in.
We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make getting school ready faster! Your child’s class list will available from Monday 20 December on the OfficeMax MySchool website – myschool.co.nz.
We encourage you to order early to ensure your child has all their stationery requirements ready to go in plenty of time for the start of Term 1. Don’t wait until mid-January.
Laybuy* is also available, so you can pay in 6 weekly, interest-free payments - and still get your order right away. Or you can pay by internet banking, credit card or debit card.
When you shop on myschool.co.nz you’ll receive free delivery on orders over $46*. You will also help our school earn school rewards* that we use to purchase much needed extra resources for our school.
* Terms & Conditions apply, see myschool.co.nz for details.
Juicies are still available from the school office for $10 a box. If you are interested in supporting our year 7 & 8 Camp fundraising please email or pop into the office to get yourself a box!
We are always looking for more people to join us in the garden and in the kitchen! If you have amazing cooks ( Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles) that are interested in coming along please send an email to the wonderful Amber Parry. amber.parrystrong@gmail.com
The following products are available though your school KINDO account
For information on how to get to KINDO Click here to view. From there you are able to pay your school donations, (there is an option to make part payments) uniform and any other school charges or sign ups for sports and extra actvities.
Click here to download term 4's menu.
Last date for Kindo orders: 5 December
Ethical + eco + essentials Munch is about empowering families to change the world. Every day, every way you can make a difference with Munch.
Buy a Munch product and feel good about using it. We are making it easier for you to be more sustainable. All our products are eco friendly in some way from being reusable, organic to biodegradable. Everyday products making a difference. Useful, beautiful and green. All our ingredients and products are sourced from ethical communities.
Customised Quality Sticky Labels 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Durable and cost-effective sticky labels that make your life simple. Whether you need to label your kids clothes, school, daycare stuff or sports gear, Precious Labels has all of your needs covered. Our self-adhesive name labels are perfect for your everyday needs.
Peel it, stick it, forget it! It will all come back home!
CodeCamp allows kids from the ages of 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun and action packed environment. Develop confidence & initiative through design, creativity, solving problems, presenting & collaboration. Create games, apps.
Venue: Queen Margaret College, Thorndon
Dates: 13-16th Dec,
10th – 14th January,
17th – 21st January,
25th – 28th January.
Book Now at https://codecamp.co.nz
Looking for something to keep the kids happy for a couple of hours in those busy days leading up to Christmas? On Wednesday, 22 December from 10.00am - 12 noon, Friends of Karori Cemetery will take them on an exciting exploration of secret pathways, visit the graves of famous, infamous and ordinary folk, introduce them to Mrs Chippy the cat who sailed to the Antarctic, talk about why we toot in the tunnel, and work out how many people died in the Tangiwai rail disaster.
Suitable for ages 5-12, gold coin donation only.
Limited numbers available, so bookings are essential
To register & get more information, email friendskaroricemetery@gmail.com
20th – 24th DEC 2021 and Jan 10th – Feb 4th 2022 from 7.00am-6pm daily. Interactive Activities and NO TV or Video Games, Kai Cubs Cooking, Keep Fit Karapu Fitness, and Life Skills Programme creating healthy Breakfast, Lunch and Afternoon Teas. One-on-one care and shuttle services available. Daily $81.04/cub per session or $137.77 for two siblings per session; Weekly: $324.16 per cub/week or $551.07 for two siblings/week. MSD Approved & WINZ subsidies are available for eligible families.
Please contact us: 0800 PRIDE 4 U Or Register online: www.PRIDELANDS.co.nz or Visit our Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/PrideLandsChildcare
Qisma Tech is offering a Holiday Programme to all 7-12 year olds (Year 3 to Year 8)
This programme will have the students join in a variety of games and activities that will help strengthen their knowledge in Engineering, Science and Maths!
The programme will run from the 17th of January to the 28th of January, every weekday.
We have attached a flyer that has extra details.
If you would kindly send this and the attached flyer to the parents of your year 3 to 8 students that would be greatly appreciated.
There are limited spaces so get in quick!!
Kelly Club Holiday Programmes focus on giving children aged between 5 and 13 the opportunity to do things they enjoy in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment. The programme is packed with activities to entertain and inspire children. We have some exciting days planned: Water Nerf Battle, Teddy Bears Picnic, Kiwiana Xmas, Santa's Workshop and lots of more Xmas fun!
The Pre-Xmas Holiday Programmes are held at the following centres:
Kelly Club Amesbury (Amesbury School, Churton Park) – 14 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
Kelly Club West Park (West Park School, Johnsonville) - 17 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
Kelly Club Churton Park (Churton Park School) – 16 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
Kelly Club Kelburn (Kelburn School) – 16 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
Kelly Club Island Bay (Island Bay School ) – 20 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
We will be back at all the above centres from 10 Jan 2022 with some Super Summer Fun days planned including; Summer Camp, King of the Jungle, Barnyard Games, Wheels Day plus trips to Movies - Sing 2!, Awesome Bounce, Ten Pin Bowling, Staglands and Zappo the Magician is coming to Kelly Club.!
Kelly Club Amesbury Activity Planner
Kelly Club Churton Park Activity Planner
Kelly Club Kelburn Activity Planner
Kelly Club Island Bay Activity Planner
Kelly Club West Park Activity Planner
To enrol www.kellyclub.co.nz email adminwgtn@kellysports.co.nz or call 04 972 7201
Island Bay Youth Group - starting Feb 2022!
Are your kids in Year 7-9 at Intermediate or High School?
Are they starting at a new school next year but are keen to stay in touch with their Island Bay mates?
Come and check out the new Island Bay Youth Group!
For kids Year7+ (ages 11-16), 7-9pm Fridays fortnightly from 4 Feb. First session will be a BBQ & Bonfire Night @ Princess Bay!
Hosted by Island Bay Presbyterian Church & Catholic Parish Wellington South, and run by Youth Pastor Harry Troughton, this youth group is a chance for the young people of Island Bay to hang out, catch up with friends who are at different schools, and have loads of fun and games, in a safe and welcoming space.
All adults involved in this programme are double vaccinated and Police vetted.
For more info contact Harry on youth@ibpc.org.nz
Contact Us
Email: office@sfds.school.nz
Website: http://www.sfds.school.nz
Location: St Francis De Sales School 11 Mersey Street, Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand
Phone: 04 939 7370