Shining Bright @ Madonna!
MCS News - Sunday, May 26th, 2024
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...."
Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.
And remember,
I am with you always,
to the end of the age."
Mathew 28:16-20
27 - Monday
- GOTCHA Glowing Assembly
- Miss Emma our Mental Health Capacity Builder is @ MCS
- Cogito Assessments
- Kindergarten Last Book Exchange
- Grade 4 Boys Friendship Workshop
- Miss Emma our Mental Health Capacity Builder is @ MCS
- Grade 4 Art Club
- Teachers in Professional Development for New Curriculum
- Prayer Club in the Chapel at First Recess
- Students Services Team meets to ensure success for all students
- Class Pictures
- First Communion Pictures
- OLPH Clergy visit in classrooms
- T/TH Kindergarten Class Photos
- Kindergarten visit to Malvern Park
- Prekindergarten ISP meetings
- Filipino Culture Presentations
- Grade 4 Students visiting OLPH
Join Us for the Carnival Too!
Thanks to our ABJ Leadership Team Friends, Madonna Catholic School students from K-3 will enjoy a Carnival following mass! Mom's & Dad's if you would like to join mass and circulate with your child's class during the Carnival, thank you for reaching out to your child's teacher!
Grade 4 students will be in Drumheller for their year end field trip.
French Play Script Practice
French Play Script Practice
French Play Script Practice
French Play Script Practice
French Play Script Practice
French Play Script Practice
French Play Script Practice
French Play Script Practice
French Play Script Practice
Loose Parts...Need More Parts!
We are calling on your help for more parts for our Loose Parts Play!
We are looking for the following items:
- shovels
- gently used blankets
- milk crates
- flex/accordion dryer venting (clean) - DONATED! THANK YOU! The kids LOVE IT!
- used cooking & kitchen items (no rust please)
- thick rope
- used ski poles
- PVC pipes of all lengths and diameter
Now that the weather is fantastic, Loose Parts Play is becoming more popular. Thank you for your help in providing MCS students with more opportunities for creative outdoor play!
Thank you in advance for your donations. Items can be brought to the office. On your most generous behalf, we will happily deliver items to the Loose Parts Play Team!
Thank You, Canadian Tire!
We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Canadian Tire for their generous donation of sports equipment to our school. This contribution will significantly enhance our recess time, providing our students with new opportunities to engage in various sports and physical activities.
Thank you, Canadian Tire, for your commitment to supporting local schools and investing in the future of our students. Your generosity is deeply appreciated!
Thank you to our volunteers for helping us grow!
Thank you to those who were able to attend our Volunteer Appreciation Tea!
Let's Keep Breakfast Going! Join the FUN!
The Nutrition Program provides:
- healthy breakfasts to children
- many options to introduce new foods
- sustenance for optimal learning.
This Week's Menu Plan:
Monday May 27 & Friday May 31
With extra grab n go items on the other days
We can always use more help!
If you can spare a little time, we could really use your help! And it doesn't need to be during the breakfast program hours! There's plenty to help with!
For more information or to help on a regular basis, please contact Jem jemliveyoung@yahoo.ca
Please see Mrs. Roberts in the office for volunteer forms.
Need Your Car Washed? Have Extra School Supplies?
EICS has the event for you!
Is your school fee balance $0?
Thank you to all of our families who have kept up-to-date with their school fees and ensuring there is a $0 balance on them!
In these last few months of the school year, it is important that all school fees are paid. This means that field trip fees are paid before your child's field trip in order for your child to participate.
To pay for your child's school fees or check your balance, please click here to access your PowerSchool Parent Portal
If you have any questions about field trip fees, please contact your child's teacher. Should there be a challenge paying school fees, please contact Mme Gravelle at 780-467-7972.
OLPH Parish News
Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM and 7:00 PM.
If parents have any questions, they can also contact the church by phone 780-467-5470 or email sacraments@olph.ca
Upcoming Events:
3: Kindergarten & 2L Strathcona Wilderness Center Field Trip
4: Last Library Book Exchange
5: Early Dismissal at 2:13 PM
5: Spirit Day - Dress like your Teacher!
5-6: Grade 4 Students in Drumheller
6: Year End Mass at ABJ - Everyone is invited
6: School Carnival at ABJ
11: All Library books are due!
11: 1 S/W Reading to the Horses & Farm Visit
12: 1B Reading to the Horse & Farm Visit
13: 3V, 3&4G, 4P going swimming
17: 2/3O, 3V and 3&4G Field trip to Telus World of Science
17: Gr 4 visit to St.T's
18: Kindergarten & 4P Strathcona Wilderness Center Field Trip
19: Transition Day - Student's Visiting the next Grade Classroom!
21: National Indigenous Day
24: Grade 4 Farewell at 1PM
25: School Fun Day
26: Last Day for Students
Pamela Gravelle Principal