The Weekly Update #4
September 13th, 2023
Thanks To Our Recent Partners
Firstmark Credit Union
Thank you to the New Braunfels Firstmark Credit Union branch for sponsoring the ingredients to celebrate National Chocolate Milkshake Day! Students from the Life Bridge's "Joe on the Go" business showcased their on-the-job training skills and prepared over 100 chocolate milkshakes for Support Services staff appreciation.
Physician's PremiER & RBFCU
Thank you Physican's PremiER and RBFCU for sponsoring breakfast for our first quarterly Fri-Yay. We appreciated the delicious breakfast assortment, swag, and learning about the many ways you are growing greatness in our students across Comal ISD.
Sam's Club
Thank you to the San Marcos Sam's Club for sponsoring our upcoming Support Services staff appreciation event to celebrate National Nacho Day on November 6. Not to be "cheesy", but in "queso" you didn't know, we appreciate you!
Upcoming Partnership Opportunities and Needs
INCubator Coaches and Mentors
Robotics Partners
Chess Tournament Sponsors
Bass Fishing Sponsors
Intramural Soccer Coaches and Referees
SHAC Committee Members
Student Leadership Summit Sponsors
Emerging Leaders Presenters
Student Advisory Luncheon Sponsors
Retired Teachers Thanksgiving Luncheon Sponsors
Support Services Staff Appreciation Sponsors
Career & Technical Education
Business Experts Needed
INCubator offers high school students an authentic entrepreneur experience to develop a product or service start up with an opportunity to earn investment funds. Business industry experts are needed to serve as coaches and/or mentors to bring real world experience and share relevant trends. Please see below unit subjects and dates that coaches are need to support learning. Learn more about the role of coaches and mentors here.
INCubator Coaches Needed at Pieper High
- Positioning, Nov. 8 - 9
- Marketing for Startups, Nov. 28 - 30
- Financial Statement & Health Analysis, Jan. 17
- Website Creation, Jan. 24 - 26
- Pitch Prep, Early Feb.
- Legal, March 4 - 6
- Storytelling, March 20 - 22
- Marketing Planning, March 26 - 28
INCubator Coaches Needed at Smithson Valley High
- Positioning, Nov. 8 - 9
- Marketing for Startups, Nov. 28 - 30
- Financial Statement & Health Analysis, Jan. 17
- Website Creation, Jan. 24 - 26
- Pitch Prep, Early Feb.
- Legal, March 4 - 6
- Storytelling, March 20 - 22
- Marketing Planning, March 26 - 28
INCubator Coaches Needed at Canyon High
- Market Sizing, Oct. 31-Nov. 2
- Positioning/Company Naming, Nov. 6
- Marketing for Start Ups, Nov. 27
- Pricing Strategies, Dec. 6-7
- Forecasting, Dec. 11-12
- Legal Formations, Feb. 7-8
- COGS, SG&A, & Start Up, Feb. 13
- Marketing Planning Grid & Budget, Feb. 26
- Sales Planning/Calls, Feb. 29
- Income Statements, Mar. 5
- Financial Story Prep, Mar. 8
- Determining Minimum Success, Mar. 20
- Intro to Capital & Investing, Mar. 21
- Valuation of Start Up, Mar. 22
- Funding Requests, Mar. 27
Contact Terri Nowlin,
Gifted & Talented and Enrichment
High school robotics teams in Comal ISD are part of two exciting competitions: BEST Robotics and FIRST Robotics Competition. In BEST Robotics, students work together to design and build robots to tackle real-world problems. They learn engineering and teamwork skills while having fun in a friendly competition. In FIRST Robotics Competition, students get to build big, impressive robots and compete on a regional and even national level. These competitions are amazing opportunities for students to explore STEM fields like robotics, engineering, and marketing.
By supporting these teams, community partners can help inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators and problem solvers. Partners are appreciated for team sponsorships toward competition travel, team mentoring, industry field trips, or general program donations that can make a big difference in their journey to success!
Contact Sarah King, Director of G.T. & Enrichment
Chess Tournament Sponsors
Last year, Comal ISD celebrated 10 years of hosting district-wide chess tournaments! Every third grader in CISD is taught the game of chess learning how to analyze a situation, think ahead, visualize the the end result while remaining patient and calm. Each tournament hosts 300 students of all ages and all skill levels.
We are seeking 5 tournament partners. Your $2,500 donation will sponsor the trophies, awards, and judges hospitality room. Sponsor logos will be featured on each tournament registration website.
Tournaments will be:
Davenport High, Nov. 4
Canyon Lake High, Feb. 3
Smithson Valley High, April 20
The End Game, Canyon High, May 11
Contact Sarah King, Director of G.T. & Enrichment
P.E., Health & Wellness
Bass Fishing Sponsors Needed
Comal ISD Bass Fishing Team is a competitive program for high school students in the Comal Intramural Sports Program. Student anglers compete in organized tournaments for collegiate scholarships in the Texas High School Bass Association Tournament Circuit while establishing strict guidelines and excelling in the classroom.
For the third consecutive year, the Comal ISD Bass Fishing Club was named the Hill Country Region School District Champion and six anglers advanced to the state tournament in May 2023.
By sponsoring these anglers, you are helping promote a life-long love for physical activity, the outdoors and provide scholarship opportunities. See sponsorship levels and benefits here.
Intramural Soccer Coaches and Referees Needed
Comal ISD Intramural Soccer is a coed league for 4th & 5th graders to learn basic skills and elements of soccer. While competitive, the league aims to make participation accessible to all skill levels and a positive experience for all students.
Find out more information about becoming a soccer coach or referee. Referees receive compensation each game.
Clinic: 10/21 (8-10am) @ Feeder Pattern High School
Game Days: 11/4, 11/11 (9-12pm)
Championship Tournament: 11/18 (9-12pm)
*Practices begin the week of 10/23 and are 1 hour per week @ home elementary school.
District SHAC Members Needed
The mission of the Comal ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is to strengthen school and community health through Coordinated School Health efforts that support the Whole School, Whole Child, and Whole Community.
Members consist of CISD parents, students, school personnel, and other community members. SHAC members collaborate with Campus SHACS (CSHACs), review Comal ISD coordinated school health programs and improve the health and wellness of our Comal ISD community.
Join us for the next SHAC meeting Wed., November 15, 2023, 6:00-7:30pm at Comal ISD Support Services. RSVP to Micaeli Smith, Director of P.E., Health & Wellness
Student Leadership
Student Leadership Summit Sponsors
Student Leadership Summit is an interactive conference with Steven Mackey, 2Words CEO, that consists of dynamic speakers, fun competition, timeless principles and practical tools for students to lead on their campus and in their community. By the end, 240 high school students and staff from across Comal ISD will develop a game plan for making an impact on their campus and in their community.
We are seeking two partners to sponsor $2,500 to support the expenses for meals, waters, snacks and workbook printing. Student Leadership Summit will be held Feb. 8 at Pieper High. Sponsors will have the opportunity to have a table during the lunch break.
Contact Britney Cross, Student Leadership Coordinator,
Emerging Leaders
Emerging Leaders provides students the opportunity to attain life skills through creative environments and focused learning experiences that help identify and foster growth of individual inner leadership capabilities and open eyes to civic responsibilities. Four workshops assist students in reaching untapped talents beyond the traditional classroom. Sessions include topics such as financial literacy, business and dining etiquette, personal and career exploration, interviewing and presentation skills.
We are seeking community partners who are subject matter experts to present on the following topics:
Business Dining Etiquette - in partnership with RBFCU
Nov. 14, Dec. 1, and Dec. 7 (New group of Emerging Leaders each date) from 10am - 2pm
at RBFCU main campus in Universal City
Contact Britney Cross, Student Leadership Coordinator,
Superintendent Student Advisory Luncheons
The CISD Superintendent Student Advisory is composed of freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors from each high school in the district. The advisory works directly with the Superintendent and District Administrators, providing an opportunity for District personnel to have a focus group of students represent and provide a voice for all students in Comal ISD. It also offers students an opportunity to express what they think is important regarding their education, along with what can be improved, and be inspired to discover and develop their unique abilities, talents, and voice. Together we are growing greatness!
We are asking for lunch sponsors to either order and deliver 70 meals the day of the event, or donate $750 toward meal expenses for the following 2023-2024 advisory meeting dates: Dec. 5, Feb. 20 and April 2.
Sponsors will receive recognition during the meeting and social media shoutout. Contact Britney Cross, Student Leadership Coordinator,
Support Services
Retired Teachers Thanksgiving Luncheon
As a small token of our appreciation, Comal ISD is hosting our first annual Retired Teachers Thanksgiving Luncheon. On November 16, retired teachers will be served a delicious lunch and enjoy listening to student musical performances at McKenna Events Center. You too can be part of this special opportunity of giving thanks to our retired educators in sponsoring their meal. Please contact for sponsorship opportunities.
Staff Appreciation Events
Would you consider sponsoring and celebrating about 100 staff members at Support Services on these fun days?
National Pickle Day, Nov. 14 - provide funds to purchase pickle themed decor and food items
National Cotton Candy Day, Dec. 7 - provide cotton candy
Holiday Hot Chocolate Bar, Dec. 14 - provide funds to purchase items for a hot chocolate bar, Life Bridges students will be serving
National Peanut Butter Day, March 1- provide funds to purchase items for a peanut butter themed charcuterie spread
National Waffle Day, March 25 - provide the funds for us to have someone come in and serve waffles to our staff, or donate waffles
One More Week To Go, May 17 - provide energizing snacks to encouraging them as we will have one more week of school left
National Macaron Day, May 31 - provide macarons, or funds to purchase macarons for our staff
Sarah Permenter, Executive Director of Community Relations
Chelsea Ormond, Community Partnerships Coordinator