Collins Cadence
December 3, 2024
Collins Cobras
Shelli LeBlanc, Principal
Chelsea Harness, Assistant Principal
Chiante Deal, Counselor 5th Grade
Alex Schultz, Counselor 6th Grade
Email: contactcollins@conroeisd.net
Website: http://collins.conroeisd.net/
Location: Collins Intermediate, 6020 Shadowbend Place, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 281-298-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollinsCISD/
Twitter: @CollinsCobras
From the Principal:
Dear Collins Families,
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with joy and gratitude! As we return from the break, I want to share my heartfelt thanks once again for your incredible support and the joy your children bring to our school. As announced, I will be retiring on January 10th after 32 wonderful years in education, including a decade of cherished memories here at Collins.
Looking ahead, Mrs. Harness, along with two experienced interim principals, will continue to guide our school community with care and excellence. I am excited to spend the next few weeks with all of you as we celebrate the winter season and prepare for a strong start to 2025. Thank you for making Collins such a special place!
With gratitude,
Key Dates
Reporting Absences at Collins
The district has created an app to report student absences. Please see the information below to access the absence reporting app. You will not be able to upload files, so you will still bring any notes or documents to the front office, or email them to our registrar at nvillanueva@conroeisd.net
Parent Portal
If you haven't already signed up for the new parent portal, you will need to sign up before you can access the absence reporting app. This is also where you can check your child's grades, progress reports, and report cards.
Referral Requests for Gifted and Talented Testing
Referral requests are now open for Conroe Independent School District Gifted and Talented program. Although the testing will not take place until late January, referral requests are accepted at this time. Referral requests can be made by the parents and/or campus staff. If you are interested in referring your child, you may want to discuss this with your child’s teacher.
Referrals will be accepted from October 1 - December 19, 2024. The referral form is located below. You can also find the referral form and other GT information on the CISD GT homepage. Please return to Lisa Lackey at llackey@conroeisd.net when complete.
Counselor's Corner
This month's character trait was: GRATITUDE! Shout out to our students who were chosen as the Colossal Cobras who embody gratitude this month.
Thank you for participating in Generation Texas Week. Your students listened intently and actively participated with our visitors! We are so proud of our Collins Cobras!
“My thanksgiving is perpetual.” — Henry David Thoreau
Our students did a great job of demonstrating gratitude for our amazing community by designing placemats that were delivered to Meals on Wheels. Our local Meals on Wheels serves over 1000 meals daily to residents in Conroe, The Woodlands, New Caney, Willis, and Magnolia. These Collins designed placements will be delivered with the Thanksgiving Bags their other donors have contributed!! In this season of gratitude and reflection we continue to be so thankful for our wonderful students and the families and community we serve. We wish everyone a restful and bucket filling Thanksgiving break.
Your students have been working so hard and are excited for their upcoming performances!
Cello/Basses need their home instrument at school by Tuesday, December 10th.
- Tuesday, Dec. 10-5th Grade Full Rehearsal- 1:55 p.m.
- Wednesday, Dec 11- Formal Concert @ Collins Cafeteria.
- 5th grade- 6:30 p.m
- 6th grade- 7:15 p.m
- Thursday, Dec 12- Informal Concert for students/staff- 10:30 a.m
The Collins Cobra Choir Holiday Concert is right around the corner on Friday, December 13th! We will perform once during the school day for students and staff and later in the evening at 6:30pm for friends and family. Please park in the back and use the cafeteria doors which will open at 6:00pm. Students MUST arrive by 6:15pm. Attire for this concert is the same as it was for our Fall Concert (choir shirt, jeans, comfortable shoes). Students will also be allowed to wear a holiday accessory (santa hat, headband, etc.) but it can NOT light up or make sound. Feel free to reach out to Mr. McKnight with any questions.
In other news, we will have a Spirit Night at Torchy’s Tacos (just down the road) on Monday, December 16 from 4:30pm to 8:30pm. Tell them you're with Collins when you order to support the choir! Mr. McKnight will be there from 5:00pm to 6:00pm if you want to stop by and say hello.
In Mr. Hunt’s art class, we are continuing to work on our grid art project. Students are learning how to draw realistically and are beginning to learn about coloring with oil pastel.
Students in Mrs. Williams’ class are developing their mixed media projects through the use of various elements of art and principles of design.
If you have not already done so please pay the art/music fee through your school cash online account. This fee will purchase the supplies your student will need throughout the school year in both art and music. Students are welcome to bring their own art supplies to supplement what is provided by Collins but it is in no way required. Happy drawing!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break! We will begin an exciting new unit when we return called Tchoukball! We are looking forward to bringing it to Collins for the first time. :) Our December Cobra Cardio days will be 12/5, 12/13, and 12/16.
Tech Updates with Mrs. Mooney
Last week, students learned how to create a stop motion animation video using google slides and publishing them to play automatically. After reading the book Balloons Over Broadway, they learned about how the floats are made for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, then created their own "parades" using stop motion animation through Google slides. Ask your student to show you their parade video this week to you can see their hard work! Click the pictures below to see a few of our amazing students' work!
Collins PTO
Collins Intermediate PTO Volunteers
We are looking forward to future opportunities that may arise for you to be involved at Collins this school year. Please fill out your contact information and indicate your interests below. We will contact you when the need arises.
Prior to volunteering on campus you will need to complete the CISD volunteer application online at https://apps.conroeisd.net/volunteer/
Thank you for your time,
Collins PTO Volunteer Coordinator
It is Flu Season!
Flu shots help reduce your chance of getting the flu, and also lessen the severity of your symptoms if you were to get sick with the Flu. As always, the best way to prevent illness is by washing your hands! Frequently wash your hands and work to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Community Events
CP PTO Pickleball Tournament
Upcoming PTO Fundraisers
- Join the Kroger Community Rewards: Did you know that you can easily give back to Collins when you buy your regular groceries? Learn more here!
- Papa Johns: Our next Collins Spirit Night event will be with Papa Johns, December 9th - 12th. Order online at www.PapaJohns.com or on the Papa Johns app, Delivery or Carryout ALL DAY LONG!!! 20% of sales will be donated back to the Collins Intermediate PTO. Orders must be placed online or on the app, using the Promo Code TXFUND to receive credit.
- Minted: This year the Collins Intermediate School PTO has partnered with Minted to help reach our fundraising goals. To participate, visit www.minted.com and apply our unique code FUNDRAISECOLLINSISPTO at checkout. For the next year, every time you use this code, you will get 20% OFF all your Minted purchases, and Minted will donate 15% back to the Collins Intermediate School PTO.
- Merrick Jewels: Shop www.merrickjewels.com and $3 of every Cobras bracelet purchased, plus 10% of additional items, will be donated back to the Collins Intermediate PTO, while supplies last! Include code COLLINS in the comment section under "View Cart" to receive credit.
December 9th - 12th use code TXFUND
Put code COLLINS in the comment section
2024-2025 Handbook
Times to Remember
Times to remember
Bell Schedule:
- 8:50 AM—4:05 PM
- Students may enter the building by 7:45 AM (Please enter 5th grade side door)
Lunch Times (Visitor to Collins Café must sign up here... https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DA4AB2EA6FBC43-50692527-collins#/)
- A Lunch (5th grade) 11:55 - 12:30 PM
B Lunch (6th grade) 12:35 PM-1:10 PM
- 8:00 AM—4:30 PM
End of Day:
- 3:30 PM Calls to change transportation will end
- 3:40 PM Early check out of students will end
- 3:35 PM Cones for car rider dismissal will be set - cars for early pick up will not fit in front parking area
- 3:50 PM First Flight (7 cars) will move forward to cones
- 4:05 PM Flights 1 - 6 dismissed along with bike riders
- 4:10 PM Walkers dismissed - continue to scan parents cars using sign with student's ID number. Students will meet parents at cones 1 - 7. Once a flight is loaded it will be dismissed to take a RIGHT hand turn only to exit.
- Buses will be dismissed based on bus arrival to campus.
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The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.