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St. Therese Tribune
November 2024 Edition
Contact Information
Meet the Team
St. Therese of the Child Jesus Catholic Elementary School
Principal: C. Duke
Administrative Assistant: J. Lusk
Catholic School Council Chair: A. D'Souza & A. Piasecki
Superintendent of Mississauga West: L. Odo
Trustee Wards 9 & 10 Brea Corbet (905) 301-9373
St. John of the Cross Parish Information Website: http://www.saintjohnofthecross.com/
Local Catholic Trustee, Brea Corbet
Serving Wards 9 and 10
St John of the Cross Parish Info
Archbishop Leo's message for October
Please read Archbishop Francis Leo's message for October: Month of the Holy Rosary and of the Missions here
Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue
The pilgrim statue of Our Lady of the Cape which is on its way to Rome for the Jubilee 2025 will be visiting our parish.
Children's Liturgy
The Liturgy of the Word for children during Mass has returned
Every weekend during the 5pm, 10am, 12pm & 4pm Masses
All children ages 5 to 8 years old are invited to join
Parish Prayer Group
The Parish Prayer Group invites all parishioners as their sessions reconvene
Every Thursday starting September 12th at 7:00pm in the Lisieux Room
All are welcome to attend
Children's Bible Study
The Jesus Youth Ontario Initiative will be hosting a God's Plan in Scripture (GPS) Bible study for children in grades 3 to 5
Friday September 13th at 6:00pm to 8:00pm for 12 classes on alternating Fridays at the Parish
Cost is $30 per child, or $50 for two siblings. Limited spaces are available.
For more information please email gps.ontario@jesusyouth.ca or call 647-989-0468
Men's Fraternity Group Fall Session
The Men's Fraternity Group invites all men ages 18 and up to join their Fall session "The Fight of Faith"
Every Saturday morning starting September 14th at 7:00am to 8:30am in the Nessinger Hall
To learn more click here. To register click here.
Parish Youth Group
The Parish Youth Group invites all youth Grades 7 to 12 to join the youth group
Every other Sunday at 5:30pm to 7:30pm in the Carmel Room in the basement
October 6th & 20th, November 3rd & 17th, December 1st & 15th
For more info please email sjoc-youthministry@archtoronto.org
Praying the Rosary for Canada
Canada Needs Our Lady invites all to join them as they pray the Rosary for Canada
Saturday October 12th at 12:00 noon outside the Church by the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
We turn to God, through His Holy Mother, asking His urgent help
Parish Children's Choir
The Parish Children's Choir invites all children from Grades 3 to 8 (8 to 13 years old) to join the choir
The choir practices every Saturday morning at 10:00am and sings every other Sunday at the 10:00am Mass
October 13th & 27th, November 10th & 24th, December 8th
For more info please contact the Parish office at 905-821-1331
Fall Harvest Dance
The Catholic Women's League invites you to their semi-formal Fall Harvest Dance
Saturday October 19th at 6:30pm in the Nessinger Hall
Tickets are $45 per person
To register please contact Marina 647-973-2829 or Vanessa 437-262-8065 or email sjocrosscwl@archtoronto.org
Young Adults Conference
RENEW Toronto, the Archdiocese’s Office of Catholic Youth (OCY) largest gathering of Young Adults, invites those ages 19 to 39 to deepen their Catholic faith
Saturday November 23rd
Attendees will enjoy keynote presentations, breakout sessions, praise & worship, Mass, Confession, Eucharistic Adoration and fellowship
For details please click here or email youth@archtoronto.org
1st Communion Registration Meetings
Sunday, September 22nd 7:00pm @ the church
Tuesday, September 24th 7:00pm @ the church
Monday, November 25th 7:00pm @ the church
Tuesday, November 26th 7:00pm @ the church
1st Communion Registration Meetings
Sunday, January 19th 7:00pm @ the church
Tuesday, January 21st 7:00pm @ the church
Enrolment Ceremony
January 25th & 26th, February 1st & February 2nd All Sunday Masses
Ash Wednesday is March 5th, 2025
Easter Sunday is April 20th, 2025
1st Communion Masses
Saturday, May 3rd 10:30am @ the church
Sunday, May 4th 2:00pm @ the church
Saturday, May 10th 10:30am @ the church
Sunnday, May 11th 2:00pm @ the church
Drop off Confirmation Package to Schools: Monday, September 9th
Sunday, September 29th, 2024 6:00pm @ church
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 7:00pm @ church
Tuesday, April 29, 2025
Thursday, May 1, 2025
Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Virtue of the Month: Conscience
A person of conscience…
chooses to do the right thing, even when it is hard
takes time to think and pray before making decisions
knows that their actions and decisions affect all those around them
thinks of others before themselves
Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations
I believe that God is an awesome God
I believe and have faith in God
I believe that God is with us always
I believe that we can talk to God anytime and any where, through prayer
I believe in the stories of the Bible
I believe in the stories of Jesus' life, death & resurrection
I believe in the Church community, celebrating Mass, and the seven Sacraments
I believe in forgiveness Because
I am a believer, I will live my life like Jesus.
Let us now pray...for the grace and strength to be people of conscience-people who know the good and decent way to act and then choose to act that way.
Welcome our 2024-2025 Catholic School Advisory Council
The primary focus of a Catholic School Advisory Council is, through active participation of parents, to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. A Catholic School Councils primary means of achieving its purpose by making recommendations in accordance with this policy and regulation to the principal of the school and the DPCDSB.
We would like to thank the Catholic School Council for their efforts on behalf of our students. As a school community we appreciate this continued support and cooperation.
Our next council meeting will be held at 6 pm on the following date
November 27th, 2024 @ 6:00pm
Catholic School Council Members 2024-2025
Welcome to our new Catholic School Council Members of 2024-25
Co-Chairs: Mrs. D'Souza & Mrs. Piasecki
Treasurer: Mrs. Pereira
OAPCE Rep: Mrs. Pinto
Secretary: Mrs. Madej
Fundraiser Rep: Mrs. Babalola-Lucas
Parish Rep: Mrs. Rodrigues
Teacher Rep: Mrs. Silva
Parent Reps: Mrs. Pereira, Mr. Sherry, Mr. Mathew, Ms. Main, Mrs. Vaz, Mrs. D'Souza
EQAO DATA 2023-2024
Terry Fox Marathon of Hope!!!
Congratulations on the successful fundraising for the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope. This event was not only about raising vital funds for Cancer Research but also a celebration of community spirit. Students exceeded our fundraising goal and as a token of appreciation exciting prizes were distributed to 2 winners from each class. Way to go St Therese of the Child Jesus!!
Junior Girls and Boys Volleyball
Congratulations to the Girls’ and Boy’s Junior Volleyball Team on an outstanding season! Your hard work, dedication, and teamwork have paid off, and you've shown great skill and sportsmanship on the court. Our Girls team played with confidence and our Boys team advanced to the Family of Schools finals on October 15th placing....
Although the season was short, it was well played. Special thanks to our coaches, Mrs. Santi & Ms. Donkor!
Cross Country
Congratulations to the talented athletes of St. Therese of the child Jesus on their remarkable performance at the recent Family and Board Cross-Country meets! Your determination and endurance have shined through, making your school proud. Special thanks to our coaches Mr. Knapp and Mrs. Marchand and our many committed parent volunteers.
Students keep up the great work and may your running journey continue to be filled with success and achievement. Well done!
Grade 4 CCAT Completed
Congratulations to all the Grade 4 students who have successfully completed the Ontario CCAT (Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test) You worked hard and used your intelligence and critical thinking skills! Way to go!!!
Bus Appreciation Day
A big thank you and heartfelt gratitude to all the students and families who recognized and appreciated our dedicated bus drivers on Bus Appreciation Day that was celebrated on Wednesday, October 23rd. Students wrote cards and thank you notes and each driver received a $10 Tim Hortons gift card of appreciation from our staff. Thank you to all bus drivers for their commitment to ensuring students daily journeys are comfortable and safe!
Empathy Virtual Liturgy: Friday, November 1st, 2024
Each month teachers and students collaborate to present virtue assemblies/liturgies. During the month of October students reflected on the virtue of Empathy and what it means to walk in another's shoes. Mrs. Cetra's grade 8 class and Mme. Martin's grade 7/8 EF created a beautiful virtually liturgy shared with the whole school and included opportunities for reflection. Congratulations to our Virtue Winners for October!
Halloween Dance A Thon Fundraiser 2024-25
The school's Halloween dance-A-Thon was a spooktacular success raising $5330!!! Students danced and grooved in their awesome costumes! Congratulations for raising funds for our wonderful school. Special thanks to our Catholic School Council volunteers and Fundraiser Representative Mrs. Babalola-Lucas for her efforts in leading our fundraiser!
During Halloweek the students and staff participated in fun activities, such as pumpkin carving, Halloween art activities, poetry, stories, spirit days, dressed like their favourite saints, door decorating contest and dancing on Halloween!
What is Happening in November...
Extended French 2025-26 Parent Information
All Saints Day Nov. 1st and All Souls Day 2nd
This week we enter November which begins with All Saints Day, followed by All Souls Day. All Saints Day honour all the Saints of the church, and All Souls Day is a day of prayer and remembrance for the faithfully departed.
November 8th - Grade 7 and 8 Immunization Clinic
On November 8th Peel Public Health is providing routine school immunizations to all our students who registered in grades 7 and 8. The vaccines offered are Meningococcal-C-ACYW, Hepatitis B (Hep B), and Human Papillomavirus (HPV). These vaccines are all free for students. Peel Health is asking for ALL students to respond by filling out the appropriate from provided to students regardless if the immunization is required. Please return your child's form regardless. Much appreciated!
The Rosary Apostolate back in Classrooms on Nov 9th, 2024
The Rosary Apostolate has been been an instrument to bind Catholic schools, the Church, and community to greater unity. A school that prays the Rosary is a school that the Mother of God presses close to her Immaculate Heart. A school that prays together is a school that puts Christ at the centre of its routine - Who alone can fulfill every longing of every heart and Who alone can bring peace, love, and unity among the school body. By keeping prayer at the heart of Catholic Education, we continue to plant in the hearts of students, the key that opens to them, the Heart of Christ.
Remembrance Day at St. Therese of the Child Jesus
Grade 8 Information Nights for Secondary Schools
Treaty Recognition Week Nov. 4th to 8th, 2024
The first week in November is Treaties Recognition Week was introduced to recognize and understand the importance of treaty education and to help everyone in Ontario learn about treaty.
- Treaties are legal agreements made between two or more Nations.
- Treaty-making preceded North American settlement and has allowed for the peaceful settlement of Canada.
- Treaty outlines the terms, relationship and conditions of settlement in Indigenous Territories.
- Both Settler and Indigenous Nations have a responsibility for knowing and upholding the Treaty obligations.
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples recognizes, “the urgent need to respect and promote the rights of Indigenous peoples affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States”
Did you know that we are on the shared lands of the Michizaagiig (Mississaugas of the Credit) who are part of the Anishinaabek Nation? Do you know what are our roles and responsibilities are as treaty partners?
During this week students will be engaged in activities and Youth Faith Ambassadors will make reflections in our virtual morning announcements.
Progress Report Cards and ONLINE Booking for Interviews NEW
Interviews will be held, upon request of either the teacher or the parent, on the evening of Thursday, November 14th, 2024. This year we will be using a new ONLINE INTERVIEW BOOKING SYSTEM. Information will be forth coming.
PA Day: Friday November 22nd, 2024
Monthly Reminders for St. Therese of the Child Jesus
Translate this Newsletter!
Please feel free to click on the Translate button on the bottom of the newsletter to choose your language of preference! (Arabic, Spanish, Hausa, Portuguese, Taglog, Polish, Italian, Malayalam, Hindi etc.)
Volunteers Needed!
Are you interested in volunteering at St. Therese of the Child Jesus? Our volunteers support programs and activities at the school. We appreciate and rely on parents who can devote a small portion of their time to help. People who volunteer in schools and attend trips are required to have completed Vulnerable Sector Check -Level 3 ($40), which can be completed online at the link below. Please see the office for a letter requesting a CRC to take to your local police station.
Please note that if you have previously submitted a Criminal Reference Check, they have expired due to the pandemic time lapse, unless you have completed the Annual Declaration. Please connect with the main office if you are unsure.
Once the form is completed, your volunteer service can begin. We look forward to working with you for the betterment and support of all students.
Appropriate Dress- Cold Weather
Bullying Awareness Week
Bullying is defined as a form of repeated, persistent and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or individuals that is in- tended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear and distress and/ or harm to another person's body, feelings, self -esteem or reputation.
Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying can take different forms, these include
- Physical – hitting, shoving, stealing or damaging property
- Verbal – name calling, mocking, or making sexist, racist or homophobic comments
- Social – excluding others from a group or spreading gossip or rumours about them
- Electronic (commonly known as cyberbullying) – spreading rumours and hurtful comments through the use of cellphones, e -mail, text messaging and social networking sites
At St. Therese of the Child Jesus, we work collaboratively and very hard to create and maintain a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy environment for all. To this end, our Catholic Community, Culture and Care Committee has been planning and organizing a number of initiatives to benefit our community including celebrating and highlighting various awareness days, and continued messages communicated during daily announcements.
“Let us allow God to fill our hearts with his goodness and mercy. ” – Pope Francis
Use of Personal Electronic Devices at School
The Dufferin -Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology for learning. Students are permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/ or board sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction of staff and only with parent/ guardian permission. Students may register their PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal Electronic Device Used with WI - FI Network Student Agreement” (GF 337) and the “Network User Application and Agreement” (GF066). Please be advised that the Dufferin -Peel Catholic District School Board will not be responsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data plans.
PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of Conduct, board policies and procedures. Any personal communications (i.e. phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue to be directed through the main office. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a loss of PED privileges and/ or any other consequences deemed necessary by school administration.
Lunch Drop Off
Please ensure that your child arrives at school with all the items they need for the day. We realize that there will be occasions where students forget something at home There will be a table located at the front doors for parents/guardians who are dropping off items for their children. Please label the item clearly with the CHILD’S NAME AND TEACHER.
If you plan on bringing your child’s lunch in the morning, let your children know that you will be leaving the lunch on the table at the front doors.
Important Reminder
Please note that to ensure the continued safety of all students, the Dufferin -Peel Catholic District School Board with the support of the Anaphylactic Society and the Peel Health Department has recommended that students not bring peanut butter alternatives (soy butter, sunflower butter) to school. We thank you for your cooperation in supporting student safety.
Medical Supports
If your child requires an epi pen or puffer and they must carry it on them at all times this must be clearly indicated on the Plan of Care, otherwise it will be stored in the main office. The Authorization for the storage and administration of medication must be completed annually.
If your child requires any other type of medicine to be taken during school hours (Advil, Tylenol etc. ) you must complete the Authorization for the storage and administration of medication form and it will be stored in the main office.
Please send the required forms and medicine to the main office in a clearly labelled bag.
Safe Arrival: Reporting Student Absences
Whether it’s a medical appointment, an illness or other important event, there are times when students may need to be away from school. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District school board is introducing a new method for parents to report their child(ren)’s absences. Using the SafeArrival system, parents will be able to report daily or future absences in one of three ways:
- Go to the SafeArrival website at go.schoolmessenger.ca
- Select Sign Up to create your account. (Only needed for the initial setup, after that you will click on login).
- Select Attendance.
- Select Report an Absence.
- Download and install the SchoolMessenger app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Please note that SafeArrival uses the SchoolMessenger app.
- Select Sign-Up. (Only needed for the initial setup, after that you will click on login).
- You will be prompted to enter your email (same email address your school has on file) and create a password.
- The system will send a link to the same email address the school has on file, please click on the link you have received in your email to activate your account.
- Call the toll-free number 1-844-435-3440
- Listen to and follow the instructions to report an absence.
- If the system doesn’t recognize your caller ID, you will be asked to enter the student’s home phone number or any phone number for the guardian that is on file with the school.
School Bus Safety
If your child rides the bus daily, it is important that they are aware of the safety rules on the bus. Students are required to:
- Listen to the Bus Driver at all times and report any problems or injuries to him/her
- Go directly to their assigned seat and remain seated during the entire bus ride
- Do not eat, drink, swear, fight or chew gum on the bus
- Do not put arms out the window, or throw items or garbage out the window
- Ensure that all sports equipement (especially sports balls) are packed away in a backpack or bag while on the bus.
- If any damage to the seat of bus is caused, students will be held responsible
- Be at least 5 minutes early at your bus stop to ensure that you don't miss the bus
You can now reset your password remotely by registering for the Password Reset Tool. You must know your old password to create a new one.
To reset your password remotely you must first register with the “Password Reset Tool”, which you can do by following one of these two steps:
Students: students.dpcdsb.org and select Password Reset
Staff: https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/PasswordReset/Register.aspx
**Access to personal email/cell phone is required for registration.
Once you are registered, please follow the Password Reset Instruction
Important Dates
Nov 4th: Picture RETAKE Day😁
Nov 7th: Grade 4 Parents - 2025/26 Extended French Virtual Information Session - 7:00pm
Nov 8th: Grade 7 & 8 Vaccination Clinic
Nov 11th: 10:45am Remembrance Day Assembly - Mr. Knapp's Gr 7 EF Class
Nov 13th: Rosary of Apostolates
Nov 12th: PROGRESS REPORTS GO HOME (Digital & Paper)
Nov 21st: Gonzaga Christmas Band to perform
Nov 22nd: PA Day
Nov 27th: 6:00pm Catholic School Council Meeting (including special presentation on Vaping with Peel Health)