PFES Board Report
June, 2024

New Forward Exam Benchmark Descriptors
The Department of Public Instruction is updating terminology used to describe
performance levels on required statewide standardized assessments. The terms
developing, approaching, meeting, and advanced will replace the previous terms that
have been used since 2014-15 – below basic, basic, proficient, and advanced.
May Soaring Eagle Award Winners
These students distiguished themselves showing Leadership!
Front Row Left to Right:
Riley Kontny, Adriana Schultz, Rowen Brummer, Daxon Singer, Natalie Lynch, Jack Carlson and Connor Humphrey
Back Row Left to Right:
Chad Peth, Connor Wolf, Naomi Schneider, London Mederias, Aliyah Green, TJ Boone and Myra Freiburger
Special thanks to our Manuella and Marsella Barnabas for being the monthly sponsor. In recognition of Pacific Islander Month, they made traditional Micronesian Necklaces to give to the Soaring Eagles. What a generous gift! Thank you.
Read Every Day
Mr. Grams, a 2nd grade teacher from Park Falls Elementary School of the Chequamegon School District proudly holding the monthly traveling "Peacock" trophy . They are the May Read Every Day winners.
POP Tab Winner
The entire school had over 173 lbs collected for May. All pop tabs will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Marshfield.
2023-2024 Attendance Awards
Perfect Attendance - Nadira Patricio (back row left) and Rylie Belcher (front row left)
Best in Grade Attendance - (back left to right)
Liam Hinton, Hunter McKee, Zariah Meyers
(front - left to right)
Conner Severson, Rowan Brummer, Lexis Medearis
Summer Soccer
It is a movement focus with the children wearing pedometers and tracking their steps!
Soccer Mini-camp
Brandi Smith, Phillips soccar head coach, is teaching the fundamentals of soccer four different days.
What is Next?
- June 3 - 21 - Summer school
- June 24 - August 30 - Y-Camp
- September 3 - First Day of Classes
Park Falls Elementary School
Email: tkief@csdk12.net
Website: https://www.csdk12.net/4/home
Location: 380 North Ninth Street Park Falls Wi 54552
Phone: 715-762-2474 Office Extension - 2352
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