Garfield 16 Gazette
November 2024

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Superintendent Corner
Parent/Teacher Conferences
We would like to remind you about parent/teacher conferences on November 4th and 5th.
On Monday, November 4th, conferences will be held at all the schools:
- CFL, BUE, & GHVS' conferences will be held from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.
- GVMS' conferences will be held from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm in the gym. Please bring your student with you. Advisory teachers are calling to set appointments.
- Theatre Aspen's Monday program performance of Encanto will be held in the GVMS cafeteria at 7:00 pm (poster attached).
On Tuesday, November 5th, there will be NO SCHOOL for CFL and BUE.
GVMS and GVHS will be in session, as normal.
- CFL & BUE conferences on November 5th will be held from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- There is NO CARDINAL CLUB (before/after-school care) on Tuesday, November 5th.
- BUE's Scholastic Book fair will be held Nov. 4th through Nov. 7th. Feel free to take a look during conferences.
Winter Weather, Snow Days, and Two-Hour Delays
As we prepare for the winter months, these are the school closing and two-hour delay procedures. School closing, delay, and cancelation decisions are made based on the weather and road conditions in the Garfield 16 area and neighboring areas.
School Closing/Snow Day
If there is inclement weather, the District will decide to close school by 5:15 a.m., based on the conditions at 5:00 a.m.. Parents will be notified by 6:00 a.m. if there is a snow day or delayed start.
After School Activities for a School Closing/Snow Day
All after school activities will be evaluated throughout the day if the District is closed for weather or weather conditions become hazardous during the day. The District will notify staff, students, and families of after school activities cancellations by 1:00 p.m..
Two-Hour Delay
A two-hour delay will be used when the road conditions are not suitable for travel at 5:00 a.m., but are expected to improve throughout the day. The District will decide to call a delayed start by 5:15 a.m.. This will allow snow plows additional time to clear the roads. On a two-hour delayed schedule, buses will begin their routes two hours late, and all classes will begin two hours late.
Schools will operate on a modified schedule. Start times will simply be pushed back by two hours. Students will have breakfast and lunch. Students will be dismissed at the regular time.
In the event that the District has a two-hour delay and the road conditions do not improve, the District may decide to close schools for the day. The District will make this decision by 7:30 a.m. based on the conditions at 7:15 a.m.
AM Cardinal Club will be canceled on a two-hour delay day. PM Cardinal Club will continue as scheduled on a two-hour delay day. Find the two-hour delay bell schedules on our G16 Communications webpage: https://www.garfield16.org/communications/school-closure-information
Early Dismissal
In the event that weather conditions start or worsen once students are in school, the decision to have an early dismissal will be made by 10:00 a.m.
All after school activities will be canceled.
AM Cardinal Club will continue as scheduled on an early dismissal day. PM Cardinal Club will be canceled on an early dismissal day.
All families will be notified of a school closing through the district messaging system, media outlets, and social media as soon as possible.
Please be sure that your contact information is current by checking in with the secretaries at your child's school so that in the event of school closures, Garfield 16 is able to contact you.
Alternatively, you can login to your Infinite Campus account to ensure your contact information is correct.
Before and After-School Childcare
Cardinal Club!
G16 is happy to announce before/after-school childcare with Cardinal Club for the 2024-2025 School Year! Cardinal Club at the Grand Valley Center for Family Learning (CFL) and Bea Underwood Elementary (BUE) is childcare for school-aged children in grades kindergarten through 5th grade. Students must be enrolled in Garfield 16 schools.
Cardinal Club hours at CFL and BUE are:
Tuesday- Friday 6:30 a.m. to 7:20 a.m. AND 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The fees for the CFL and BUE Cardinal Club are per child, and reduced rates are available for eligible families. Parent/guardians may choose to pay monthly or bi-monthly. Please visit https://www.garfield16.org/parents/pagecardinal-club for the fee schedule and for more information.
School Happenings
Save the Dates!
Important Upcoming Events:
- GVHS Winter Sports- Find schedules by following this link: https://gvhs.garfield16.org/athletics
- GVMS Winter Sports- Find schedules by following this link: https://gvms.garfield16.org/athletics
- November 1: GVHS Football, Cheer, and Marching Band Parent/Senior Night @ GVHS
- November 1: GVHS Boys Soccer State Tournament @ Dawson School- GOOD LUCK CARDS!
- November 2: GVHS Cross Country State Tournament @ Norris Penrose Event Center- Colorado Springs- GOOD LUCK CRAIG!
- November 4: Parent/Teacher Conferences K-12. NO LENGUA Y CULTURA MONDAY CLASS
- November 4: Theatre Aspen Education Production of Encanto! @ GVMS 7:00 PM.
- November 4-8: BUE's Scholastic Book Fair
- November 5: NO SCHOOL CFL & BUE for K-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences.
- GVMS & GVHS in-session, school as normal.
- November 5: GVHS AP Macroeconomics to CMU
- November 8: BUE Veterans Day Assembly 2:00 pm
- November 12: GVHS Veterans Day Assembly 11:00 am. Submit Veteran info here: https://forms.gle/bK4rC69rCcBwDwRX8
- November 12: G16 Board of Education Meeting 5:00 pm @ St. John's Administration (0460 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa, CO 81635)
- November 15-16: GVHS Fall Play
- November 18: GVHS Winter Sports 1st Practice
- November 18: District Accountability Committee Meeting 6:30 pm @ St. John's Administration (0460 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa, CO 81635)
- November 21: GVHS Winter Athletics Parent Meeting 6:30 pm
- December 4: BUE 2nd & 3rd MA Class Trip to Library
- December 10-11: BUE Penguin Patch
- December 10: G16 Board of Education Meeting 5:00 pm @ St. John's Administration (0460 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa, CO 81635)
- December 11: CFL K/1 Concert @ GVHS 6:00 PM
- December 12: GVHS Winter Concert
- December 17: BUE Winter Concert- 2nd Grade 6:00 pm, 3rd Grade 7:00 pm
- December 18: GVMS Winter Concert
- December 19: BUE Musical- 4th Grade 6:00 pm, 5th grade 7:00 pm
- December 20: End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
Download our App!
Download our app and easily see events for all schools, or just selected schools, and add events to your device (phone) calendar!
News from the Schools
"Coffee with the Principals" is a time for families to connect with us and learn about what's happening at school. We use this space to share updates on various school initiatives, discuss multiple platforms that support student success, and invite guest speakers from within our district. Our ultimate goal is to build strong partnerships with our families and share all the great work CFL is doing to ensure our students thrive!
24/25 Coffee with the Principal Dates:
Friday, November 15th
Friday, January 17th
Friday, February 28th
Friday, April 11th
Friday, May 16thOutdoor Education News & Highlights
October seems to be the best month for getting our school group outside. This October has been packed full of expeditions, field trips and class outings. Here is a little that's happened lately.
- Kindergarten held their annual "Explorer Day" field trip in Cottonwood park by making Autumn tree art, using discovery tools and finding bugs under the soil.
- 1st graders recently visited local town buildings and people, such as the fire station, post office, town hall and library to learn about how they help our community.
- BUE's 3rd graders hiked the Trail Through Time in Rabbit Valley to explore and touch real life fossils embedded in the rock.
- 4th graders visited Rifle Arch to get up close and personal with their geology unit and saw evidence of weathering and erosion.
- 5th grade got to visit the Grand Valley Challenge Course for some class bonding and team building skills.
- 7th graders took their first ever hike up East Elk Creek to connect with nature and apply their learning of ecology to the beautiful area.
- The GVHS Honors Physical Science class visited the Challenge Course for an applied physics lab by swinging on high and showing off their concept of forces in a thrilling way.
- Environmental Science also got to get their feet wet by searching and identifying macroinvertebrates from the Colorado River and Parachute Creek to connect biodiversity with river health.
- And the Grand Valley Leadership Class also visited the Challenge Course to apply their leadership skills in a whole new way by leading their peers on team challenges and obstacles.
We were also excited to partner with other organizations such as the Town of Parachute and Grand Valley Parks and Recreation to host the 3D shoot at Rockmageddon and the second annual Buck Fever 5K.
This November, we will be planning out our winter excursions. And we will bring together teachers throughout the District for the Outdoor Advisory Team to focus on alignment of student experiences within outdoor ed.
Can't wait to see you on the slopes
School-Based Family Resource Center
Thank You Kiwanis!
We would like to thank Grand Valley/Parachute Kiwanis for a $1,000.00 donation to the School-Based Family Resource Center (SBFRC). The donation will help pay for fees associated with activity/recreation fees for at-risk students. Learn more about Kiwanis here: http://www.gvpkiwanis.org/
Wind Walkers
The SBFRC Classroom visited WindWalkers in Carbondale. Students learned some grounding techniques and learned how Windwalkers use horses for therapy. Thank you Wind Walkers! We learned a lot and had a full day of new experiences!
CMC Spring Valley Tour
The SBFRC Classroom also visited the Colorado Mountain College Spring Valley Campus. Students learned about scholarships, available degree programs of study, and toured the amenities.
Key Club's Winter Clothing Drive
Thank you to GVHS' Key Club who helped organized a District-wide clothing drive for the Resource Center! Key Club members dropped off boxes and bags of winter clothing, ready for our community to come shop for free winter gear! Thank you Key Club and all those who donated!
Holiday Gifts & Food
The Grand Valley Giving Tree registration form closed November 1st. Information for "Angels" (those wanting to adopt families and purchase gifts) will be posted soon.
GVHS is currently hosting the Food Drive through November 15th. Please drop off non-perishable food donations to GVHS or the SBFRC before November 15th.
In November, the Grand Valley High School Leadership Club and the SBFRC provide Holiday food baskets for the first 50 Garfield16 families who would benefit from a food basket. Sign-ups are on a first-come basis and will close when registration is full. Sign up here: https://forms.gle/eypAwoEZaTj9d75S8. G16 SBFRC would like to thank The Grand Valley High School Leadership Class for their endless dedication in helping G16 families.
Aspen Community Foundation
Lift-Up Food Pantry & Thrift Store is Open!
Healthy Beverage Policy Fun Facts
Resource Center Contact Info:
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our School Based Family Resource Center for more information.
Claudia Flores Cruz
Center Coordinator
District Operations
Garfield County Sheriff's Office Offender Search
As part of our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our students, we would like to inform you about the resources available for accessing information on registered offenders. At the beginning of each school year, we provide written details on where and how you can obtain this information from local law enforcement agencies. This information is also posted on the district’s website for your convenience.
We believe it is crucial for parents and guardians to have access to this information to stay informed about their community and to take any necessary precautions to protect their children. By keeping you informed, we hope to foster a safer environment for all our students.
You can find the Garfield County Sheriff's Office Offender Search here: https://www.garcosheriff.com/sex-offender-search/
How to Contact Your School Counselor
Garfield 16 provides all students with counseling services through the school counselors. School counselors work with students to support their academic growth and success as well as their social and emotional development. School counselors work closely with teachers, principals, and parents to support students experiencing issues that impact their learning. These issues can be, but are not limited to, declining grades, poor work habits, organizational skills, distracting behaviors, school avoidance, anxiety, trauma, and transient personal or family issues, such as the loss of a loved one or change in family dynamic. A school counselor may work with a student on an individual basis or as part of a group. In addition, school counselors work with the administration to assess at-risk students.
At the elementary level, school counselors provide direct instruction to all students in social and emotional growth and wellbeing. Topics include social skills, recognizing emotions, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. For students who may be experiencing difficulty with social skills, regulating behaviors, or school counselors provide individual and group coaching.
At the secondary level, school counselors begin to support students with college and career planning and decision making. School counselors work with students on their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) requirements. School counselors facilitate college and post-secondary career and workforce exploration. At the high school level, school counselors work with students to ensure they are on pace for graduation.
How to contact your school counselor:
- Referral Form
- Email Ms. Landry
- Call 970-285-5702
- Referral Form
- Email Mrs. Sherraden
- Email Mrs. DeMaio
- Call 970-285-5703
- Parent Referral Form
- Student Referral Form
- Email Mrs. Hoyt
- Call 970-285-5707
- Email Mrs. Paine
- Email Mrs. Largent
- Call 970-285-5705
- All students and their families.
- Fill out the referral form, found by clicking this link.
- Drew Hogan- SBFRC Counselor
Health Happenings
How Sick is Too Sick
Please review the attached guidance from Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment regarding when to keep your child at home due to an illness.
Health Needs at School
Find information about G16's Health Services by clicking the link below. Information includes: recommended immunizations, what to do if your student needs medication at school or has a severe allergy, and vision and hearing screenings by grade.
Monthly Vaccine & Immunization Clinic at the School-Based Family Resource Center
Garfield County Public Health and Garfield 16 have teamed up to offer a Vaccine and Immunization Clinic in Parachute! The clinic will be offered on the first Monday of every month, as long as appointments are scheduled. Garfield County Public Health will be stationed at the School-Based Family Resource Center from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, by appointment only. Please call 970-625-5200 to schedule an appointment, stating that you would like to schedule for the Parachute clinic.
Nutritional News
Menus can be found by following this link: https://www.garfield16.org/departments/nutritional-services
Free Breakfast and Lunch for all G16 Students!
Our free breakfast and lunch program is a yearly grant process. Our district has qualified again for a free breakfast and lunch program for SY 2024-2025.
Breakfast Program: All students can receive breakfast free of charge. It is important that your child arrives at school on time in order to have time to enjoy a meal before a long day of learning!
Lunch Program: All students can receive lunch free of charge. If your child brings lunch from home, please make sure it does NOT need to be heated in a microwave as there are no microwaves available.
Please do not send soda pop in your child’s school lunch. We ask that you send a healthier choice such as juice, water, or milk.
Parents wishing to eat lunch with their child may do so, please call the school office by 9:00am if you would like to order a hot lunch. The charge for an adult lunch is $4.25 and for a visiting child it is $2.75. Please remember that the school only accepts cash or a check for payment.
Menus are on our District's Nutrition Department webpage: https://www.garfield16.org/departments/nutritional-services
Meal Prices for Visitors:
Student Lunch $2.75
Milk $0.70
Adult Lunch $4.25
Transportation News
Here are the updated bus routes.
October is Bus Safety month! Stay tuned for bus safety days coming to BUE and CFL.
Bus ridership cards for the BusHub App are getting closer to being printed so please make sure you have your paperwork in for your student to ride the bus (see more information below).
For the 2024-2025 School Year, we will be using a software called School BusHub. This technology will allow real-time tracking. Which means parents/guardians can track their child's school bus in real-time using the School Bus Hub app. This feature provides peace of mind by allowing parents to know exactly where their child's bus is along its route. See the attached PDF for instructions on how to download the new app.
With this in mind, for the 24/25 School Year, EVERY CHILD WHO MAY RIDE THE BUS MUST FILL OUT THE BUS REGISTRATION FORM (and return it to your child's school).
Please also note that bus routes may change based on student need. Check the website for updated routes: https://www.garfield16.org/departments/transportation
Revised Bus Expectations
Our expectations for riding the school bus were revised.
Elementary students should have brought home a hard copy of these expectations last week. Please review this form, sign it, and return it to your student's school.
Middle school and high school parents, a copy is attached. Please review these updated expectations with your student(s). To confirm receipt and the review of these updated expectations, please fill out this google form.
Community Corner
Home Improvement Loan Program
*Garfield County School District #16 is not responsible for, and does not endorse, any statement, sentiment, or opinion published or expressed in this document. This document is not part of, and has not been distributed as part of the District's curricular or extracurricular programs.
Town of Parachute
Parachute Library
Parachute/Battlement Mesa Parks & Recreation
Educational Pathways to Innovative Careers
EPIC Tiny Home For Sale!
EPIC has a beautiful Tiny Home for sale! The Price starts at $95,000. All offers must be sent to Scott Cooper at scooper@crboces.org. Tours of the home, including virtual tours, are available.
For more information, please contact Scott Cooper at scooper@crboces.org.
For a full list of features, visit: https://drive.google.com/…/1uEsRNtYrDYXW…/view…