What's Happening at Griffis
May Principal Update
It is a great time of year to celebrate our students' growth and accomplishments! We want to thank you all for the positive support you have shown to us in the last nine months. As we enter the last month of the school year, we want to express how honored we are to have the support and partnership with each of our Griffis families. Our students have worked hard throughout the school year. We are proud to be your principals!
Michelle Colwell & Erin Gray
May 2nd-3rd grade Reading
May 3rd- 4th grade Math
May 2nd-Support Local Scholarships: Wear pajamas or a hat for $1
May 2nd- PTO Meeting @ 4:15
May 5th- May Lunch on the Lawn
May 5th- AG Day in the Gym- High School Students will be visiting
May 5th- Body Boundaries Presentation from Hunt Co Child Advocacy
May 5th- School Lunch Hero Day
May 5th- Nurse Appreciation Day
May 8th-12th- Teacher Appreciation Week
May 12th- Griffis Track and Field Day @ Ed Locker Stadium
May 16th- PTO Appreciation Breakfast
May 16th- Kona Ice
May 19th- Body Boundaries Presentation from Hunt Co Child Advocacy
May 19th- Kindergarten Beach Day
May 22nd- 1st Grade Awards @9:00 AM
May 22nd- 2nd Grade Awards @1:30 PM
May 23rd- 3rd Grade Awards @ 1:30 PM
May 25th- Kindergarten Graduation- Dreher, McDaniel & McGovern @ 8:30 AM
May 25th- Kindergarten Graduation-Adams, Payne & Sanders @ 10:00 AM
May 25th-4th Grade Awards @ 1:30 PM
CMISD Student Enrollment/Registration
School Supply List 2023-2024
Lunch on the Lawn: May 5th
Our next and final scheduled Parent Lunch on the Lawn is Friday, May 5th.
Lunch times are listed below. You may bring food for your child or they can get a tray from the cafeteria. You may park in the front or back of Griffis and enter by the soccer fields. Please arrive early so that you have plenty of time to get settled in before your child’s lunch time. We are looking forward to seeing you!
If the weather does not permit, the lunch will not be rescheduled and will resume the next month.
Please RSVP with the link below by 12:00 PM on THURSDAY!
Track & Field
May 12th @ Ed Locker Stadium
Griffis Elementary PE
ESL Parent Classes
Skyward Family Access
Bell Schedule
8:00 Tardy Bell/ Class Starts
3:30 Dismissal Bell
Students not in the building by the 8:00 A.M. bell are considered tardy. Please refer to our campus handbook regarding our tardy policy. If your child is tardy, please do not drop your child off. For their safety, your child should be signed in. Please come to the front to sign them in.
Caddo Mills ISD Meal Information
Skyward Information for CAFETERIA ACCOUNTS:
We are excited to continue this program with Griffis Elementary PTO this coming this year!
The Watch D.O.G.S. Program brings male role models such as dads, stepdads, grandpas, uncles, etc. into the school for the betterment of the school, the students, and the community!!
Are you interested or know someone who may be?
We ask for a commitment of a partial or full school day just ONCE per year! Of course, you can volunteer more often!
If you would like to volunteer, please complete the Interest Form in the link below.
For more information visit the website at: https://dadsofgreatstudents.com/
For questions, you may contact our TOP DOG Coordinator: Bram Johnson at Griffiswatchdogs@gmail.com
Thanks for your support, we look forward to seeing you on campus this year!