Mariner's Message
On course: Destination Excellence
Port Royal Elementary School
Email: vicki.goude@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Website: https://pres.beaufortschools.net/
Location: 1214 Paris Avenue
Phone: 843-322-0820
Facebook: www.facebook.com/portroyalelementary
October 7, 2024
October- Read-a-thon fundraiser continues
October 9: 11:45 EARLY DISMISSAL
🤩Look out for Parent Conference invites
October 10-11: No School for students and teachers
Taking Nominations for SIC Parent Representatives
We are looking for TWO more School Improvement Representatives for our elected council at Port Royal Elementary. Our school needs parents to help us improve! If you would like to participate, please complete the nomination form link below. Once nominations are completed by the end of the day on October 8th, I will create a ballot for parents to elect two representatives. Elections will be complete by October 14 at noon.
Our current elected representatives are: Jana Kishishita, Angela Chancay, Matthew Fletcher, Wayland Harley, and Molly Mercado.
Thank you for partnering with us to make Port Royal Elementary a great place to live and learn!
Help us with our Read-a-thon Fundraiser!
Our school Read-A-Thon begins on Tuesday October 1. Look for papers to come home today.
Watch a short video to see how to sign-up your reader:
Use the link below to activate your student's Reader account:
Thank you so much for your participation and support. Money raised will sponsor an author visit and books for students. Together, we can make this Read-A-Thon an amazing experience for our young readers!
Parent Volunteers
Would you like to volunteer in your child's class or at a school event? Would you like to chaperone a field trip? Take a moment to complete the volunteer application.