All the Buzz
News and Info from HCS -- April 6, 2023
From Your Superintendent
Hornet Nation,
Beginning next week in our schools, students in third through eleventh grade will be engaging in taking assessments required by federal and state law. These include the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP), the Michigan Merit Exam (MME), PSAT assessments, and MI-Access alternate assessments for those who qualify. The results of these assessments provide important information on student knowledge and student career- and college-ready progress upon graduation. They also act as a check-in to ensure that we are providing every student with an opportunity to learn the state academic content standards.
On average, a student will spend no more than three hours on M-STEP mathematics and ELA tests. Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 will spend an additional two and one-half hours on science and social studies testing. Here is what to expect, by grade level --
Grades 3–7 (all M-STEP):
- English Language Arts (computer-adaptive test with passage-based writing prompt), grades 3-7
- Mathematics (computer-adaptive test), grades 3-7
- Science (fixed-form online assessment), grade 5 only
- Social Studies (fixed-form online assessment), grade 5 only
Grade 8:
- PSAT 8/9 (paper/pencil assessment), ELA and Mathematics
- M-STEP (fixed-form online assessments), Science and Social Studies
Grades 9 and 10:
- PSAT 8/9 for grade 9 (paper/pencil assessment)
- PSAT 10 for grade 10 (paper/pencil assessment)
Grade 11 MME Suite:
- SAT with Essay (paper/pencil assessment), ELA and Mathematics
- ACT WorkKeys (paper/pencil assessment)
- M-STEP Science and Social Studies (fixed-form online assessments)
We want your child's testing experience to be as stress-free as possible. Your positive outlook will help support your child's experience. Please know that state assessment results do not affect your child's grades in any way. If you have questions, please reach out to your child's principal.
In partnership and with Hornet Pride,
Spring Characters Visit GSRP Pre-K
Our youngest learners received a special visit on April 5, courtesy of State Farm (Dan Durga Agency)!
Nationally-Known Author John Schu is Coming to Larson on April 6
Reminder: No school on Friday, April 7
Blood Drive
On Friday, April 14, the high school National Honor Society will be hosting a blood drive in the media center. If you would like to donate, please make a plan to come in between the hours of 8:00 am and 1:00 pm.
Upcoming High School Sports
- April 6 at Clare (4:30 pm)
- April 12 at Gladwin (4:00 pm)
- April 14 at Tawas (3:30 pm)
- April 11 vs. Lake City (4:00 pm)
- April 15 at Evart Invitational (9:00 am)
HCS Mission Statement
The staff of Harrison Community Schools, in the spirit of a growing and changing community, pledge to educate all students by teaching the District Curriculum and beyond, ensuring the development of responsible learners prepared to take an active role in a complex society.
Board of Education Meeting
The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by team members of the Stingers of Steel. Additional highlights include a report from middle school principal Jennifer Thrush around the school's self-harm awareness day.
Monday, Apr 10, 2023, 05:30 PM
Hillside Elementary School, North 4th Street, Harrison, MI, USA
Upcoming Calendar Events
April 7: No school for students or staff
April 22: Junior/Senior Prom
April 24: Senior Honors Night
April 28-30: High School Play
May 1-5: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 18: Graduation
May 31: Last day of school for students
June 12-29: Summer school for students deemed academically at-risk (invitations to be send by individual schools)
School Contact Information
- Early Childhood & Larson Elementary, 989.539.3259 (Principal Andrea Andera,, Assistant Principal Sandy Hargraves,
- Middle School, 989.539.7194 (Principal Jennifer Thrush,, Dean of Students Stacey Van Antwerp,
- High School/Hive, 989.539.7417 (Principal Joe Ashcroft,, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Brad Carlstrom,
Health Information
COVID-19 protocols for positive cases, staff or student:
- With a positive case, the person must isolate for 5 days and not attend or be in school. In counting those days, the first date of symptoms (or the test, if no symptoms) is day 0.
- The COVID-positive person may return to school on Day 6, assuming symptoms are subsiding. We recommend, but do not require, masking for days 6-10 in school.
We are also attaching a handy resource from public health officials that provides guidance on when to keep a child home from school in a variety of illness-related situations.