Paragraph Practice & Self-Check
English 7 Unit 8
Writing A Paragraph
The goal of this project is to write an effective paragraph. You may write about any subject that is school appropriate. Remember that you cannot reuse a paragraph from any previous assignment.
Using what you have learned in this unit, write the best paragraph you can. Remember to:
1. choose an organizational method
2. have a clear topic/concluding sentence
3. use transitions
4. incorporate a variety of word choices and sentence structure
5. reread your work to check for mistakes
6. try to make it intersting
When you have completed the first part of this assignment, print out your paragraph. It is helpful if it is double-spaced so that you will have room to write in corrections.
Evaluating A Paragraph
The second part of this assignment focuses on teaching you to correct your own mistakes.
After printing your paragraph from "Paragraph Practice," answer the following questions. You do NOT have to rewrite your paragraph! Please answer each one with one or more complete sentences. Feel free to include a picture of your edited paragraph.
Having a Point
The first two questions focus on your message. What is it that you are talking about?
1. What is your topic sentence?
2. If you have chosen to write a paragraph without a stated topic, what is your central idea?
The next few questions focus on your organization and variety.
3. What paragraph pattern have you used?
4. How many sentences have you used?
5. Have you used a variety of sentence types?
The next few questions help you identify sentences that do not belong. Do all of your sentence relate back to your topic? Do any feel like a bunny trail?
6. Do all your sentences relate directly to the topic sentence or central idea?
7. Can you find any sentence that does not belong in your paragraph?
These questions focus on creating unity. Have you made sure that your ideas fit together and occur in a logical order? This also includes transition words/phrases.
8. List some of the words and synonyms you have repeated in order to assure unity.
9. In what order have you presented your ideas of facts?
10. List some of the connecting words you have used in your paragraph to ensure sequence.
This question wants you to make sure that you do not have any spelling or grammatical errors.
11.Have you checked the correct spelling of words if you are uncertain?
The final question wants you to assess how well you draw readers in. Would you be bored if you had to read your paragraph?
12. How have you tried to make your paragraph interesting?