Timber Talk Community Newsletter
Timber Grove Elementary - November 2024 - Edition No. 3

We Are Grateful For Our Community! π
Top 10 Reasons We're Grateful For Our Familiesπ
10. You read our newsletters π
9. You take pride in your student's education π₯°
8. You get your forms in on time π
7. You show up for PTO meetings π§πΎβπ»
6. You attend our events π
5. You help your student with their work π
4. You are responsive to your teacher's classroom needs π
3. You are quick to volunteer ππ»ββοΈππ½ββοΈππΏββοΈππ»ββοΈππ½ββοΈππΏββοΈ
2. You get your children to school on time & ready to learn π
1. You support your children to be the best they can be π
Veterans Day- November 11th
Veterans Day is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
National Native American Heritage Month
Our Vision:
Baltimore County Public Schools will be among the highest performing school systems in the nation as a result of creating, sustaining, and investing in excellence for every student, every school, and every community.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to provide all students with outstanding teaching and learning in order for all of our children to become globally competitive graduates.
Follow Us!
Important BCPS & TGES Dates
Save These Dates!π
11/13/24: Ravens Book Mobile is coming to TGES for our Pre-K - 3rd graders
11/14/24: Report Cards Distributed
11/18/24-11/22/24: American Education Week
11/18/24: Pre-K Conference Day β No School for Preschool-3 or Pre-K
11/19/24: Pre-K and Elementary Conference Day β Schools Closed for Elementary Students
11/19/24: PTO Virtual Meeting
11/26/24: Turkey Trot/Fun Run (Pledging begins on Nov 15)
11/27/24: Thanksgiving Break Begins at the End of the School Day -- Half Day -- TGES Students Dismiss at 12:05 pm
11/28/24-11/29/24: Thanksgiving Break -- Schools and Offices Closed
Looking Ahead...
12/6/24: PTO Movie Night
12/18/24: PTO Chipotle Restaurant Night Fundraiser
12/20/24: Winter Break Begins at the End of the School Day -- Half Day -- TGES Students Dismiss at 12:05 pm
Poll Question of the Month: Healthy Food Access
** Please note that this is anonymous and the purpose is to gather data from our community to see what is needed **
Do you have regular access to fruits and vegetables?
Would you be interested in receiving fruits and vegetables?
American Education Week Update
A Word From Principal Audlin...
Greetings Timber Grove families,
American Education Week (AEW), set for November 18-22, 2024, is a time where school systems across the nation celebrate public education and honor the individuals who work in our nationβs public schools and support studentsβ academic and social-emotional growth. Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) has observed AEW for many years, providing opportunities for families, stakeholders, and members of the Team BCPS community to see learning in action and participate in engaging activities and celebrations. In response to feedback from administrators, staff, parents, and caregivers regarding the operational challenges of AEW, and in an effort to expand opportunities for family and community engagement throughout the year, BCPS is shifting its practice away from a one-week only celebration to provide greater flexibility to design engagement opportunities that meet the needs of their school communities. As such, Timber Grove will not be hosting a week of classroom visitations. While the visits are fun, they can distract students from consistent focused student learning and do not maximize our time working collaboratively with our community.
Rather than just inviting you during the week of November 18-22 for a specific time slot to observe your child learning, we have planned meaningful engagement opportunities that are spread out throughout the year! During AEW, families are invited to sign up for a βChat and Chewβ with our Community School Facilitator on November 18th, 19th, 21st, or 22nd so that you can provide feedback about services and programs that you would like to see at our school. The sign-up link is here: https://forms.gle/Jpq4iscJ3J2K79ua9
Our Timber Grove Elementary family activities for this year include:
Β· Chat and Chew with our Community School Facilitator and counselor, November 18th, 19th, 21st, and 22n, Community School Event
Β· PTO Meetings, 3rd Tuesday each month on Google Meet
Β· Turkey Trot Fun Run, PTO-sponsored, November 26, 2024
Β· Movie Night, PTO Sponsored, December 6, 2024
Β· Rhythm and Hues Nights, (Music and Art Program), December 2024 and May 2025
Β· Parent Night: ELA Focus, Marking Period 2
Β· Best Practices for Supporting the Social and Emotional Needs of Children, January 2025, Community School Event
Β· Parent Night: Math Focus, Marking Period 3
Β· After School Pre-K Parent Events, Marking Period 2 and Marking Period 3
Β· Book Fair, March 3rd β 7th, Family Night, March 5th
Β· Family Prom, PTO-sponsored, March 2025
Β· End of the Year 5th grade Celebrations, School-sponsored and PTO-sponsored events
Β· Field Day, Marking Period 4, school-sponsored event
Β· Summer Send-Off Event, June 2025, Resources for students and support for families with continuing student learning during the summer months
Please keep an eye out for our monthly online Timber Talk. As we plan more events you will find information about them there. We look forward to working together as a community to make Timber Grove the best place for students to grow!
Scott Audlin, Principal
English- Chat & Chew Series
Click the picture to sign up.
Spanish- Chat & Chew Series
Arrival & Dismissal
πArrival is from 8:05-8:20 AM
Dismissal is from 3:05-3:20 PMπ
- Your student is considered late if they arrive after 8:20. An adult will need to walk them into the front office to check them in.
- If you need to pick your child up early, please try and do so 30 minutes prior to dismissal (3:05).
- Please be mindful of where you are parking in the morning during arrival to drop off your student. There are no drop-offs on the side staff parking lot. You must use the carpool loop line to drop off your student or park on the street to walk them up.
We kindly ask all families to use the designated crosswalks when dropping off and picking up students. There have been numerous concerns raised so far this year already about safety, and we want to ensure a safe environment for everyone.
Using the crosswalks helps protects individuals and encourages safe habits. Thank you for your cooperation.
We have been making great strides in our attendance rate already this year! We have had MULTIPLE homeroom's have perfect attendance many days in the month of October.
Special shout out to Mrs. Fugate's Pre-K class for having 6 whole days in a row with perfect attendance!!!!!
Monthly Attendance Rewards
For the rest of this school year, we are going to amp up our attendance initiative by having homerooms within each grade level compete for the most days with perfect attendance for each month.
Each day your student's homeroom has perfect attendance, they will receive a "sprinkle" on their donut attendance tracker outside of the cafeteria. Whichever classes have the most at the end of each month will receive a special reward!
November winners will receive a chance to see Officer Gilbert's police car and ask him questions about his job. The winners will be announced during the first week of each month on the morning announcements.
Stay tuned for the rest of the months prizes! Good luck!
The Importance of Regular Attendance
According to the Maryland Compulsory Attendance Law, "Under Maryland law, a truant student is one who is βunlawfully absentβ from school for more than:
- 8 days in any quarter,
- 15 days in any semester, OR
- 20 days in a school year."
Community School Bulletin
Have you taken our community school survey yet? It closes on December 31st, so make sure you complete it!
-Our community needs assessment survey will tell us what our community needs, how your experience has been at Timber Grove, and what you'd like to see more of. We are committed to working together to meet your needs, and your input is crucial.
Then what?
-We take your thoughts, opinions, needs, and wants seriously, and we want Timber Grove to be a resource hub in the community. Once the data is collected, we can start investing in making improvements.
Partnership Spotlight
Community Assistance Network
This month's partnership shoutout goes to the Community Assistance Network (CAN)! Ms. Oriel Smith, their lead community resource specialist, came out to our health and wellness event to provide attendees with wrap around resources, such as:
- Emergency shelters
- Rapid rehousing
- Shelter aftercare services
- Permanent supportive housing
- Homeless street outreach services
- SNAP application assistance
- Family support services case management
- Supplemental diapers
- Economic stability services: financial assistance
- Supplemental food
- Information and referrals
- Job development
For more information, please see the flyers below under our resource roundup.
Website: www.canconnects.org
Main phone for services: 410-285-4674
The Ravens Book Mobile Is Coming!
Exciting news for our Pre-K - 3rd graders! The Ravens Book Mobile through the Maryland Book Bank will be coming to TGES on Wednesday, November 13th.
Students will be going with their homeroom classes to the book mobile to pick out a book to keep. They will also be given a family letter that talks about their program.
We can't wait for our students to experience this opportunity and want to thank the Maryland Book Bank and Baltimore Ravens in allowing us to do so!
Lost & Found
Please check the link below frequently for all the lost and found items. This will be updated weekly.
Please note that whatever items are left behind by Monday, November 25th, will be donated.
Magnet Programs
For more information, please reach out to Ms. Atherton at satherton@bcps.org.
Health Suite
Please contact Nurse Brown at 443-809-6051 or jbrown44@bcps.org for any medical concerns your student has.
If your student needs prescribed medication during the day, please print & fill out a parent request to administer medication form using the link below. If you need assistance with printing, please come to the front office to pick up a form.
Office of Food & Nutrition
Please use the link below from the Office of Food & Nutrition for information on menus, MySchoolBucks account for snacks, pin numbers, and much more.
PTO Updates
Co-Presidents: Danielle Jorden-Ellis & Shirelle Jones
Secretary: Stacie Mendoza
Treasurer: Monique Carr
A Note From Our PTO...
Thank You for Making Trunk or Treat a Success!π
We would like to thank our volunteers, trunkers and candy donors for their incredible contribution to this yearβs PTO Trunk or Treat event held on October 25th! It was so exciting to see such a wonderful turnout of students, families, and staff. Whether you helped with planning, setting up, cleaning up, decorating your trunk, and donating candy, your efforts made this event possible.
If you captured any photos during the event and would like to share them for our website, please send them to us at timbergrovepto@gmail.com.
We greatly appreciate your participation in creating a fun and safe experience for our TGES community.
Upcoming PTO Meetings
PTO Meetings @ 6-7pm, Every 3rd Tuesday Each Month
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/dzj-nbpd-rmz
Nov 19 (virtual)
Dec 17 (virtual)
Jan 21 (virtual)
Feb 18 (virtual)
Mar 18 (virtual)
Apr 8 or 22 (virtual)
May 20 (TGES Library)
PTO Flyers
PTO Movie Night
November 6th at Timber Grove
English- Next PTO Meeting
Spanish- Next PTO Meeting
Box Tops
Chipotle PTO Fundraiser- English
Chipotle PTO Fundraiser- Spanish
Local Events, Resources, & More!
Talk To A Tutor at the Woodlawn Baltimore County Library on 11/23 from 2-4
English- Lawyer in the Library Immigration Information
Spanish- Lawyer in the Library Immigration Information
English- Immigration Outreach Service Center
Spanish- Immigration Outreach Service Center
French- Immigration Outreach Service Center
English- Latino Economic Development Center
Spanish- Latino Economic Development Center
Bon Secours Family Housing Resource
Free Community Flu Vaccine Clinics at Baltimore County Public Libraries
English- Adult English Speaking Courses
Spanish- Financial Literacy Classes
French- Financial Literacy Classes
English- Financial Literacy Classes
English- Free Car Seats
Find Free Food Locator
Find Free Food Locator
Epworth Chapel UMC, Baltimore Food Distribution
Free Home Delivered Grocery Boxes
St. Matthew United Methodist Church Food Pantry Opening Every Saturday from 10-12
Fresh Food Boxes Every Thursday 12-4
Women of Valor Food Pantry
Every Thursday 11AM - 1PM
715 Ingleside Ave, Catonsville, MD 21228
Maryland Food Bank Free Food Pantry Distribution Every Third Wednesday from 10-11
Lansdown High School Food Pantry Fall Hours
Woodlawn High School Food Distribution on 11/26
CCBC Family Literacy ESOL Winter Program
Mainstreet Clean Up 1st Saturday Every Month
English- CAN Housing Stability Resources
Spanish- CAN Housing Stability Resources
English- BCPS Special Education Resource Fair on 11/16
Spanish- BCPS Special Education Resource Fair on 11/16
CAN Phone Numbers
CAN Services Offered
CAN Rental Assistance
CAN General Assistance
CAN Security Deposit Assistance
CAN Community Choice Pantry
CAN SNAP Processing
CAN Job Development Resources
CAN Volunteers Needed
CAN Street Homeless Resources
Holiday Resources
Holiday Resources
Holiday Resources
Spanish- Resources for Medical Attention
Spanish- Resources for Medical Attention
Symptoms of Respiratory Illness
FREE Community Resource Fair in Randallstown
BDOM Baltimore Outreach Service & Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway
DSD Legacy Foundation Thanksgiving Food Drive
Goodwill Thanksgiving Dinner & Resource Fair
Talking Points
Download the Talking Points app to stay connected with your child's teacher. If you need to change the language of the messages follow these steps:
1. Download the Talking Points App
2. Click on Settings
3. Click Personal Information
4. Select the language you would like
November 20 β 12:30 PM
Lunch & Learn β TalkingPoints for Families
Presented by Angela Dregier
This presentation is an introduction to TalkingPoints for parents. It shares information about how the 2-way messaging platform works and how all parents regardless of home language can use it to engage in meaningful conversation with their childβs teachers. For registration click here!
Volunteer at Timber Grove!
All potential volunteers must complete the BCPS Volunteer Application and participate in an orientation/training session annually. This includes field trip chaperones.
Please send all certifications and applications to Ms. Galvin at cgalvin@bcps.org
Step 1: Complete a BCPS Volunteer Application from your computer or get a paper copy from the school.
Step 2: Complete the Online Volunteer Orientation- https://bcpsvolunteers-md.safeschools.com/register/0c626573
Step 3: All Volunteer Applications and Certificate from the online training must be given to Mrs. Galvin or emailed to cgalvin@bcps.org.
After School Extended Care and Activities
Caliday partners with our school to provide a fun before and after care experience inside of the school building.
Caliday Experience:
Outdoor Play
Homework Support
Caliday Club Activities
Philanthropic Student Led Clubs
Hands-on Experiences
Healthy Snack
Student Choice
Quality Staff:
First Aid and CPR Certified
Active Assailant Certified
Director Certified
Individualized Professional Growth Plans for All Employees
Visit www.caliday.org to learn more and enroll!
Email: pdctimbergrove@caliday.org