BUE Family Newsletter
April 29, 2024
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Teacher Appreciation Week
Reminder that Teacher Appreciation week starts tomorrow!
- Pick a yummy fruit to give to your teacher/staff member.
Wednesday, May 1st: OUR TEACHERS/STAFF ROCK!!
- Paint a rock and give it to your teacher/staff member as a gift.
Thursday, May 2nd: SWEET and/or SALTY DAY
- Bring your teacher/staff member a sweet or salty treat!
Friday, May 3rd: THANK YOU CARD
- Show your teacher/staff member how much you care by making them a Thank You card.
Parent Teacher Conferences - May 6th and May 13th
End of Year Parent Teacher Conferences are right around the corner
We are excited for our upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences on May 6th and May 13th. Several reminders have gone home in student backpacks. Parents can still sign up!
Spanish translators are available upon request.
We are hopeful for 100% attendance by parents.
Thank you in advance for your participation in the Spring 2024 Parent Teacher Conferences.
If you have not signed up already, please enter the following web address into your browser window:
You will choose your child’s teacher and enter contact information. Then check your email for a message that allows you to select a date time and time preference. If you need to change your date/time please call our office at (970) 285-5703.
Transition Day for 5th Graders to visit Grand Valley Middle School
5th Grade Transition Day
We will be taking the BUE 5th grade classes to Grand Valley Middle School on Thursday, May 16th to learn about GVMS.
- They will be at GVMS from 9:00am – 12:00pm and will eat lunch at GVMS.
- Here is a copy of the permission slip that will be sent home in backpacks.
Middle school can be a tricky transition for both kids and parents. There is a resource attached below that may be helpful in "Managing the Ups and Downs of Middle School". We hope it is helpful.
Summer Programming
Summer Programs 2024
Garfield County School District #16 and the Parachute/Battlement Mesa Parks and Recreation District have partnered to provide summer programming for the Summer of 2024.
Programs have been designed for students entering 1st through 6th grade for the 2024-2025 school year (students currently enrolled in grades K-5), with one program, Theater Aspen, for students entering grades 4-8.
There are only 30 spots available for each G16 program, 20 spots available for GV Recreation Center programs, and 20 for the Theater Aspen program (Español), first to register will take the first spots.
Please fill out one registration form per child. Register now by following this link. Spaces are limited. Register before May 17, 2024.
The cost of the programs are $50 per week, per child. Pay before May 31, 2024. See chart below for more information.
Programs will be offered Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Garfield 16 programs will be held at BUE in June and GVMS in July. G16 Programs will provide free lunch and snack.
Grand Valley Recreation Center programs will be held at Grand Valley Recreation Center.
GV Recreation Center programs will not provide meals, please make sure to pack a lunch for your child.
See Flyers Below!
May Events
May is packed with lots of fun events for everyone!
Important Note: BUE will complete a Fire Drill and Safety Lock Down each month. We do not post dates and times of drills for safety reasons.
List of Week Long Events
April 30th - May 3rd:
- Scholastic Book Fair at BUE in the BUE Conference Room afterschool
- Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
- NWEA and STAR Testing
- SMILES Dental Program at BUE
List of Daily Events
Tuesday - April 30th:
- 2nd and 3rd Grade Musical at BUE @ 6:00 & 7:00 p.m.
Thursday - May 2nd
- 4th and 5th Grade Musical at BUE @ 6:00 & 7:00 p.m.
Friday - May 3rd
- All School Crew at BUE @ 2:30 p.m.
- 5th Grade Enrichment Night at BUE @ 3:15 - 8:30 p.m.
Saturday - May 4th
- BUE Bike Derby @ 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Monday - May 6th
- Parent Teacher Conference at BUE @ 8:00 - 4:00 p.m .
Wednesday - May 8th
- Better World Day
Thursday and Friday - May 9th and 10th
- 5th Grade Overnight Camping Trip
Friday - May 10th
- Hat Day for Yearbook fundraiser
Monday - May 13th
- Parent Teacher Conferences at BUE @ 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday - May 14th
- Last Choir Practice after School
Thursday - May 16th
- 5th Grade Transition day at GVMS 9:00-12:00
- SPED Special Olympics in Rifle
- Last K-Kids after school club
Friday - May 17th
- Choir Competition at Elitches in Denver
- 2nd Grade Field work to Rifle Falls/Fish Hatchery
- Registration is due for all Summer Programming
Friday - May 24th
- 1st grade transition day at BUE @ 12:15-2:30 pm
- 5th Grade maturation class @ 2:00-3:00
Tuesday - May 28th
- Field Day
Wednesday - May 29th
- Awards Day ⅔ @ 8:30 a.m.
- Awards Day ⅘ @ 9:30 a.m.
Thursday - May 30th
- Last Day of School - End of 4th Quarter
Come be a substitute at BUE
Now is a great time to start the Substitute Process for next fall!!!
Colorado has been experiencing a teacher shortage since 2010. Substitute teachers are also very limited. Substituting is a great fit for retirees, college students, part-time workers, stay-at home parents, and those with flexible schedules.
Here are some quick facts:
- Substitute teaching is very rewarding. You get to work with great kids, see how our school works, and get a better understanding of what our students are learning and why.
- It provides you the opportunity to set your own schedule and have a great amount of flexibility. It can fit in your schedule as it works best for you and you get to determine the days you work. You can even use it to supplement another job.
- You can easily sub as many or as few days a week as you would like. You can earn a steady paycheck or several hundred dollars here or there.
- You will make a difference in students’ lives and in our school.
- You’ll have fun! Substitute teaching is really an adventure. The variety found in the day, fast pace, and meeting new colleagues and students, are all a recipe for an exciting day.
- Certified substitute teachers make $130 / day in Garfield 16. (this is subbing for a teacher)
- Classified substitute teachers make $15 / hours in Garfield 16. (this is subbing for a paraprofessional, custodian, food service, etc).
If you do a little math, subbing for a teacher can really add up:
- Working only 2 days a week could earn you over $1000/month ($130x2 = $260 x 4 weeks a month = $1040).
Visit the Step Into Substitute Teaching webpage for additional information about how you can earn money, influence lives and make a difference!
Here is a link to CDE's website on how to apply to become a substitute teacher. LINK
Most people will want to apply for a 1 year authorization.
There are 3 steps:
- Submit Fingerprints
- Complete a substitute teaching application Click to Apply
- Contact Garfield 16 to apply to sub in our district Link to Garfield 16 Application
Tuesday Folders
Please always check backpacks for communication in the Tuesday Folder.
Please also check for homework!
Make sure to send Tuesday Folders back to school the following day.
School Hours
We are a four (4) day school week
Tuesdays to Friday
1st Morning Bell rings at 7:30 a.m.
End of Day bell rings at 3:15 p.m.
Volunteering at BUE
Come Volunteer at BUE
Bus and Breakfast/Lunch Info
If you have any questions regarding transportation, please call the our Transportation Director, Steve Gardener, at the Transportation office (970) 285-5700 ext. 5130.
Here are the updated bus routes.
Our free breakfast and lunch program is a yearly grant process. Our district has qualified again for a free breakfast and lunch program for SY 2023-2024.
Breakfast Program: All students can receive breakfast free of charge. It is important that your child arrives at school on time as breakfast is served at 7:30 a.m.
Lunch Program: All students can receive lunch free of charge. If your child brings lunch from home, please make sure it does NOT need to be heated in a microwave as there are no microwaves available.
Please do not send soda pop in your child’s school lunch. We ask that you send a healthier choice such as juice, water, or milk.
Parents wishing to eat lunch with their child may do so, however to be in the school during the school day requires a background check (see the section above on school safety).
Please call the school office by 9:00am if you would like to order a hot lunch. The charge for an adult lunch is $4.25 and for a visiting child it is $2.75. Please remember that the school only accepts cash or a check for payment.
Menus can be found on our school district Nutrition Website.
Meal Prices for Visitors:
Student Lunch $2.75
Milk $0.70
Adult Lunch $4.25
Please keep in mind that menus have the potential to change A LOT depending on staffing issues, and product availability. Our Nutrition Department does their best to honor the posted menus, however they can be heavily impacted for a variety of reasons. If you ever have any questions, please call 285-5701 ext. 4180 with any questions or email jwilliams@garfield16.org
School Based Family Resource Center
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our School Based Family Resource Center for more information.
Claudia Flores Cruz
Center Coordinator
Dress Code
BUE Student Handbook 2023/2024 (see links below for both English and Spanish Handbook)
Dressing for school in an appropriate and respectful manner is important to limit distractions, encourage kindness among classmates, and enhance school safety and sense of belonging for everyone. The following items are deemed disruptive to the classroom environment or to the maintenance of a safe and orderly school and are not acceptable in school buildings, on school grounds, or at school activities:
Shorts, dresses, skirts or other similar clothing shorter than three inches above the knee cap
Sunglasses and/or hats worn inside the building
Inappropriately sheer, tight or low-cut clothing (e.g., midriffs, halter-tops, backless clothing, tube tops, garments made of fishnet, mesh or similar material, muscle tops, etc.) that bare or expose traditionally private parts of the body including, but not limited to, the stomach, buttocks, back and breasts
Tank tops or other similar clothing with straps narrower than 1.5 inches in width
Any clothing, paraphernalia, grooming, jewelry, hair coloring, accessories, or body adornments that are or contain any advertisement, symbols, words, slogans, patches, or pictures that:
Refer to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons
Are of a sexual nature
By virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute denote membership in gangs which advocate drug use, violence, or disruptive behavior
Are obscene, profane, vulgar, lewd, or legally libelous
Threaten the safety or welfare of any person
Promote any activity prohibited by the student code of conduct
Otherwise disrupt the teaching-learning process
Hats may only be worn outside the building (except for special dress-up days)
Wheelie tennis shoes MUST have the wheels removed
Sandals are ok but you must have tennis shoes for PE
Flip flops are discouraged as they tend to get broken at school. Children trip and fall in them often getting hurt on the playground or going up and down stairs.
Students who wear inappropriate clothing will be required to change clothes (BUE keeps freshly washed options in the office) or they can call home for parents to bring a change of clothes. Please don’t allow children to wear excessive make-up, as it is a distraction in school and has resulted in students being unkind to each other.
Student Handbook
Bea Underwood Elementary School
Email: aclark@garfield16.org
Website: http://bue.garfield16.org/
Location: 0741 Tamarisk Trail, Parachute, CO 81635
Phone: 970-285-5703
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Garfield-County-School-District-No-16-216528061787894/