Weekly Happenings
Week of 9/17/18
A Message from the Administrator
Greetings MCS Families,
Last week was our first full week of the school year! The middle schoolers went on a field trip to the fair, the entire school had picture day and we continued received proposals for our building expansion. On Friday, our staff worked on their individual web pages during our professional development. You should be receiving updates from your child's teacher as they continue to update their pages. This will help with the communication between our families and teachers.
If you receive the local newspaper, you may have seen that we were featured on the front page of the Moscow/Pullman Daily News! This week, our school was visited by Scott Jackson and Geoff Crimmins. They toured the school, took pictures and wrote an article about our upcoming expansion. (See below for the full article.)
Last week we received three RFP's (request for proposals) from local architects for our upcoming expansion. Our school board is in the process of reviewing them and will be making a final decision in the upcoming weeks. We will be providing you all with many more details as we go through this process.
Mountain View from 6th St to Joseph St will be closed/under construction through the 19th. Please plan accordingly if this affects your route to MCS.
I hope you all have a great week!!!
Tony Bonuccelli
Administrator, Moscow Charter School
School Expansion Article
This week, our school was visited by Scott Jackson and Geoff Crimmins from the Daily News. They toured the school, took pictures and wrote an article about our upcoming expansion. To read the entire article, click the link below:
Middle Schoolers at the Latah County Fair
2nd Graders catching grasshoppers during recess
Middle Schoolers at the Latah County Fair
What's for lunch this week:
Wednesday: Chicken nuggets with steamed broccoli, fresh plum, and a baked roll
Thursday: Chicken drumstick with steamed carrots and apple cobbler
Friday: Pepperoni pizza sticks with green beans and grapes
All lunches are served with a milk. If your child does not want a hot lunch, they have the option of a choice lunch. Choice lunch includes a peanut butter/jelly sandwich with yogurt and fresh fruit/vegetables.
Picture Day!
Pictures should be live for viewing online by the 26th. We will also be sending out an email notification once they are live to view. To place an online order, please visit mylifetouch.com. Our Picture Day ID Number is LS418105Y0. If you are unable to place your order online, please visit Caitlin at the front desk. She has a physical order form that can be mailed in with cash or check.
Box Top Competition
It's time to begin collecting Box Tops again! The competition will start today, September 17th and continue through October 31st. The winning class that collects the most Box Tops will be rewarded with a donut party and a surprise guest!
Helping collect Box Tops is very beneficial for our school! We raise on average $600 per school year.
MCS Swag
About us
Email: office@moscowcharterschool.org
Website: moscowcharterschool.org
Location: 1723 East F Street, Moscow, ID, USA
Phone: 208-883-3195
Facebook: facebook.com/moscowcharterschool