Beginner Long Range Shooting Class
Hosted By Tactical Accuracy and Precision
Class Details
This is an introductory course into long range shooting that will teach shooters the fundamentals of shooting at distances up to 600 yards and beyond. The course will have valuable information for both hunters and tactical shooters that will include:
- Fundamentals of Marksmanship
- Ranging of Targets
- Effects of Weather
- Zeroing
- Engaging of targets at distance
- Weapons Maintenance
Contact Wade at (573)864-5233 or wadethompson824@gmail.com to reserve your spot.
Tactical Accuracy and Precision
We specialize in:
· Action Blueprinting
· Trigger Blueprinting
· Scope Lapping and Bedding
· Chambering
· Crowning
· Pillar Bedding
· Recoil Lug Blueprinting
· Muzzle Break Installation
· Detailed Cleaning/ Inspection
· Cerakote
· General Machining and Repair
· General Gunsmithing
Check us out on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TacticalAccuracyAndPrecision
Email: wadethompson824@gmail.com
Location: Boonville, MO
Phone: 573-864-5233
Justin joined the Marine Corps in June of 2004. Was stationed at Camp Pendleton with 2nd Battalion 1st Marine Regiment. In 2005 he was deployed to Iraq as a grenadier to take part in Operation Steel Curtain. After returning from deployment in 2006 he joined Scout Snipers. Justin was then deployed Three times as a Sniper; in 2007 with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit to Southeast Asia, in 2009 to Iraq and in 2010 to Afghanistan. Justin was Honorably Discharged in 2012.
Justin currently works for Nexus Consulting Group as an independent contractor. Nexus Consulting protects ships traveling through high risk waters from pirate attacks. Schools Justin has completed include: Scout Sniper School, Urban Sniper Course, Joint Fire Observers Course, Combat Marksman course and Combat Marksman Instructor course. Justin’s awards include the Purple Heart, the Navy Achievement medal with “V” for valor, a Certificate of Commendation for actions in combat and Two Combat Action Ribbons for both Iraq and Afghanistan Campaigns.
Wade Thompson
Wade Thompson served with 2nd Reconnaissance BN USMC, Camp Lejeune, NC. He received two Meritorious Masts for leadership while attending schools. Currently Wade works as an Independent contractor in the protection field. Working both force protection overseas and executive protection in the States. Working with BPI/executive protection he has been involved with both the USSS and FBI protection teams on events while protecting high profile clients. Working with Nexus consulting he has protected military cargo while in transit to war zones overseas. He is a CSAT tactical pistol instructor. He also runs a small custom rifle shop specializing in bolt action and long range rifles. He received some of his training in rifle building from Bench Rest hall of fame shooter Thomas "Speedy" Gonzales. He has attended several classes through the NRA in building highly accurate rifles.