Quarterly Update

Veterans Day 2024
Staff and students from every school in Minooka 201 continued the tradition of providing a unique and special opportunity to show respect and appreciation for veterans from our families, staff, and community. Thank you to those who have served our country, our community, and our children!
Engage 201 Community Newsletter
New Accessible Format
Superintendent Messages and Engage 201 District Community Newsletters will now be shared in a new format to provide an easier and more accessible experience for the Minooka 201 Community. The S'More platform allows the user to simply click "Translate" above to select their preferred language, or click "Accessibility" to increase font size and color.
Message from the Superintendent
Greetings, Minooka 201 Community,
With a successful 1st Quarter in the books and the Thanksgiving Holiday upon us, it is the ideal time to express my gratitude to the Minooka 201 Community. I am extremely grateful to have joined such a dedicated team of professionals and such a caring community, who together want the very best for the children of Minooka 201.
I have enjoyed spending regular time in our schools and classrooms, and listening and learning from our staff and students. Likewise, I have enjoyed many opportunities to engage with parents and community members. A common theme that I have noticed and appreciated is to have so many people share the positive highlights about what they think is going well or what they enjoy about their experience in Minooka 201; at the same time, there is openness and transparency about what they would like to see the district improve.
After the holiday break, we will be providing a summary of themes or trends that have emerged from these engagements and other feedback that has been collected, including feedback provided on the communication survey. We will provide information about the efforts that are already underway or those that we will begin to plan for.
I am inspired every time a parent or student shares a story with me about a staff member who has made a positive impact for them. I am also encouraged by the mindset for continuous improvement in the countless instances I have had the privilege of being a part of a meeting, development session, or problem-solving effort. We have so much to be grateful for and at the same time, we have great potential for amazing growth together for our kids.
On behalf of the Board of Education and the Minooka 201 Team, we wish you and your loved ones a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving Holiday. We look forward to welcoming our learners back to school on Monday, December 2nd.
With gratitude,
Rachel Kinder
Minooka 201 Embracing Service
Engaged & Informed Citizens
Did you know that a community-wide engagement effort led to the creation of a Minooka 201 Portrait of a Graduate? This shared vision outlines the attributes and competencies that the community values and envisions for every child, in addition to strong academic and social emotional skills. One of these attributes is Engaged and Informed Citizen: Students engage in discourse regarding diverse issues that impact the community while striving to become informed citizens who serve the broader community with a civic mindset. While we build paths to developing experiences for every child as they grow in our school system, check out some of the ways that Minooka 201 Students already embrace service and a civic mindset.
MIS & 201 Community Raise Nearly $16,000 for Pink Heals
Minooka Intermediate, with the support of Minooka Junior High School and the entire Minooka 201 Community, raised nearly $16,000 to donate to Pink Heals to benefit those affected by cancer in our local community!
MJHS Beta Club: Leadership & Service
MJHS hosted the induction of the newest members of Beta Club. The ceremony was a wonderful celebration of students who make a positive impact in our school and beyond through academic excellence, leadership, and community service!
Aux Sable Student Bryce & His Family's Mission to Give Back
Thank You, Karen Marsala, for 25 years of dedicated service!
Minooka 201 Board of Education
November 15th was School Board Members Day in Illinois. School board members are volunteers serving as advocates striving for quality education opportunities for every student. The members of our board take on this responsibility not for a paycheck, but for their commitment to our community and its children. Thank you to the Minooka 201 School Board for your dedicated service!
The calendar of board meeting dates, board agendas/packets, and recordings of the meetings are accessible on our webpage. Please click the image above to access.
Learning & Growth
2024 Illinois School Report Card
The Illinois School Report Card is a yearly snapshot published by the Illinois State Board of Education that provides a snapshot of district and school growth and performance. Muliple metrics are presented in relation to statewide averages and trends over time.
Minooka Junior High, Minooka Intermediate, Aux Sable, Jones, and Walnut Trails earned a summative designtation of Commendable. Minooka Elementary School earned a summative designation of Exemplary.
Minooka Elementary School has earned a summative designation status of Exemplary for exceptional academic growth and achievement in the metrics designated by the Illinois State Board of Education. Only 10% of the schools in the state of Illinois earned this designation!
Goal Setting with Your Child
Goal setting is a powerful tool that can help both students and parents foster motivation, focus, and a sense of accomplishment. When students have clear and achievable goals, they are more likely to stay engaged in their learning and develop a growth mindset. Now that we are well into the school year, consider setting goals with your child around their strengths and areas of improvement. The goals can be focused around academics (improvement in a specific subject area or NWEA growth reports) or social-emotional competencies (listening skills, making friends, mindfulness or self-regulation). You can even start goal setting around a hobby that you and your child enjoy.
Benefits of Goal Setting:
Wit & Wisdom: Learning in Action
Elementary Teachers in all of our schools have given great effort to bring learning to life in English Language Arts with the Wit Wisdom Curriculum. Here are a few highlights seen around Minooka 201!
3rd Grade Squid dissection at Jones
Ms. Lupo and the amazing parent volunteers brought learning to life with a hands-on squid dissection for Module 1 of Wit & Wisdom, The Sea.
Kindergarten interactive book tasting
4th Grade students explore the word heart
Free In-School Dental Clinic
We are excited to announce that Orland Park Dental Services (OPDS) will again be conducting a free dental clinic during the school day in each of our schools.
The clinic dates are as follows:
January 31st - Minooka Intermediate School
February 3rd - Minooka Intermediate School
February 4th - Minooka Elementary
February 5th - Minooka Elementary
February 14th - Minooka Junior High School
February 19th - Minooka Junior High School
February 24th and February 28th- Jones Elementary
February 27th - Aux Sable Elementary
March 3rd - Walnut Trails Elementary
March 10th - Minooka Primary Center
This dental examination will:
- complete the oral health examination requirement for current Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grade students who have not yet turned in their Illinois State’s Proof of School Dental Examination Form.
- meet the dental requirement for any student who will be in Kindergarten, 2nd, or 6th grade for the upcoming 2025/2026 school year. Illinois State’s Proof of School Dental Examination Forms will be completed by the dentist and will be given to the school nurse to be placed in the student health file.
- meet the dental requirement for our 8th graders entering high school for the 2025/2026 school year. Illinois State’s Proof of School Dental Examination Form will be completed by the dentist and will be sent home with students.
If you have not already registered your child and would like them to receive a free dental examination, please use the link below to complete a permission form. You may also complete the paper permission form that will be sent home shortly with your child. Dental examinations will not be conducted without a completed permission form.
With more indoor time this season, now is a good time to check parental control settings on your child's phone or gaming device. Many children play online games via their home console such as Xbox and Playstation. Linked below are privacy and parent control options for you to consider enabling on your child's home console. These guides include chatroom controls, limiting inappropriate content and purchasing via stores.
Parental Playstation Settings:
Parental Nintendo Switch Settings:
CommonSense Media is also a great resource for parents to learn or access resources on digital and online safety for their children.
Building Lifelong Healthy Attendance Habits
Illinois law defines “chronic absentee” as a student who misses 10 percent of school days within an academic year with or without a valid excuse. That’s 18 days of an average 180-day school year.
Regular attendance is essential for your child's academic and social success. When your child misses school, they miss out on important learning and opportunities for interaction with their classmates and teachers. This can make it challenging to keep up with the curriculum and may negatively impact their academic and social growth.
When illnesses do require an absence from school, please report the absence to your school. Please also make every effort to ensure that good attendance habits are in place to support regular school attendance. Click on the photo for suggestions to help families build good habits for attendance.
Like many school districts across the state, Minooka 201 is faced with staffing challenges when it comes to hiring bus drivers. We currently have 32 dedicated drivers who work tirelessly to cover for the shortages by doing extra or extended routes. Our Director of Transportation and the entire Transportation Team continue to problem-solve to improve service and we will continue our efforts to attract new drivers, retain current staff, and make adjustments to get bus routes completed in a safe and timely manner. Thank you to our families for your patience and understanding and Thank you to our Transporation Team for your hard work!
If you know of anyone that may be interested in a driving position, please have them contact our Transportation Department and we will guide them through the process of becoming a driver!
E-Learning Procedures
On an e-learning day, students complete learning activities and assignments provided by the teacher at home. The state guidelines for eLearning is that students need to complete at least five hours of instruction or school work. Please follow the link for information on Min201's eLearning procedures.
Early Dismissal (5 Hour)
Tuesday, November 26
Thanksgiving Break - No School
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
Early Dismissal (5 Hour)
Friday, December 20
Winter Break - No School
December 23 - January 3
Teacher Institute - No School
January 6
School Resumes
January 7
Friday, January 10
End of Second Quarter
Early Dismissal (5 Hour)
January 17
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School
January 20
*For the full Academic calendar, please click the image above.
Community Resources
Community Resources Information
Minooka 201 is fortunate to have a wealth of community resources. If you or someone you know are in need of resources, visit our website to find a collection of community resources available throughout our communities.