Elevated Bits and Bytes
Weekly Update- January 21th, 2021
PTA Join and Volunteer!
Also, if you'd like to join our PTA as a member, you can do so online HERE. The total cost is $10.87 with some of that going to California PTA and to Paypal as part of the fees. Please join our Elevated PTA.
PTA Organizational Meeting
It is very important that we have as many families as possible attend this meeting so we can officially establish a PTA. The dues to join PTA will be $10. Please let us know if you have any questions.
If you're interested in a leadership position within PTA please email us at elevated@ltusd.org as soon as possible.
Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022, 02:30 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Free COVID Tests
LTCC Winter Kids Academies
More Information about Indoor Soccer Academy
More information about Winter Academies
COVID Tests for Symptomatic Students
Upcoming Events
January 25th 2:30pm: PTA Organizational Meeting
February 14th, 12pm-2pm: Make Up Picture Day
Don't forget to check the Elevated Meet Ups page for class meetups.
About Elevated Digital Learning Academy
Office Hours: 8 am- 4pm Monday through Friday
Email: elevated@ltusd.org
Website: www.elevatedacademytahoe.com
Location: 1100 Lyons Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
Phone: 530-543-2310
Facebook: facebook.com/elevatedacademytahoe
Twitter: @elevated_tahoe
About Lake Tahoe Unified School District
Address: 1021 Al Tahoe Blvd
Phone: 541-2850