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Iduma Mavericks Parent Newsletter
November 2023
Iduma Elementary Campus Website
Click the header above to access the campus website. You can find important information here.
A Message from Your Proud Principal
- Hello November! Our character trait for the month of November is GRATITUDE. Please know that I am so grateful for our Iduma families and students. We are also grateful for our Veterans. We thank you for your service and sacrifice. There will be no school on Friday, November 10.
- Please read below for some important November dates.
- November 6-9 is Iduma Homecoming Week! Iduma is 20 years old! See the flyers posted for important dress up days and info about Family Movie Night. Students must be accompanied by an adult.
- Please remember we always need I.D.s to release students to parents or guardians at dismissal when walking up or signing out from the office.
- Safety first: Please help us keep Iduma safe by following our traffic patterns and parking expectations before school and at dismissal. Please pay careful attention to our stop signs and crosswalks. We are here to keep everyone safe! Please also welcome Officer Polk, Iduma's safety officer.
- A friendly reminder that our front doors are locked from 2:30-3:00 each day as we begin our dismissal procedures. Thank you for helping us dismiss 811 students safely. Students will not be signed out at that time.
Iduma will collect non-perishable food items for "Food for Families Drive". Please send in non-perishable items from Nov 7-16. Items will be picked up and delivered to the Food Care Center.
Thank you for your continued partnership to support your student at school. Please remember to contact teachers via email or attend fall parent conferences to find out your student's progress.
Ms Bohannon
November Events
- 11/7-11/16-Food Drive for Killeen Food Care Center
- 11/8-Dyslexia Information Night-5:00-5:30 p.m.
- 11/9-Family Movie Night 4:30-7:00 p.m.-Students must be accompanied by an adult.
- 11/10-No school due to Veteran's Day
- 11/15-Progress Reports go home
- 11/15-Little Mavericks @ 9:00 a.m.
- 11/20-11/24 Thanksgiving Break-no school
From our Librarian, Mrs. Kaaloa:
We’ve had such a busy October in the library. Thank you to everyone who helped make it awesome!
- The book fair was a tremendous success- we made over $10,000 in sales! Money earned goes right back to the school for books and supplies.
- The Storybook Character Pumpkin Contest was a hit too- 63 pumpkins entered! Click here to enjoy the photos: https://www.killeenisd.org/domain/7325
- Library Statistics: Over 3,200 books checked out 734 books checked out this month!
Continue to Stay Connected
We are committed to partnering with our parents to ensure your child's success. Please make sure that you are able to log into Home Access Center (HAC). You will find student information such as grades and important messages. Please also check our Iduma website for important news and dismissal information. If you need to sign up for Home Access Center (HAC) please stop by the office and fill out a form.