Principal Owens Notes
Week 21
January 20-24, 2025
Monday, January 20, 2025 we will celebrate MLK Day by learning about him.
A Positive Sensible Approach to Common Problems from Boys Town
Each household that completes the class gets a $50 gift card! Sign up at:
Inauguration Day is Monday, January 20
Monday the 47th President will be sworn in. Happy Inaguration Day!
99 Coping Skills
Starting a new school year can be exciting, but it can also bring new pressures and stress. These coping skills are designed to help you navigate challenges, manage anxiety, and feel more in control. Take a look and see which strategies resonate with you to make this year your most successful yet!
Attendance Counts!
We need to make school attendance a better priority. Most of our scholars are coming everyday and that makes a huge difference in their success. Some still have not "bought in" and are choosing to miss school. We all need to work together to get our scholars to school. Call Mr. Owens, Mrs. Nolan, or Mrs. Evans if we can help get your scholar to school. 308-698-8111.
New Student Entrance Process
Just a reminder we will be using a new entry process in the morning at HACS. Students will continue to enter the building and turn in their personal items. They will then go through the metal detector, if the detector goes off they will be checked with the security wand. If they are found to have anything that is not appropriate for school, parents/guardians will be notified. School safety is our #1 priority.
Bingo Fun
Our scholars enjoyed a morning of bingo at The Homestead House
Mrs. Pearson at Homestead House
Mrs. Pearson plays bingo with her father-in-law at The Homestead House.
Bingo Fun
More bingo fun at The Homestead House
Ms. Boroff named local and state VFW Teacher of the Year!!
KPS Teacher Named VFW Nebraska Teacher of the Year
Brooke Boroff, a social studies teacher at the Hanny Arram Center for Success, draws inspiration from her family members with military backgrounds as she teaches her students. On Friday, her efforts were recognized when the Nebraska Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) named her the Nebraska Teacher of the Year. This award is selected based on citizenship, innovation, resources, and passion.
Boroff initially believed the school assembly was organized to honor a student. Instead, she was surprised by the announcement from VFW Chapter 759.
“Brooke has done a fabulous job here at the school," said Jim Lutz, quartermaster of Chapter 759. "She promotes all of the values the VFW holds dear for our communities and kids: patriotism, Americanism, and citizenship.”
Reflecting on her family’s military service, Boroff shared, “I have family members who are veterans. Listening to their stories and understanding their sacrifices, I believe it’s crucial to recognize them for ensuring the rights we have today — including the ability to attend school and go to work.”
In addition to the recognition, Boroff received $100 for her personal use and $100 for her classroom, which she plans to use for a field trip. She will also receive additional prizes at the state level.
Jason Owens, Principal of the Hanny Arram Center for Success, says, "Brooke is the definition of a hard worker and much of what she does for her school and students go unnoticed. She doesn't seek attention for her efforts; she goes the extra mile because she cares deeply about her students and knows how much it benefits students to have a strong understanding of American History and citizenship."
A fellow teacher nominated Boroff for the award. Brooke will be honored at the Nebraska Veterans of Foreign Wars Mid-Winter Conference banquet in Lincoln on January 31, 2025.
Family Educator Together Meetings
We have met with some of our families on our new Family Educator Together (FET) meetings. The FET is designed to help our scholars with different situations they may be experiencing at home or school. It is a team of school supports, parent/guardians, scholars, and any other resources needed. We want to brainstorm ways to together, find success for your scholar. If you would like to have an FET meeting, please call Mr. Owens for more details. 308-698-8111.
Safe2Help is not a crime-reporting app but a valuable resource for students, parents, and community members to report issues discreetly. It fosters a safe and supportive school environment by enabling reports on a wide range of concerns, including:
- Suicide concerns
- Dating violence
- Fighting
- Bullying
- Sexting
- Depression
- Threats
- Drugs and alcohol
All reports are addressed by trained professionals and/or qualified school personnel, ensuring timely and effective responses to each concern.
We are hopeful that Safe2Help will be embraced by our student population. Our goal is to maintain a school environment where our students feel safe and secure. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students is our utmost obligation and sincere commitment to our students, staff, and community.
To report a concern, individuals can visit, call 833-980-7233, or download the Safe2Help Nebraska app. The reporting process is completely anonymous and takes less than five minutes. The Safe2Help hotline, answered 24/7/365 by trained professionals at the Boystown National Hotline, is also available for students seeking assistance for themselves, friends, or family members.