The Gold Standard
Volume 3, Issue 2 | Friday, August 16th
Upcoming Important Dates
Wednesday, August 21: Delayed Start
Friday, August 23: First Football game vs. Oceanside Collegiate - Feeder Night!
Tuesday, August 27: Meet the Teacher Night
Thursday, August 29 - Friday, August 30: Senior Portraits
Welcome Back from Nurse Powell!
Parents, please be mindful of the following important information:
- All prescription medication to be given at school needs an order from the medical provider.
- All over the counter medication needs to have a parent consent on file and medication supplied by the parent.
- Students are not allowed to carry medication in book bags unless they have a signed order to self medicate for diagnosis of diabetes, severe allergies and asthma. All other medication needs to be kept in the health room.
- Students who need medical accommodations such as use of the elevator, extra time between classes, or frequent bathroom breaks due to a medical problem, must have a note from the medical provider given to the nurse.
- Only injuries that have occurred in school on the same day will be treated by the school nurse. Old injuries should be treated at home by parents.
- All immunization records that are updated need to be turned into the nurse as soon as you get a copy. Current immunization requirements for school can be found on www.dph.sc.gov
Please ensure that your student eats a good breakfast daily and keeps
hydrated, this helps them to have a good healthy day at school!
For any questions please contact Patricia Powell, RN at 803-476-3000.
*Per District 5 School Policy
Senior Study Hall
Parents and Guardians of Seniors:
If your student has a senior study hall on their schedule you must complete the senior study hall form and return it to the attendance office in order for them to participate in a senior study hall.
Alive at 25
Alive at 25 courses are filling up quickly! Register your student at SCNSC.ORG/A25 to
reserve a space so they will be ready to purchase their parking pass this summer. By
registering your child for Alive at 25, they will receive comprehensive training on safe
driving practices, defensive driving techniques, and the importance of making
responsible choices behind the wheel.
Students must complete this course before they can be issued an Irmo High School Student Parking Pass.
Irmo Stingfest
Join us next Friday, August 23 for StingFest before the first football game!
Meet the Teacher Night
Parents, guardians, and families can meet their student's teachers on Tuesday, August 27th from 5:30-7pm. Food Trucks will be parked outside of the CFA for purchases that evening.
Class of 2025 Senior Portraits
It is time for the Class of 2025 to schedule their Senior Portraits! Seniors who have not yet taken their portraits may sign up for available time slots. These portriats will be taken August 29-30 in the Irmo High School CFA. Click on the image below to sign up for a time.
Free Hot Spots
The Richland County Public Library now provides free longterm Hot Spot Lending to qualify K-12 students in Richland County. Please see the flyer below for more information. Applications are available for pick up in the School Counseling Office.
School Volunteers
In order to become a volunteer or chaperone, please complete the Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement for School Volunteers and return it to the IHS volunteer liaison, Cindy Zakhar, in the main office. Please reach out to Ms. Zakhar at (803) 476-3001 or czakhar@lexrich5.org with any questions.
Business Partners
Do you want to know more ways you can support Irmo High School? We are always looking for business partners and would love to hear from you. Please contact Shauna Dorn at (803) 476-3011 or
Irmo Yellow Jacket Club
Support Irmo Athletics by joining the Irmo Yellow Jacket Club! Members can receive parking passes, tickets to regular season home games, and reserved seating, depending on membership tier. Join online today using the IYJC Membership Form or by downloading and returning this registration form to IHS or the Athletic Office.
"In ourselves, our future lies"