The Cub Corner
October 25, 2024
Mrs. Stacy Murphy
Mrs. Susan Lovato
Dear Millbridge Families,
It seems like we just started school and welcomed everyone back to a new year. I hope that this newsletter finds you and your child doing well and that the beginning of the year has been a positive experience. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, or me, if you have any questions or concerns. It is best to start with your child’s teacher. Communication can be sent through class Dojo or email.
I know how busy life can get. I know evenings can be hectic and finding time to do homework or even read gets challenging. Please do your best to set a routine to read together, do homework or just discuss the classroom activities from the day. Help your child keep a positive attitude toward school and his/her academic work. Your partnership with us in supporting your child will increase her/his success in school and beyond. We are constantly discussing our Bear Paws and using the language of being caring, helpful, responsible, and respectful. We appreciate all you do for your child and we want to support in any way we can. We also hope you can support our efforts by becoming involved in school activities, family events and our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). I encourage that home to school connection and I have an open door policy when it comes to parents in the building helping out. If your interested in helping in any way please reach out to your child's teacher. Mystery readers are encouraged and welcomed!
Stacy Murphy
Halloween Information
- October 30th: Preschool AM class Halloween Parade at 11:15am. Families are welcome to observe from our bus loop.
- October 31st: Preschool PM, K-2 will parade around the school at 11:00am. Families are welcome to observe behind the cones in our bus loop and carpool loop.
- A bus will be provided at Millbridge at 9:30 if you have a child at DIS and Millbridge and would like to park at Calvery Church. The bus will depart DIS at 10:40 to come back to Millbridge for the beginnig of our 11:00 parade.
- Parents planning on taking their child out for early dismissal. (Before the 1pm planned single session dismissal) HERE is the link for early dismissal on October 31st. Please make sure you check with both your Room Parent and Teacher regarding the classroom celebration time if you plan an early dismissal. All early dismissals will take part through the Cafeteria and parents using the form will be able to access their child quickly as we will plan for their departure. Remember to have your ID or fast pass and All Adults Picking Up Must Be Identified in Realtime as Able to Transport the Child. All forms must be complete by October 29th. Parents wishing to Opt Out of Halloween Parade - Please email mboffice@delranschools.org and state your intent regarding the Halloween Holiday and parade. We must receive the email before 4pm on October 29th. Students not participating will be able to participate in an alternative supervised activity during the parade.
Math - Family Resource Links
Here is a link to the enVision family resource pages for each grade level, K-5. https://www.delranschools.org/curriculum/district_supervisors/MaryJoHutchinson/en_vision_math_k-5
Bronze win for the Green Team
PTO Fall Festival - Friday, October 25th
Educator of the Year Recoginition Program
Dear Delran Community Member,
This email contains information about the New Jersey Department of Education Governor's Educator of the Year Recognition Program. The state looks to honor exceptional teachers and educational service providers through this program by showcasing excellence, student achievement, innovation, and dedication through service in public education.
Delran Township Public Schools would like your help in nominating educators to represent our four schools. Once selected at the school level, educators have the opportunity to apply for county and state recognition.
If you would like to nominate a teacher, paraprofessional, and/or educational services professional that have truly inspired you as an educator, parent, community member, or student, please click on the links below to submit your nominations by 11:55 PM on November 3, 2024.
We would like to thank you in advance for helping us determine our Delran Township Public Schools Educator, Paraprofessional, and Educational Services Professional of the Year.
Christine DeSimone
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Delran Township Public Schools
New Safe Snack List
Please adhere to our new safe snack list for all parties/celebrations.
Parent Portal
PTO Membership
Arrival & Dismissal
10-minute buffer
Expect the first two weeks to be slightly longer…do NOT panic
Parent Pick Up
Early Dismissal - any pickup before 3:00 through office, email MBOffice@delranschools.org and your child's teacher. No dismissals from the office after 3pm.
Fast Passes can be used from prior year for the first 3 weeks of school.
Buses - dismissal begins at 3:20
If you are dropping your child off, please enter the parking lot closest to the cafeteria. This is the carpool line. Staff will direct you around and assist your child out of the car. It is extremely helpful to have your child in the back on the passenger side for exit. A staff member will open the car door when it is safe for exit. There will be staff members to assist in crossing and navigating the hallways to help find classrooms.
YMCA - Prime Time
Counselors Corner
HERE is an important link from our counselors regarding some tips about promoting kindness.
Dates to Know
October 31 - Single Session Day; PM Preschool
November 1- Single Session Day; AM Preschool and Parent Teacher Conferences
November 4 - Single Session Day; PM Preschool and Parent Teacher Conferences and Evening Conferences
November 5 - Single Session Day; AM Preschool and Parent Teacher Conferences
November 6 - Single Session Day; PM Preschool and Parent Teacher Conferences
November 7-8 - NO SCHOOL - NJ Teachers Convention
Delran Education Foundation
Parent Resources
Contact Information
Email: mboffice@delranschools.org
Website: http://mes.delranschools.org/
Location: 282 Conrow Road, Delran, NJ, United States
Phone: (856) 461-2900