"Knightly" News
Washington Street Elementary - October 25, 2024
Upcoming Events
- 28: PTO - Halloween Snack Prep, 9 am
- 28: Pumpkin Decorating Contest
- 29: Picture Retakes
- 29: Flavor Adventures - food sampling during lunch
- 31: Classroom Hayrides (throughout the day)
- 31: WSE Trail for Treaters Set Up - 1:45 pm
- 31: Costume Parade, spectator viewing in Gym - 2:15 pm (doors open at 2:05 pm)
- 8: Popcorn Friday
- 12: 1/2 Day - Evening Conferences
- 13: 1/2 Day - Afternoon & Evening Conferences
- 14: 1/2 Day
- 15: No School
- 18: Stars Performance, OHS Auditorium - 7 pm
- 18-22: 4th & 5th Grade Swimming Unit
- 25-29: Thanksgiving Break - No School
We are excited to welcome families to our Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31, at 2:15 p.m.!
This year, our Trail for Treaters/Halloween Parade will take place primarily indoors. Families can view the parade either in the gym or outside under the front overhang.
Please note: Doors will open for spectators at 2:05 p.m., and those setting up for the Trail for Treaters will be welcomed in at 1:45 p.m.
With many families attending, we kindly ask that you notify your child’s teacher with a note or email if you plan to take your child home after the parade. This will help ensure their safety.
If you’re viewing the parade from the gym, please remain seated until students finish trick-or-treating at the 50 stations set up throughout the building. This process may take an additional 20 minutes, and exiting early could disrupt the route for our 450 students. We appreciate your patience and support!
After the parade, teachers will escort their classes OUTSIDE to their designated "dismissal spots." Parents should head outside to pick up their children.
Please note that our usual drive-through dismissal will not be available, so plan to walk up to your child’s dismissal spot to sign them out.
Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to a fun-filled day!
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Heading out to pick pumpkins this weekend? Be sure to grab a couple extras for our Family Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Kids can paint or decorate them—just no carving, please.
All pumpkins must be submitted on Monday, October 28. The pumpkin with the most votes will win a special prize. Good luck, and happy decorating!
Get Informed-Provide Your Input, May 2025 Bond Extension Community Conversations
Planning for the Future: Using current facility assessments, learning trends, and looking to the future, OPS is planning on a May 2025 Bond Extension and we want you to be involved. Hear about the plans and provide your feedback at any one of the Community Conversation sessions.
Please attend whichever one works best in your schedule. Thank you!
Wednesday, Oct. 30 @ Alamo Elementary, 6:30pm - Alamo Media Center
Monday, Nov. 4 @ WSE Elementary, 6:30pm - WSE Media Center
Wednesday, Nov. 6 @ OHS, 6:30pm - OHS Media Center
Tuesday, Nov. 12 @ Otsego Public Library, 6:30pm - Community Room
Fall Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are approaching soon! Please use the link below to sign up for a conference time for each of your students. Once you've signed up, you'll receive a confirmation email for your child’s scheduled conference. Our goal is 100% participation!
Classroom teachers are listed by grade level, and if you'd like to meet with any of the Specials teachers, they are available at the bottom of the list.
If you have any questions or need assistance with scheduling, feel free to contact our office. We’re happy to help!
Sponsor a Staff Member's Dinner
Conferences are just 2.5 weeks away! Let’s show our appreciation for our amazing staff by treating them to a catered dinner before conferences on Wednesday, November 13.
If you'd like to "sponsor" a staff member for this special meal, please sign up using the link below. A big thank you to our PTO for organizing this thoughtful gesture!
Bulldog P.R.I.D.E
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen as their classroom's PRIDE winner this week!
P - Positive Attitude
R - Responsible Actions
I - Integrity Within
D - Determination to Succeed
E - Expect Excellence
Kindergarten: Miguel Hernandez, Solomon Hoffman, Lily Hill
1st grade: Kaiden Hettinger, Elise Carmen, Koda Null
2nd grade: Maelee Liskovec, Clare Myers
3rd grade: Annika Honderd, Evelyn Rewa, Ada Wang
4th grade: Weston Reed, Carli Bacon, Zanna Miller
5th grade: Taylor Arnsman, Hunter Pickett, Katelynn Jacobs
Flavor Adventures!
Dine to Donate
School Photos and Picture Retakes
Picture retake day is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29. Order forms are available in the office.
If your child is having their picture retaken, please return the original picture package to the photographer on retake day.
Downtown Otsego Halloween Happenings...
Thanksgiving Baskets
Counselor's Corner
Ending the Helplessness Behavior
Parenting is a tough job and it makes it even harder when our children get us to do tasks for them that they can do themselves. Additionally, it doesn’t foster independence and self-esteem in the child. When our kids ask us (for the 15th time) to do something they can do for themselves, it is frustrating. For example, they want you to tie their shoes, or help with a math problem they have done before, or anything they are perfectly capable of doing themselves. Kids will continue to act helpless if parents continue to do these tasks for them. This behavior usually stems from their need for attention and power.
Here are 3 easy steps to help cure their helplessness:
Step 1: When all is calm, take time to “train” your child to do the task all by herself. Make sure not to do this during the “helpless meltdown,” but when you see your child is calm and ready for a chat.
Step 2: Remember that “marketing is everything” so position the training in a positive, uplifting light. Start the conversation by saying this: “You are growing up in so many ways and I am so proud of you. Now you are ready to learn __________________ (example: to put away your toys on your own). I know you can do it!” Then “teach” them how to do the task. This is all about letting your child know up front that this is their responsibility and empowering them in the process.
Step 3: When he pulls the helpless card in the moment, be totally unimpressed and say, “I am confident you can handle this. I’ll be downstairs when you are ready for breakfast!” Then walk away with a smile on your face. The exit is essential. If you stay in the room, you are providing an audience and your sure to get sucked right back into the power struggle.
Will your kids pull the helpless card again? Most likely! After all, it has worked for them in the past. However, with practice and consistency on your part, they’ll get the point that you won’t jump through hoops at their every whim and demand. Your kids will feel empowered because they will become more and more capable. You’ll feel empowered that your kids are learning to manage their own tasks and you’ll get a much deserved break!
**Article adapted from positiveparentingsolutions.com
CKH - Capturing Kids Hearts
Picture Books to Teach Self Control/Self Regulation
“Interrupting Chicken” by David Ezra Stein
“Kindness Grows” by Britta Teckentrup
“No David!” by David Shannon
“Ruby Finds a Worry” by Tom Percival
“A Shelter for Sadness” by Anne Booth
“Waiting Is Not Easy” by Mo Willems
“We Don't Eat Our Classmates” by Ryan T. Higgins
“Even Superheroes Have Bad Days” by Shelly Becker
“Decibella and Her 6-Inch Voice” by Julia Cook
“Bug in a Vacuum” by Mélanie Watt
“When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry” by Molly Bang
“My Mouth is a Volcano” by Julia Cook
“I’m in Charge of Me! (The Best Me I Can Be)” by David Parker
“You Get What You Get” by Julie Gassman
Watch D.O.G.S.
Recess Dress Code
Mileage Club
Milk is $.50 if your child brings a cold lunch and wants milk.
Sign Up for Mrs. Knight's Remind ASAP!
Washington Street Elementary Contact Information
Attendance Line: (269)694-7880
WSE BASE: (269)694-7835
Email: jknight@otsegops.org
Website: http://wse.otsegops.org/
Location: 538 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, United States