GLW School Improvement Plan 24-25
School Improvement Plan 24-25

School Improvement Plan 24-25
At Glenwood we want each student to be intellectually engaged in culturally affirming learning environments. We will focus our work on these three areas:
- Intellectual Engagement of all students through increased Student Discourse
- Supporting Individual Student Needs through Tier Two Practices
- Continue Building Self Efficacy and Sense of Belonging in our Glenwood community
We commit to:
- Excellent instruction through universal use of our nine LSSD instructional strategies
- Strengthening the effectiveness of our Collaborative Educator teams
- Achieving equitable outcomes for each student through effective use of Student Growth Goals
By committing to these things, we will achieve the following:
- Our goal for literacy is to have at least 80% of our students in grades 3-5 meet or exceed standard on the 2025 Smarter Balance Assessment of Reading, increasing our average from 2024, which was 67.7%
- Our goal for math is to have at least 80% of our students in grades 3-5 meet or exceed standard on the 2025 Smarter Balance Assessment of Math, increasing our average from 2024, which was 64.7%
- Our goal in science is to have at least 80% of our students in 5th grade meet or exceed standard on the 2025 WCAS assessment, increasing our average from 2024, which was 75.7%
- As a school, our goal is to increase student sense of belonging and self efficacy by increasing student engagement. Our students indicated a 66% favorable rating on questions related to Sense of Belonging and a 61% favorable rating on the questions related to Self Efficacy on the Spring 2024 Panorama Survey/ Our goal is to increase these favorable ratings by at least 5%, respectively, on the 3-5 grade Spring 2025 Panorama Survey.
- One of the groups that we will focus additional resources and support with is our learners with disabilities and their growth in reading. Within this group, 24.6% of students met standard in ELA on the 2024 SBA compared to 77.2% of their general education peers. Our goal is to increase this group's proficiency to 40% on the 2025 SBA.
We will monitor our progress during the year through:
We will use iReady diagnostic assessments to progress monitor this goal. Our baseline data we will be using comes from the the Fall 2024 iReady Reading Assessment measuring the students who are at or above grade level on current grade level standards:
- Kindergarten--32%
- 1st Grade--33%
- 2nd Grade--51%
- 3rd Grade--54%
- 4th Grade--52%
- 5th Grade--52%
We will use iReady diagnostic assessments to progress monitor this goal. Our baseline data we will be using comes from the the Fall 2024 iReady Math Assessment measuring the students who are at or above grade level on current grade level standards:
- Kindergarten--33%
- 1st Grade--16%
- 2nd Grade--21%
- 3rd Grade--21%
- 4th Grade--37%
- 5th Grade--52%
Social Emotional
We have identified a couple of key areas within our goal that we will focus on for this year.
- Increasing student engagement through elevated discourse practices
- Increasing student self efficacy through focused lessons and building wide emphasis on Growth Mindset, setting and monitoring goals and the Power of Yet.
Our MTSS Strategies -- We commit to excellent instruction through the universal use of
- Small Group Instruction supporting individual student needs through Tier Two intervention practices
- Fidelity to Tier 1 PBIS practices (Positive Greeting at the Door, PROMPT, School-wide Expectations and Co-Created Class Agreements) and implementation of Tier 2 and 3 plans.
- Use of Tier 1 and Tier 2 SEL practices in the classroom; Morning Meeting, Second Step lessons, Zones of Regulation, Calming Corners, and the Gator Grotto.
- Supporting Student Engagement through Student Discourse by enhancing classroom discourse the purposeful use of non-verbal gestures and supporting sentence stems.
- Continue Building Self Efficacy and Sense of Belonging in our Glenwood community by creating culturally affirming environments and engaging each student in Goal Setting and Growth Monitoring.
Collaborative Educator Team Work
Our Collaborative Educator Teams (CETs) use data to inform their practice by first unpacking units to determine the essential standards and more importantly, the enduring understanding that they want each student to be able to transfer in the future.
This process includes the development of assessments that measure this understanding, delivering instruction that is culturally responsive and meaningful, engaging each student in ways they best learn, and intervening when needed with tiered support. This also includes creating opportunities for extension and enrichment for those that meet and exceed the expectations of the learning.
We will achieve equitable outcomes for students using Student Growth Goals....
That focus on teacher reflection of the learning process rather than just student achievement
Go beyond quantitative results to focus shared learning of students as well as the CETs
That elevate and support teachers being innovative in their craft to best serve their individual student needs, thus closing the achievement gap
February check in
At the midyear point, here is where we are well on our way to making excellent progress toward our goals.
- Kindergarten--42% to 80%
- 1st Grade--33% to 55%
- 2nd Grade--51% to 68%
- 3rd Grade--54% to 64%
- 4th Grade--52% to 61%
- 5th Grade--52% to 66%
iReady SBA Projected Proficiency Report Grades 3-5 64% if typical growth is achieved; 72% if all reach stretch growth goal.
- Kindergarten--33% to 62%
- 1st Grade--16% to 46%
- 2nd Grade--21% to 48%
- 3rd Grade--21% to 45%
- 4th Grade--37% to 52%
- 5th Grade--51% to 63%
iReady SBA Projected Profiency Report Grades 3-5 66% if typical growth is achieved; 75% if all reach stretch growth goal.
Student Growth for Students served with an IEP in Reading (49 Students)
37% of this group has met at least 50% of their typical growth goal.
16% of this group has met at least 50% of their stretch growth goal.
6 students in this group have met at least 90% of their stretch growth, drastically closing their gap in reading
Increasing Student Engagement and Self-Efficacy
Students are working hard to set and achieve goals and meet new goals. We set a school-wide goal of 13,000 iReady lessons passed. We reached 177% of that goal! Plory from iReady came to celebrate!
June check in
At the end of the year, here is how we did, and the start of our plan is for next year