CCOG Newsletter
Weekly Updates
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
Don't be a moron! Be habitually listening and habitually obeying to the commands of God. We are each given the choice - not that it is always easy - to do the work of digging to a solid foundation. We must build our lives on Christ! It is a matter of life or death.
Thank you for all your help and feedback at our planning session. You are the Church, so your input is vital for the success of our church year! You will get a church calendar and a list of monthly focuses to be able to plan your activities for the year. We need your prayers to cover each activity. We need your physical presence for ministry and fellowship events. We need your support (if you are able) for missions throughout the year. And even if you are not at a church-sponsored event, remember that wherever you are, Cornelius Church of God is there!
Hair care products like combs, brushes, bows, and headbands are some of the needed items for the month of October. Please also consider giving cash for the shipping costs because we are going to be able to go beyond our shoebox goal from last year! Thank you so much!
October Focus
For the month of October (and beyond) we will focus on the first responders in our community. If you were able to take a name of a Cornelius first responder, please put that person on your daily prayer list. Please remember to pray for any first responder that you know personally. There is also a sign-up sheet for those who are able to bring snacks and refreshments for the police or fire department.
Help for the Homeless
Your contributions of tarps will be taken out to our homeless neighbors next week. If you or anyone you know would like to come along, please be at the church on Tuesday, October 15 in time to leave by 5pm. You can also help by praying for those 9,500 people in NC who are experiencing homelessness.
Fellowship Event
Do you like corn, potatoes, smoked sausage, and shellfish? Do you enjoy fellowship in the outdoors? If you answered "yes" to one or both of these questions, join us on Saturday, Oct. 26 at 6pm for a low country boil. Weather permitting, we will have a firepit and have tables set up outside for the meal. Invite someone who you know will enjoy this.
The last Sunday of this month is Gideon Sunday. A Gideon representative will be with us on Sunday, October 27. Remember that $5 (less than a cup of Starbucks, less than a combo at a fast food restaurant) a Bible can be placed in the hand of someone who needs hope. If you are able, please set aside $5 to give in the offering to the Gideons International.
Hurricane Relief
Our neighbors in Western North Carolina are in desperate need. We have at least two places that we will be able to serve - logistics and organization in Avery County and hands-on clean up. We will formulate a plan to visit these areas in the coming weeks. Anyone who is interested in helping, please let me know.
Obedience Defined
Obedience to God is foundational in the life of a believer, rooted in a deep understanding of His authority and willingness to listen to His voice. The Bible repeatedly calls us to obey, or hear, listen, and trust, God's commands as an expression of our faith in Him (John 14:15). This definition reveals that obedience begins with a relationship—a relationship built on listening to God’s voice, trusting His word, and obeying His instructions. In John 10:27, Jesus says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” This verse draws our attention to the essence of biblical obedience: being sensitive to Jesus’ voice and following Jesus’ blueprint for becoming like Him.
Abraham’s Journey Toward Obedience
Abraham's story in Genesis 22 exemplifies this kind of obedience. Abraham's response to God's command to sacrifice Isaac illustrates true obedience. While you and I likely would have side-eyed God for instructing us to sacrifice the son we prayed and waited for more than two decades (as some scholars reported), Abraham's willingness to act without hesitation shows that obedience is not just about following orders but about surrendering our will to God and aligning ourselves with His. It is about trusting His wisdom even when we do not understand His ways. This kind of obedience requires a heart that is fully devoted to God, ready to act in faith regardless of the cost. By meditating on Abraham’s example, we learn that obedience is not just an action but a reflection of our relationship with God, marked by trust, love, and reverence for His divine will.
Develop the Characteristics of Obedience
Obedience is not merely about following rules, but about a heartfelt commitment to God’s will. Biblical obedience involves:
- Submitting to His authority
- Living by faith
- Having confidence in His plans
- Hearing and responding to God’s word
- Following biblical teachings
Obedience means putting our faith into action. Abraham’s story teaches us that true obedience stems from a place of deep surrender and unwavering trust (faith) in God’s promises, even when we do not see the full picture (yet).
Pray this Prayer:
Lord, help me to trust and obey your voice. Slow me down and teach me to listen to your word so that my first response is with faith and submission. Strengthen my desire and willpower to follow your teachings and live by faith, just as Abraham did. You are mighty to save. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Your Practical Action Step:
Today, take a moment to reflect on an area of your life where God is inviting you to trust and obey Him. Write down any fears, resistance, or doubts, and surrender them to God in prayer. Commit to taking one step of obedience, no matter how small, and trust that God will guide you through it.