St. Patrick Catholic School
This Week's News - October 3rd, 2024
For the best viewing experience, turn your phone sideways!
Students celebrate Leader in Me Week by a daily out of uniform day!
🏈 Football Bash: Congratulations Week 4 Winners!
Fall Conferences
Fall conferences are Wednesday, Oct. 23 and Thursday, Oct. 24. Families should have received an email with details. These are student lead conferences. If you did not receive information, please contact the school office.
Math Counts
MathCounts meetings are ready to begin! MathCounts is open to any student in grades 6-8, regardless of their math skills.
What is MathCounts? A math competition for middle school students.
What do we do in our practice sessions? We work through a variety of problems, including Algebra, Geometry, Logic, and Probability. Much of what we work with has not been taught in their classes.
Competition is in February. Everyone who participates in the practice sessions is welcome to compete.
I have been involved in coaching this program at St. Pat's for approximately 15 years, and also competed when I was an eighth grader. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to work on math concepts in a relaxed environment. They are always encouraged to work with their friends.
Our meetings will be Wednesdays from 1:30-2:45pm in the Science Lab. I hope to see you there!
Wendy Funk
P.S. This is the last year I am able to coach this program. If you or someone you know would be interested in taking it over, please contact me.
CPTO Meeting Next Thursday
CPTO is our parent/teacher organization here at St Patrick School. These monthly meetings are a great way to get to know other parents here at school, and have help with planning the fun activities we provide our students. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 10th, at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Trunk or Treat Coming Up! 🎃👻
Trunk or Treat is coming up!
Saturday, October 26. Join us for Mass, a meal and then Truck or Treating!
To sign up to donate items, click Signup Genius
Uniform Apparel Store
Our St Patrick Apparel Store is open year round online through Iowa Sports Supply. With the weather changing, now is a great time to think about fall uniform apparel. Click here to view our online store to order items. Please note that turn around time for ISS is about 3-4 weeks, so now is the time to order!
🍂 Fall Festival Is This Weekend 🍂
Alter Server Training Opportunity
If your son or daughter is in the 4th grade or higher and would like to be an altar server, training sessions will be held on Wednesdays October 9, 16, 23 from 1:45 to 3:15 and Mondays October 7, 14, 21 from 5:15 to 6:45. You only need to attend one session. You must register to attend a training session. You can register for the class on Realm.
Training will be held in the church. A parent will need to fill out a short information sheet to help with scheduling. Parents are encouraged to stay for the training, but it is not mandatory. Questions: contact Deacon Al Weber in the parish office by email aweber@saintpatrickcf.org or call 319-266-3523.
Volunteer Night at the NE Iowa Food Bank
All families are welcome!
St. Patrick School has a long standing tradition of family volunteer nights at the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. This year, we are hoping to get involvement back up to pre-COVID levels, but we need your help. The food bank always has great volunteer jobs for us to do that are age-appropriate for our students and give you the opportunity as parents to teach your kids about why the food bank is critical to our community.
Please join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except March) this school year from 6-7:30pm. This is a great way also for the 5th-8th graders to complete their required service hours.
We are limited to 30 spots, so if you are interested, please contact me, Erin Youngblut, at erinyoungblut@gmail.com to register.
Many Hands Make Light Work!
Fall Volunteer Signup
Are you looking for a way to get involved at school? Would you like to work with friends on a project, or meet new friends? There are many opportunities to help. Please consider helping as we continue to make this a great school for our students! Click on the volunteer graphic to pull up the Fall Volunteer
Columbus Sailor Section ⚓
Sailor Nation Girls Basketball 🏀
St Patrick girls in grades 3rd-8th have the opportunity to sign up for Sailor Nation Girls Basketball, which will run from late October to late January. Each grade will practice at least twice per week and participate in tournaments and/or leagues throughout the winter. The goal of Sailor Nation Girls Basketball is to build fundamentals and foster growth in the sport. There will be a participation fee to cover tournament entry fees and uniforms. Please contact Todd Jamason at toddjamason@gmail.com or Janae Gross at jgross@cfcatholicschool.org with any questions or if interested in helping coach the 3rd/4th grade.
Tentative Schedule and Coaches
3rd/4th Gr. Practice 6-7:15pm Tues/Fri @ St. Pats. Coach: Janae Gross5th Gr. Practice will be 5:30-7:00 Mon/Wed @BMAP gym. Coaches: Nicole Whitehead, Erica, Dustin
6th Gr. Practice will be 6-7:30 Tues/Thurs @BMAP gym. Coaches: Jimmy, Aaron Becker
7th Gr. 9-11am @BMAP; 8th Gr. 8-10am Practice Saturdays @BMAP gym. Coaches: Jimmy, Jason Hosch, Zach
Registration deadline is Friday, October 18th, 2024
Please fill out this Google Form: Sailor Nation Girls Basketball
Please send these other forms attached to Todd Jamason, or bring them to the first practice along with your check.
Sailor Nation Boys Basketball 🏀
Sailor Nation Boys Basketball is open to 3rd through 8th graders and will run from late October to late February. Each grade will practice at least twice per week and participate in tournaments and/or leagues throughout the winter. The goal of Sailor Nation Boys Basketball is to build fundamentals and foster growth in the sport. There will be a minimal participation fee to cover tournament entry fees and uniforms.
Please contact Dustin Whitehead at 319-961-6545 or dustinwwhitehead@gmail.com with any questions or are interested in coaching. We still need coaches for 3rd grade and 8th grade.
Registration deadline is Friday, October 18th, 2024.
Future Sailor Sports Package Available
A sports package is available through Columbus Booster Club for in K-Gr. 8. The package is $20 and includes free admission to all regular schedule Columbus Catholic homes, concession coupon for one free drink and one free candy item. Click on photo to the right for a form to fill out and send to St. Edward School.
Stock Up on Scrip
Scrip cards and certificates are great for gifts and everyday use. Visit our website to find out about our Scrip program. Place your order through your Raise Right account, email scrip@cfcatholicschool.org, or print a paper form.
Fall Volunteer Sign Up upcoming needs are at the top of the list
St. Patrick Catholic School
Clover Patch Preschool Ages 3-5
Facebook cfcatholicschool
Instagram stpatrickcatholic
Email: office@cfcatholicschool.org
Website: cfcatholicschool.org
Location: Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Phone: 319-277-6781
Mrs. Gross and her homeroom led our first Monday Morning Prayer this week. We livestream every Monday for those who can't join us in person.
Our scores from last spring's ISASP testing are outstanding, as Mr. Wiebers mentions in his column above.
Each homeroom is working on ideas for service project for the new school year.