We hope everyone had a great summer and that you are ready to get back into the swing of school.
We are working with a new student dismissal system this year, so it is important that all parents and/or guardians download the Pikmykid app to ensure that all students are dismissed accurately, quickly, and safely. Pikmykid replaces School Dismissal Manager, so changes to your student's dismissal MUST be made in the new app. See the Pikmykid section of this newsletter for more information.
August 14 - OPEN HOUSE 4:00pm-6:00pm
August 15 - School Opens for 1st grade-5th grade
August 19 - Kindergarten Open House 11:00am
August 19 - XC Running starts for 4th-5th Grade
August 22 - Kindergarten starts
August 30 - SPIRIT DAY *Snowshoe colors*
August 30 - Kindergarten field trip
September 2 - Holiday *NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
September 16 - AK Reads Act Day *NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
September 25 - Fall Picture Day
September 27 - SPIRIT DAY *Decades Day*
September 27 - 2nd Grade Field Trip Parent Planning Meeting
Drop off times:
PLC Monday: Doors open at 10:05am - School starts at 10:15am
Tuesday-Friday: Doors open at 9:05am - School starts at 9:15am
Pick up time:
Monday-Friday pickup is 3:45pm.
If your child is dropped off in the morning, you have 2 choices:
1. You pull up in the drop off line along the sidewalk in front of the school. Child should exit the vehicle on their own immediately and parent should remain in the vehicle. If you student needs assistance exiting the vehicle, this is not the drop off procedure for you.
2. If your students need assistance exiting the vehicle or parent wishes to walk student in, parent must park in the parking lot and exit the vehicle with the student. You can walk them to the cross walk and release them when crossing guard indicates or you may accompany them into the building.
It is important that drop off parents listen to the instruction of our crossing guard and helpers at drop off to avoid unsafe situations and to keep traffic moving smoothly. We appreciate your cooperation.
For pickup in the afternoon:
Parents must park in the parking lot and walk to the front of the school, where students will be lined up by grade level. Parent needs to make contact with the grade level teacher before student will be dismissed.
There is NO PARKING along the sidewalk in the afternoon. Only parents needing handicapped parking, with a handicap placard or license plate will be allowed to pass along the front sidewalk in the afternoon. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our parking lot safe and traffic moving quickly.
As stated above, we will be utilizing a new student dismissal app this year. Parents will need to download the app so you are able to make necessary changes to your child's dismissal instructions.
The buttons below will take you to the Parent App Registration page and the Pikmykid Resources page. Please download the app before school starts on Thursday, August 15. The front office will be setting your child's default dismissal, so when you arrive for our Open House on Wednesday, August 14, fill out the form that your student's teacher will have for dismissal instructions.
If you need assistance, please call our front office at 907-352-9500.
*School Dismissal Manager is now an obsolete app for Snowshoe Elementary*
If you have a 4th or 5th grade student interested in joining XC running, information packets and permission slips will be available with the 4th/5th grade teachers during our open house on Wednesday, 8/14/24.
Cost is $30 per student. Permission slips must be filled out before student can participate in practices. Fee can be paid online through SchoolPay. Access online payment through your ParentVue account, go to the FEES section, and click on Pay Fees.
The first practice is Monday, August 19, 2024.
Many of you will notice that our supply list is shorter this year. We were able to purchase some items with Title 1 funds. And our amazing PTA is supplying many other items, such as cleaning wipes, paper plates, plastic silverware, tissues, ziploc bags, and more! We are so thankful that they were able to lessen the load for parents this year.
Are you looking to be part of our Snowshoe team? We are always in need of subs, as teachers, paraprofessionals, or monitors. Fill out an application today!!
Snowshoe Families, Welcome Back!
I wanted to remind all families, it is required by The State of Alaska, no shots, ie. no records of immunizations or incomplete immunization status in the nurse’s office, then NO SCHOOL. I need time to observe documents for completeness, so please have this to me prior to the start of school. If you prescribe to Religious Exclusion beliefs, it is your responsibility as the parent/guardian to provide a NOTARIZED Religious Exemption that is valid to the nurse’s office prior to the start of EACH SCHOOL YEAR. You can find notaries of the public at your local bank.
Another friendly reminder, students of all ages are not allowed to have medication on their person; they are also not the person to deliver medications from you, the parent, to the nurse. It is your responsibility to meet with me when I am free of students in my office. There are specific care plans for chronic conditions including Asthma, Allergy/Anaphylaxis, Seizures, & Diabetes. I have a different form for all other medications. These are Medical Provider’s orders for the nurse to follow in place of parents. I can not provide medication other than over the counter (OTC) from the approved OTC list marked by you, the parent, without the Medical Provider’s Order. I have all of the OTC’s in my office if needed by your student during the school day. OTC medications like cough drops are also NOT ALLOWED to be carried by students. Please do not send them to school.
Lastly, I have a small amount of donated clothing for students when “accidents” occur, but to be honest, your child wants their own clothing and not borrowed clothing from the nurse’s office. This goes for Kindergarten through 5th. Even if your student has been “accident” free for years, they can be very distracted learning and growing in the classroom, not wanting to miss out on fun activities, there is a line for the bathroom, or they are experiencing illness symptoms. Please, help your student with tucking a zip lock bag with appropriately sized clothes, in the bottom of their backpack including their name. Have them keep it there, and inform your student if they need help, they can visit the Nurse’s Office. I have wet wipes, a private bathroom, and bags. But the clothing can be a source of embarrassment. Thank you for helping me and your student.
I am very excited to see returning student with their families and look forward to meeting all of our new ones too!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I am here as a partner with you, the parent/guardian, for the care while at school.
Thank you
Melissa A Brauneis, RN
Snowshoe Elementary School