The Mountain Family WAG
Nov. 18-22, 2024
Megan's Message
November is flying by. This week we had the Sante Fe Chamber Music Orchestra and the Spelling Bee. This events breaks up the every day routine and adds excitement to learning. This week we have Science Fair- a celebration of inquiry and hard work. It is always so interesting to see what questions students come up with. The following week is Thanksgiving. I love reflecting on what I am grateful for. Top of my list is being part of this amazing educational community. Here is to a wonderful week ahead!
Mountain Spelling Bee
WOW! What a competition. We have some strong spellers. It was great to see so may students come out. We had a tough race and three spellers battled it out. We had 1) Erin Mayer, 6th grade 2) Timothy Blair, 6th grade and 3rd place to Natalie Johnson, 5th grade. The alternate is Mia Lin in 4th grade.
Yearbook Contest Winners
Thank you so much to you and your students for participating in the decision making for our yearbook cover this year! We had close to 90 votes, and the winner was decided by 1 single vote! Here are our top 5 for this year:
1st - Donna Fleming, 6th Grade
2nd - Matilde Ribeiro, 5th Grade
3rd - Zoey Greenburg, 5th Grade
4th - Elizabeth Wang, 3rd Grade
5th- Emilie Peterson, 5th Grade
Nov. 23 Vos Tambien Silent Auction
The LAHS Rotary Interact Club is hosting a silent auction on Saturday, November 23, from 6:30 PM-8 PM at Fuller Lodge.
The event includes baked goods, hot cocoa, and cotton candy as well as auction items. The auction items contain various coupons and discounts from businesses across Los Alamos, and even tickets to Meow Wolf in Santa Fe.
Week Ahead Nov. 18-22, 2024
18- Pledge-Martinez
19- Pledge-Parga
20- Pledge-Garcia
21- Pledge-Cook. Science Fair 3-5 p.m.
22- Pledge- B. Hawkins
PTA meeting- Nov. 19th. 5 p.m.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 19th at 5:00 pm at the Mountain Elementary library.
We will be discussing the approval of at least three teacher grants, working on plans for Math Night, and discussing budget updates to include funds raised at the FunD Run and Halloween Carnival. We would love to see you there!
Children are welcome at all of our meetings. If you can't make it in person, you can join us online via Google Meet by clicking the button below.
Last Call for Lost and Found- Nov. 22 items will be donated
Last call for Lost and Found. We will be packing up and bringing to Casa Mesita at end of week so please come by the 100 hallway. Thank you!
November is Native American Heritage Month
We are privileged to have Native American families part of our Mountain Family. Representation comes from from Nambe, Pojoaque, Ohkay Owingeh, San Idelfonso, Jicarillo Apache and Santa Clara pueblos. Meanwhile here is information about Native American Heritage Month.
Welcome Kristi Schultz
We are thrilled to have hired Kristi Schulz as our new ELA teacher in sixth grade. She comes with much experience with ELA and MS. She taught in CO and Iowa and has three boys here in Los Alamos. She will be formally starting tomorrow.
We are so grateful to Erin Cook for filling in and wish her all the best! We will miss her.
Upcoming Dates- November
Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Dec. 4th PREK night rescheduled