Winthrop Weekly
December 4, 2024
Principally Speaking
Dear Winthrop Families,
As evidenced by the temperature and our festively decorated portico, winter weather has arrived!
Winter Weather/Inclement Weather Procedures
In the event that we need to cancel, delay, or close school earlier than the regular dismissal time, we will make announcements on the following TV stations and send notifications via email and phone message. Additionally, a message will be posted on the school district’s Facebook account and the district website (www.ipsk12.net).
TV Stations:
- WBZ – Channel 4
- WCVB – Channel 5
- WFXT (Boston 25) – Channel 25
Delayed Openings
In the case of a delayed opening, schools will begin two hours later than usual, and buses will pick up two hours later than their normal times. The morning Extended Day Program (EDP) will also start two hours late.
Winter Clothing
We aim to have students outside playing every day during the winter months. To make decisions about indoor or outdoor recess, we follow the Child Care Weather Watch Guidelines
, which take into account temperature and wind chill. Please ensure your child comes to school with appropriate winter outerwear, including a winter jacket, snow pants, boots, hat, and gloves/mittens. Students are required to have these items to participate in outdoor recess.
We also keep extra gear on hand in case a student forgets something. If your family could use assistance in purchasing winter weather gear, please reach out to Theresa Guillaume or Rebecca Higgins by email or by calling the school at 978.356.2976, option 6.
Additional Information
Please see below for new updates regarding Polished Dental, Schoolwide Pajama Day, and the 1st Trimester Report Cards.
Stay warm!
Ipswich Public Schools Calendar
Winthrop Calendar
⛄ December Dates ⛄
Thursday, December 5th: Grade 5 Workout, 8 AM in the Gym
Thursday. December 5th: Early Release PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50. Free Mobile Mart @ dismissal
Thursday, December 5th: Grade 5 Winter Concert, 7 PM @ Winthrop Cafeteria
Wednesday, December 11th: FRIES-Sponsored In-School Event, Grade 3 Dance with High St. Studios
Wednesday, December 11th: FRIES Meeting, 6:30 PM @ Winthrop Cafeteria
Thursday, December 12th: Polished Dental Progam at Winthrop
Thursday, December 12th: Grade 5 Workout, 8 AM in the Gym
Thursday. December 12th: Early Release PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50. Free Mobile Mart @ dismissal
Thursday, December 12th: Grade 4 SLC Meeting, 2:00 -2:30 PM
Thursday, December 12th: No Place for Hate Meeting, 2:00-2:45 PM
Friday, December 13th: Harvest of the Month- Roasted Carrot Fries
Friday, December 13th: 1st Trimester Report Cards Sent Home
Wednesday, December 18th: FRIES-Sponsored In-School Event, PK Dance with High St. Studios
Thursday, December 19th: Grade 5 Workout, 8 AM in the Gym
Thursday. December 19th: Early Release PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50. Free Mobile Mart @ dismissal
Friday, December 20th: Schoolwide Pajama Day
Monday, December 23rd - Wednesday, January 1st: Winter Break
Thursday, January 2nd: Classes Resume
Grade 5 B/O/C Concert - 12/5 @ 7 PM, Winthrop Cafeteria
Standards-Based Report Cards
First Trimester Report Cards
First trimester report cards will be sent home on December 13th. Ipswich Public Schools uses a standards-based report card at the elementary level.
Report Card Ratings
The purpose of the Ipswich Elementary Schools report card is to share your child’s learning progress with parents/guardians and students. This standards-based report card reflects your child's learning in relation to the Massachusetts state standards and frameworks for their grade level. Student progress is assessed through multiple measures, including assessments, student work, and informal observations.
Our goal is to support students in consistently meeting the standards, represented by an "M" (Meeting the standard). Along the way, you may see ratings like "N" (Not Yet demonstrating progress toward meeting the standard) or "P" (Progressing toward meeting the standard).
We’ve removed the "B" (Beginning to progress toward meeting the standard) rating from previous report cards, as we believe the "P" rating more effectively communicates progress toward each grade-level standard. If your child demonstrates learning that exceeds grade-level expectations for a particular standard, you’ll see an "E/I" (Exceeding beyond the standard, consistently demonstrating and independently applying related skills).
You may also notice some standards are grayed out. This indicates that these standards have not yet been covered in your child’s instruction.
Report Cards and IEPs
Standards-based report cards provide a clear metric of progress toward grade-level standards for all students. If your child has an IEP, you will receive a separate progress report based on your child’s individualized goals along with the standards-based report card. This progress report will be mailed separately.
Schoolwide Pajama Day- 12/20
On Friday, December 20th all students are invited to wear their pj's to school to celebrate the last day before December vacation.
We have plenty of extra, new pajamas for any student who would like a pair. Please reach out to your child's teacher or Principal Sullivan if your child may need a new set and we will send them home (discreetly) ahead of time. We will also have plenty of extra new pj's ready for any student who may forget theirs on the 20th.
Participating in PJ day is optional. Comfy clothes and sweats are perfectly acceptable, too.
Polished Dental - 12/12
Next Thursday, December 12th, POLISHED Dental will be at Winthrop to provide free dental screenings, cleanings, and sealant to any family that wishes to participate. Once again, this is a FREE service. Sign-up forms were sent home with students this week; these should be returned to Winthrop by the 12th in order for your child(ren) to take part. Alternatively, you may sign up online at polishedteeth.com, under "Forms" on the top right."
Ipswich Caring
Dear Winthrop Families,
During this holiday season, the Winthrop School community has a great deal to be thankful for. This time of year we try very consciously to help children focus on the giving and sharing aspects of the season and to develop a sense of how fortunate we all are to have school, families, and our health, when many in the world and our town are still in need.
We have a long-standing tradition at Winthrop School with Ipswich Caring.Ipswich Caring makes significant contributions to Ipswich families during the holiday season, as well as throughout the year with its many programs. We would greatly appreciate it if you would forego giving gifts to the staff at this time. Those of you who feel the need to give are encouraged to make a donation to Ipswich Caring. If you’d like to make a contribution, please fill out the form below and return it with your contribution to the Winthrop School office. The teacher(s) you are honoring will be given a copy. Your contribution can be sent in cash or as a check made out to Ipswich Caring, along with the form, and dropped off at the office.
Thank you for honoring our request.
Wishing you health and happiness over the holidays!
The Winthrop Staf
We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, December 11th, at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria for our December FRIES meeting. Mark your calendars!
Green Team News
Seed Saving Workshops
Save the dates for these upcoming after school workshops! They are open to any and all Winthrop families who would like to participate. Students need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian/chaperone. Please remember all visitors are required to check in at the front office.
Thursday, December 5, 2-3pm
SEED CATCHING - mostly an outdoor activity, collecting native seeds from the school grounds
Thursday, December 12, 2-3pm
SEED SAVING - mostly an indoor activity, sorting and labeling seeds for future sowing
Thursday, December 19, 2-3pm
SEED SHARING - an outdoor activity, giving away seeds to community for at-home planting
Toy Swap Recap
The toy and clothing swap was a huge success thanks to so many Winthrop and Doyon families!! Thank you all for reducing, reusing, and recycling this holiday season! Here's a recap we should all be proud of:
- Families found high-quality toys, clothes, and books for free right here in our community
- Community Giving Tree picked up a vanload of leftover clothes, shoes, books, stuffed animals, backpacks, and baby items for local families
- The Epilepsy Foundation (Savers) collected a truckload of mostly plastic toys
- 4 boxes of books were donated to the Ipswich Public Library to support their used book sales
- Countless teachers and social workers found items to share with their students and clients
- Leftover boxes and bags from the event were recycled
- Worn, tattered clothes were recycled in the textile bin
- One bag of trash was thrown in the dumpster
Ipswich Public Library - Holiday Party- 12/7
Please join us in the Children's Room at the Ipswich Public Library this Saturday, December 7 from 10 a.m. to noon for our Holiday Party. In the Collins Room will be three different crafts to make for a wide age range of children. There are also refreshments!
Upstairs in front of the fireplace in the Rogers Room, just right for a photo op, Anna and Elsa will be waiting for a Meet and Greet.
We have all of our winter holiday books, including a substantial Christmas and Chanukkah collection, on display and just waiting to go home!
There is no registration required. Just stop by!
Call the Children's Room at 978-412-8713 with any questions!
Polar Express Movie Night - 12/13
Winthrop School
Email: winthrop@ipsk12.net
Website: https://www.ipsk12.net/Domain/185
Location: 65 Central Street, Ipswich, MA, USA
Phone: 9783562976