SCS Newsletter
T2W9 2024
Tumuaki Korero
Kia ora e te whānau,
A special week this week is as Matariki appears within our skies, it is time for reflection, remembering those who have passed and celebrating the Māori New Year. We are looking forward to celebrating Matariki with our whanau and friends next Friday 5th of July. We will have a delicious breakfast to share, matariki-inspired activities and the coffee cart will be here to purchase warm drinks.
Yesterday our Year 4-6 students attended an education session for the Te Heke Whakangā exhibition celebrating Ngāti Rārua resilience and success, at Te Kahu o Waipuna. The students thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience and highly recommend everyone goes along to have a chance to look back on history as we move forward to the future.
On the last Friday of term, following our Matariki Celebration, we have our colour fun run. An obstacle course ending in a paint extravaganza! We would love to see our whanau and friends come along and participate alongside our Spring Creek School tamariki (past & present) who are keen to get involved and get a bit messy! The total raised so far is an amazing $2278.00! How amazing is that!
Last Friday we had the TASMAN RUGBY UNION & Whakatū Girls Rugby Trust in to run a rugby activation programme. Our girls really enjoyed participating in these sessions and there will be another opportunity next Friday. Whakatū Girls Rugby Trust is holding one of their fun camps in Blenheim over the upcoming school holidays! They would love to invite students (past & present) from Spring Creek School to join them. These holiday camps are for girls who currently play rugby and for those that may be keen to give it a go in a safe environment. See the notice below.
Enjoy your long weekend.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Cheryl Alderlieste
Tumuaki - Principal
Hui Awards
These are presented each fortnight at our school hui. They are linked to our vision, mission and values.
Waka Hoe Focus:
Week: 9-10: Relationships/Piringa
Setting: Waka
Staff will be working with children, showing them what the value means and looks like.
Upcoming Events 2024
Term 2
- 26 Te Heke Whakanga exhibition year 4-6 10.30am
- 28 Matariki holiday School Closed
- 1 Te Taiao session
- 5 Matariki Breakfast 7am
- 5 Colour Fun Run Day 12.30pm
- 5 Last day of term 2
To stay up to date with school activities you can add our events calendar with the following link SCS Events Calendar
Colour Fun Run
Kia ora whānau, A letter and pamphlet came home with your child about our exciting fundraiser 'Colour Fun Run'. If you would like support to set up their profile online or would like more information, please pop in and see Ness in the office and she can help you with that. We are looking at raising funds to add to our Te Taiao - our environment. Thank you for your amazing support!
Uniform Orders
Next order is being sent on Tuesday 2nd July 2024.
Please see Ness in the office for an order form.
KiwiCan 2024
This term we have Aliyah and Saxon returning as our leaders for 2024, our sessions are on Friday mornings.
Kiwi Can themes will follow in this order over the year:
Term 1 = Respect / Manaakitanga
Term 2 = Resilience / Taikaha
Term 3 = Positive Relationships / Whakawhanaungatanga
Term 4 = Integrity / Pono
School Docs
Our school uses SchoolDocs as a website for our policies and procedures. This site is now live and available to our school community.
We invite you to visit the site at https://springcreek.schooldocs.co.nz/ (note that there's no "www"!). Our username is springcreek and password 7202.
Policies being reviewed this term are:
This is done by following these steps:
Visit the website https://springcreek.schooldocs.co.nz/1893.htm
Enter the username (springcreek) and password (7202).
Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
Read the policy.
Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
Select the reviewer type "Parent".
Enter your name (optional).
Submit your ratings and comments.
If you don't have internet access, the school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.
Legion Taekwon-Do is a dynamic martial art, and it is also an exciting sport suitable for all ages and abilities. Classes are for everyone from beginners to advanced levels.
Focused mind, disciplined body and pure spirit through community participation is our motto. Keeping this in mind, we encourage individual growth through a family feel atmosphere whilst practicing Taekwon-Do techniques.
Fees will be free to any Spring Creek School students and to the Spring Creek community. Classes will be Monday 3:15 - 4:15 pm in the Spring Creek Hall from this term. Families need to arrange for their children to go to the hall after school.About us
Email: admin@springcreek.school.nz
Website: www.springcreek.school.nz
Location: 52 Ferry Road, Spring Creek, New Zealand
Phone: 03 5705514
Facebook: facebook.com/SCSchool