August 26, 2016
Vanguard Kick-Off
We're excited to see a number of you tomorrow at our Vanguard Kick-Off event! We have some great things in store and hope you'll enjoy it!
As always, anything that takes place will be shared with the team, so if you're unable to attend, we'll fill you in!
If you'll be attending, please try and remember to wear your school badge and bring a device (unless you're picking up a new one!)
We have a lot to do in a short period of time, so we'll get started promptly at 9:00 am!
Vanguard Application is Open
If your team already has at least four members, please do not encourage people to apply. Instead, consider forming a VanChise! More information about VanChises will be shared at the kick-off.
iPad Information
If you haven't added your information to the iPad information sheet, PLEASE DO SO ASAP! This includes anyone who has recently gotten an iPad or who is getting a new one.
(If you are getting a new one, please be sure to completely wipe and reset your current iPad. You also need to return your charger/case.)
- @drkengwa
- Professional Development Coordinator @ Feldwood ES
- She can help you with all things PD!
- Vanguard Cohort 4b
- @artwithmrs
- Visual Arts @ Tri-Cities HS
- He can help you with Seesaw and Photoshop!
- Vanguard Cohort 5
- @ange1226
- 4th Grade Humanities @ Medlock Bridge ES
- She's a superstar with reading/writing workshop and Blendspace!
Haven't added your info and picture to our yearbook? Do it today! CLICK HERE!
Digital Promise
Take a peek at the latest Digital Promise Story video from Vanguard member Chris Shearer's team at Holcomb Bridge Middle School!
More About Snap&Read Universal and Co:Writer Universal
Snap&Read Universal: https://vimeo.com/140218204
Co:Writer Universal: https://vimeo.com/104430354
There are half day, face to face trainings on Snap&Read Universal and Co:Writer Universal you can sign up to attend through Edivate. The first north training will be on 08/31/16 from 8:30 am – 11:30 am and the first south training will be on 08/30/16. The title is “AT: Universal Products”
Registration Instructions:
1. Log into the Employee Portal
2. Locate the blue Edivate icon in the My Apps section
3. Once you’re on the Edivate homepage, click on the hamburger menu ( 3 horizontal lines stacked on top of each other in the upper left-hand corner)
4. Click on Learning Targets
5. Click on Catalogs
6. Click on Academic Support catalog
7. Choose the title of the course (click on the word TITLE in the grey bar to sort alphabetically)
8. Click on the Register button
9. The course will no longer show in the Catalog. It will be listed under the Transcript tab
If you later decide not to attend, please return to Edivate and remove it from your transcript so someone else may take that seat. To receive credit for the course participants must register.
Have additional questions? Contact Jennifer Beard at beardj@fultonschools.org
GaETC - Secure Your Subs
Mark your calendars and secure your substitutes for GaETC. The conference takes place November 2-4 and, as always, Vanguard will be sending you there! Registration information will be given at a later date. Please wait for this information before registering.
Substitutes will be paid for by the instructional technology department. This will be handled at a later date by Carla Mendes. She will communicate with the bookkeepers at your schools.
Vanguard Communication Chain
With nearly 400 members, it's sometimes hard for everyone to get all of the information they need. To help you know where to look or who to ask, there's a new Vanguard communication flowchart!
Does that mean you're never allowed to skip a step? Of course not, but please think about different ways to find the answers you're looking for! :) The chart is linked on our website, but you can access it through the link below!
Grant Opportunity
Who: The opportunity to apply for an Innovation Grant is open to all Georgia teachers, media specialists, counselors, or any combination of persons within a school setting.
What: A maximum of $10,000 in Innovation Grants will be awarded, with each individual grant not to exceed $2,500.
- Deadline for submitting Grant Application: September 15, 2016
- Grant Recipient Announcement: October 7, 2016
- All grant applications must be submitted online on or before the deadline.
- Innovation Grants will be judged and scored based on a rubric. Click here to see the rubric (pdf file).
- Applicants must agree to implement the approved grant initiative and expend all awarded funds prior to January 1, 2016.
- Grant recipients are expected to make a presentation during the 2017 Georgia Educational Technology Conference.
Questions regarding the grant should be directed to Paulina Kuforiji at grants@gaetc.org
Click Here to Apply for the Innovation Grant
We are planning exciting events for you at GaETC 2016!
Email: heather@ksuiteach.org
Website: fcsvanguard.org
Phone: 678-902-5782
Twitter: @FCSVanguard