Cedar Grove Friday Flash
September 15, 2023
Dear Cedar Grove Families,
Many thanks to our PTA for providing the fall Book Fair. Students were so excited to browse the items and books on display and make purchases. Special thanks to Mrs. James and Mrs. Rojas for chairing this wonderful event and for all the parent volunteers who helped make the Book Fair a huge success!
MCPS is seeking input about the 2024–2025 school year calendar! Please take a moment to complete the MCPS School Calendar 2024-2025 Feedback form. Your input will be used to select the first and last day of school, as well as other important dates for the coming school year. Thank you.
As a reminder, the Welcome Back Bash has been rescheduled to occur during the Fall Festival, which will be held on Saturday, October 28.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Wynne and Mrs. German
To translate this newsletter, click here. Then click the "Websites" tab, choose the language desired, and copy and paste the Smore link into the box. Click on the blue arrow, and the newsletter will be translated in your chosen language.
Grade Level Newsletters
Parents, please click on your child's grade level to view class weekly newsletters. Any questions regarding the content of the newsletters should be directed to your child's teacher. Thank you.
Annual Notification of Asbestos Management Plan
The federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986 requires local education agencies to inspect their schools for asbestos-containing building material and prepare management plans to prevent or reduce asbestos hazards. Asbestos Management Plans have been prepared for all MCPS facilities. These plans outline the location and condition of ACM based on inspections of the facilities. The Asbestos Abatement Unit conducts semi-annual surveys of each facility with ACM to assess the condition of the material and to identify necessary remedial work. The inspection results are kept on file with the Asbestos Management Plans. For more information, please click on the link below.
From Mrs. Hirschhorn, Media Specialist
Book Fair has come and gone and thanks to the PTA, the media center has been gifted with all kinds of wonderful titles, including many in Spanish. We're in the midst of all kinds of learning in the media center, not to mention checking out newly arrived books. Please bookmark the September newsletter. We are still looking for parent volunteers to help keep our media center open for book check out. By the way, we are getting ready for our Great Pumpkin Storybook Character Pumpkin Decorating contest, so if you want to start thinking of some ideas, feel free! We will update this newsletter every Friday to make sure you know what's happening in the Media Center!
Art, Music, and PE Newsletter
Please click the link below for the September overview of what your students will be doing in Art, General Music, Instrumental Music, and Physical Education. We hope you will take a few moments to read what is happening during these instructional spaces.
From Our PTA:
A HUGE Thank You!
Thank you to all of the Parent Volunteers that helped this week with the Book Fair. It was a BIG SUCCESS!
Welcome Back Bash
Our Welcome Back Bash has been rescheduled to coincide with our Fall Festival on Saturday, October 28th from 1p-3p.
PTA Membership Drive
When: NOW - October 27th
What: Join the PTA and be entered into our Raffle! We are giving away four different grade level Scholastic Book Baskets! The baskets are valued between $60 - $80!! Winners will be announced during our Fall Festival on Saturday, October 28th!
Click HERE to purchase your PTA MEMBERSHIP or RENEWAL! Thank you for your support!
Show your school SPIRIT! Click HERE to get your spiritwear now!
After School Clubs begin in October. More information can be found at https://cedargrovepta.membershiptoolkit.com/afterschoolclubs .
Visit https://cedargrovepta.org for more information!