Plympton Family Update
September 13, 2024
From the Plympton Admin Team
Hello, Families!
We had a great time last night at the PTO Ice Cream Social! It was so much fun to see so many students and families. A big thank you to Pizzi's for donating the ice cream! Our next community event is our Multicultural Potluck on September 26. More information is included below.
A few housekeeping items:
Only water is allowed in the classrooms. We encourage reusable water bottles! Please avoid sending in glass containers for food and water. We've had several accidents and the shattered glass is a safety concern. Full size or family-sized bags of chips are also not permitted. We do not share food at Plympton due to allergies and dietary restrictions.
Thank you to everyone who has returned the emergency forms and the nurse forms. If you haven't already, please return these completed forms by Friday, September 20.
Have a great weekend!
Go Penguins!
Vamos Pinguinos!
Adrienne Norris and Amanda Brennan
Bookmark our homepage and also check out this resource!
Breakfast Menu week of September 16 to September 20
Monday: Fresh Baked Scones
Tuesday: Bacon and Cheese Egg Bites with Tater Tots and Toast
Wednesday: Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Muffins
Thursday: Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast
Friday: Mini Maple Waffles
From the Nurse
Our yearly Vision, Hearing (and Postural Screening for Gr 5 students) begins this week September 16-20, 2024. If you do not hear from me you will know that your student passed. I will only contact those families who’s students had difficulty.
I am available by phone or email. Please feel free to contact me regarding any health concerns regarding your student at 781-314-5763 or sharonduquette@walthampublicschools.org.
Ms. Sharon Duquette, BSN, RN, NCSN
PTO News
Community News
🍎 Back to School Night scheduled for October 17, 2024
6:00 to 7:30
September 24: PTO Meeting at Plympton 6:30
September 25: Early Release - Dismissal is at 1:00 - Lunch is served
September 26: Multi-Cultural Night
October 3: No School - Rosh Hashanah
Plympton Elementary School
Email: Adriennenorris@walthampublicschools.org
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/plympton
Location: 20 Farnsworth St, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 314-5760
This link has lots of great information about our school!