DRES Family Message
September 5, 2022
Message From Mrs. Sanchez
Good Evening DRES Family,
We kick off our biggest fundraiser of the year tomorrow, The APEX REMIX! The students will watch a kick-off video in the morning and then meet the APEX team throughout the day. Check out the 22-23 theme here and see more about what your children will be learning over the next 2 weeks while raising money.: https://vimeo.com/729292037 We are raising funds for Technology and Security Enhancements, Campus Beautification, Teacher Appreciation, Continued Advocacy to DRES Families and more! You can go online at https://myapexevent.com to learn more. Tomorrow your child will bring home their Access Code so you can get their pledge page started!
Be sure to check in with your children daily over the next 2 weeks to see what they are learning from the APEX Leadership Team.
Have a good evening,
Mrs. Sanchez, Principal
Morning Arrival
Students should not be dropped off out front of the school until 8:00am. We do not have staff on duty out front until 8:00am.
Please wait in the carpool line to drop your children off rather than parking and walking them across the carpool lane. Carpool gets started right at 8:00am and moves quickly in the morning.
Quarter 1 Dates
9-6 to 9-16- Apex Fundraiser
9-16-22- Apex REMIX Event
9-17-22- School Grounds Clean Up Day 9am-12pm- Come help us clean up our school!!
9-22-22- McTeacher Night 4:30-7:30pm- 9698 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615
9-26-22- PTA Meeting 6:30pm- DRES Media Center
9-30-22- Last Day of Quarter 1
10-3 to 10-24-22- Track Out
Cafeteria Volunteers
Title 1 Video
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger
Did you change your phone number or move?
If you've moved, please provide an updated gas, electric, water bill, signed lease agreement, or bill of sale for house purchase. Contact Mrs. Antonio for an appointment.
Early Release Dates
The rest of the Early Release Days for the year for Track 4 are:
November 10
December 5
December 21
March 24
May 9