TGMS Weekly Updates
December 20, 2024
A message from TGMS
Wishing you a safe and happy holiday break!
Classes resume Monday, January 6, 2025
Technology Class Notes
Take a look to see what our students have been doing in Tech Class
Notes from the Music Class
Reminder Notice to parents to update student information on Parent Portal
As we approach Winter Break and prepare for the start of 2025, we encourage families to update their contact information. If you prefer that your child’s photo, voice, or other 'school directory' information not be used by the District or school on its communication platforms, please complete and return the OPT OUT form.
Parents be sure to complete your student's annual update. This information includes the field trip permission form as well as emergency contacts.
Below you will find the directions posted on our website to review your student's information:
For custodial parents/guardians in primary households of returning students in kindergarten through grade 12.
To complete the Student Annual Update back to and Emergency Medical Authorization forms, a parent/legal guardian in the primary household must submit an annual update for each returning student through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. View "How to Complete the Annual Update."
- Login into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal, click on the 3 lines in the upper left corner and select “More.”
- Click on Online Registration at the bottom of the list.
- Click on Existing Student Registration
- Click on Begin Registration at the bottom.
- Follow the prompts to complete the Online Registration Annual Update.
Please review all information, including emergency contacts, health conditions and medication.
School Fees are now due
PLSD school fees are now due. Fees for consumable materials, workbooks and fines may be viewed in your student's Infinite Campus account. You may pay your student's fees through the Parent Portal. There is a quick click button on the bottom lower right of the homepage of the PLSD webpage. www.pickerington.k12.oh.us
Payment may be made by card, electronic check via the Parent Portal, or cash as needed. Thank you.
January Calendar
Jan 1 - 3 Holiday break
Jan. 6 - Classes resume
Jan. 20 - martin Luther King Day - No School
Jan. 31 - Interims