Bulldog Bulletin
August 30, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Bulldog Families-
I hope that you had a wonderful week. Now that we have completed three weeks of school, I believe we are all settling in and beginning to welcome being back into a routine.
I wanted to highlight a couple pieces for you in this week's news:
- Student ID cards: Last week students took their photos and received their ID cards. If they forgot to get their cards, please ask them to ask their Social Studies teachers. If they missed picture day, be sure to look out for information about retakes. Students will need their ID cards every day for lunch. We will absolutely feed students that forget their ID; however, it really makes things easier on the system because with their card they just scan and go. Finally, student IDs are required to get into afterschool events such as athletics.
- Family Engagement Letter: I wanted to elevate the letter below that outlines the new District 11 Board Policy on attendance, behavior and cell phones. We discussed this at Open House, but I am asking that you please review this letter with your student(s) at home and send back a signed copy acknowledging that you received the information. Students can turn these in to their advisory teacher. Please reach out if you have any questions.
- PBIS Rewards: This week grade levels had an assembly about our PBIS rewards system. Students learned where on the Galileo Middle School website they can go to access their points and shop for rewards!! Teachers also received training on how to give students points add to their bank. Friendly reminder, teachers may create their own norms in their classroom around how many points students can earn and what they can do to earn these points. All staff members have access and will always award points to students when we see them exemplify our CORE Values: Achieve, Respect and Engage, as well as our Three Golden Rules: Take care of self, take care of others and take care of community.
I look forward to our continued partnership and collaboration. I hope you have a wonderful three-day weekend, and we will see you all back on Tuesday, September 3rd!
In partnership,
Julia Scott
Galileo Middle School vision, "Students will engage in purposeful, authentic learning experiences, through integrated core subjects with real world connections."
Mark Your Calendar
Monday, September 2nd
- Labor Day; School Closed
Thursday, September 12th
- FIRST SAC MEETING of the YEAR! @4p In-person/virtual option
Monday, September 16th
- Teacher Professional Development Day-No Students
Friday, September 27th
- Whole School Community Circle at 8:40a
Engagement Agreement
Please take some time to read this letter with your student(s). This letter outlines the new ABC Policy from our Board of Education. ABC stands for Attendance, Behavior and Cell Phones. We are asking that you please sign this and have your student bring it back to their Advisory teacher. We appreciate your support! Reach out anytime with questions.
Afterschool Club Information
Already Begun!
Chess Club
Club Leader: Dr. Keller
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Time: 4p-5:30p
Art Club
Club Leader: Ms. Hannah Espinosa
Day(s) of the Week: Thursdays
Time: 4p-5p
Begins Next Week...
Mixed Martial Arts Club
Club Leader: Mr. Wayman West
Day(s) of the Week: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 4p-5p
Start Date: Tuesday, September 3rd
Photography Club
Club Leader: Mr. Banker
Day(s) of the Week: Tuesdays
Time: 4p-5:30p
Start Date: Tuesday, September 3rd
Starting Soon...
Flag Football
Club Leader: Coach Drobny
Day(s) of the Week: Mondays and Wednesdays
Start Date: Monday, September 9th