Panther Pamphlet
September 29th, 2024
Principal's Corner
October Kick Off
As we head into October we are excited to kick off the month with our annual Panther Prowl, this Friday October 4th! This Wednesday our whole school will be enjoying a special snack for meeting our next Panther Prowl goal. We had so much fun last Friday with our Teacher's in Inflatables Extravaganza! Pictures and More Info Below.
If your child is sick or absent, feel free to email our attendance secretary, Mrs. Stecker to excuse their absences. Her email is: steckeras@kalamazoopublicschools.net.
Count Day is this Tuesday! It is very helpful if all students that are able to be at school, be at school that day. Attendance Reminder: Chronic absenteeism applies to unexcused and excused absences.Chronic absenteeism letters will go out this month for those who are showing up on the list. It is very important to students' learning that absences are limited when possible.
This Friday, October 4th is a half day. Dismissal is at 12:06.
Save the Date: We will be holding our annual Literacy Parade tradition for peep through 3rd grade students on October 31st. More info coming soon!
Thank you again for being such a supportive community and here's to another terrific week!
-Principal Jessica Rosecrans
(269) 337-0720
Teacher Inflatable Extravaganza
Teacher Inflatable Extravaganza
Teacher Inflatable Extravaganza
Panther Prowl Volunteers for Event Day
Panther Prowl Fundraising Recap
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
S. Park Street Reminders
Most students and families are doing so well to support this time of day! We still have a few reminders that we need your help with.
If you are parking and dropping off/picking up your child please park on side streets and drop off/pick your child up at the garden side of S. Park Street. S. Park Street is a no parking street except for busses. It can be very dangerous when students are trying to cross the street by themselves to get to cars, or when families weave through the busses. It also helps our teachers if they can fully drop off their bus students at busses and then take the walkers down to their pick up spots by the garden. If you prefer to wait in your car, our car rider line that goes around the playground is still an option. Thank you for helping us support this arrival and dismissal procedure!
Popcorn Fridays and Volunteers, starting Oct 25th πΏπ
Conferences October 7th, 9th, and 10th
All Conferences should be scheduled. If you were unable to schedule your conference already, teachers were asked to work with families to make sure everyone has a dedicated conference time. Our goal is to meet with 100% of our families. Conference confirmation slips should be coming home soon from your classroom teacher. If your child does not bring these confirmation forms home by Thursday, please reach out to your classroom teacher in case it got lost on the transition home.
Families Please fill out this form
Parkwood Logo Winner
New School Logo
Many Students and Staff voted on our new Parkwood Logo. We are excited to present the winner below!
Save the Date
Dates to Remember:
Sept. 30th- Pfizer Science Demonstration for 5th graders at school
Oct. 1st- First Day Shoe- shoe fitting day for signed up students
Oct. 2nd- Count Day
Oct. 4th- K-8 Half Day Dismissal 12:06 Panther Prowl
Oct. 7th- Conferences 4:00-8:00
Oct 9th- Conferences 4:00-8:00
Oct. 10th- K-8 Half Day Dismissal 12:06 Conferences 12:10-4:00
Oct 11th- K-5 Half Day Dismissal 12:06
Oct. 21st- K-12 Half Day Dismissal 12:06
Oct. 31st-Peep-3rd grade Literacy Parade line the sidewalk 2:45
No 1st No School