Hillis Hound Happenings
Family Edition, February 2025
馃幖 The Hillis Music Concert 馃帳
News from the music room
We are busy getting ready for our big performances. I can鈥檛 wait for the big day and to watch all the kids SHINE! They are my favorite performers and it is my honor to be their music teacher!
Please join us on Thursday, February 27, 2025 for our annual music concerts at Hoover High School鈥檚 auditorium.
K/1 at 5:00pm
2/3 at 5:30pm
4/5 at 6:00pm
Please meet your teachers to line up 15 minutes prior to your start time.
They are working so hard and every day, they absolutely blow me away with their hard work and beautiful singing. Wow! They are so, so amazing and deserve to feel like super stars!!!
We can鈥檛 wait to share our work with you.
See you at Hoover on the 27th!
With love,
Mrs. Janson
Fourth and Fifth Grade
Second and Third Grade
Kindergarten and First Grade
馃敺A Peek in Our Classrooms馃敺
2nd Grade
On February 5th, second grade was fortunate to have a member of Polk County Conservation visit our classrooms for insect presentations! We learned so much information about insects from listening to our presenter, asking her questions, and viewing models of insects. This presentation went along perfectly with our study of pollinators! The second graders are currently researching insects and we are answering our Guiding Question, How do pollinators help plants grow and survive?
3rd Grade
Hello from 3rd grade! We finished our frog unit with a Frog Festival! The students had so much fun sharing their expertise with others. We are now exploring literary classics and how to capture a reader鈥檚 imagination by exploring Peter Pan.
In math the students have been exploring and learning about fractions. We kicked off the unit by exploring fractions in the real-world and using measuring cups. They have been working so hard to represent and compare fractions.
4th Grade
Math- 4th Graders started a new unit: Multiplying and Dividing Multi-digit Numbers. During this unit, students will deepen their understanding of multiplying and dividing using a variety of strategies. Students will also solve multi-step word problems using these operations.
EL: Our 4th Graders have been working hard in their 3rd Module: The American Revolution. They鈥檝e read informational texts to build background knowledge in the first unit. In unit 2 students are learning about different perspectives that individuals had during the American Revolution. They are also reading a play titled Divided Loyalties: The Barton Family During the American Revolution.
馃摫Did You Know: Common Sense Media馃捇
Common Sense Media (CSM) is an American nonprofit organization that reviews and provides ratings for media and technology with the goal of providing information on their suitability for children. It also funds research on the role of media in the lives of children and advocates publicly for child-friendly policies and laws regarding media and education.
It has reviews of books, films, television shows, video games, apps, websites, podcasts, social media platforms and YouTube channels and rates them in terms of age-appropriate educational content.
Click this link to find the information that might help you keep your child safe in the digital world!
At Hillis Elementary, we make attendance a priority! Every day matters, and every minute counts!
Hopefully, the extreme weather and illnesses are behind us; we are confident we will have excellent building attendance this spring.
As a reminder, students are considered:
Excessively absent when they miss 5% of the semester (approximately 4.5 days)
Chronically absent when they miss 10% of the semester (approximately 9 days)
If students miss 20% of the semester (approximately 18 days), parents/guardians may be referred to truancy court.
Our goal is to have 10% or fewer of our students chronically absent. You can help us reach this goal by:
- Getting your student to school on time, and not picking them up early.
- If possible, scheduling appointments on no-school days or outside of school hours.
- Providing doctor notes for any illnesses, or checking in with Nurse Holland to verify illness.
- Always having a back-up transportation plan; talk to neighbors, classmates, family, or friends about carpooling or walking to school together.
- Reach out to Tiffany Taylor, SUCCESS Case Manager, with any concerns about your student鈥檚 attendance. She can be reached at 515-401-5020 or tiffany.taylor@dmschools.org
Thank you for your commitment to attendance at Hillis!
Hillis Elementary Programs and Services
Hillis Elementary Food Pantry
Hillis Elementary Food Pantry DMPS partners with the Food Bank of Iowa to provide a food pantry at Hillis Elementary.
Food Pantry Hours of Operation:
路 Thursdays: 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Please note: The Food Pantry will be closed if DMPS offices are closed.
For questions, please contact: Melissa Nordell-Earp Community in Schools Provider Email: melissa.nordellearp@dmschools.org Phone: 515-242-8412
"This institution is an equal opportunity provider." USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
School to Home Connection
Children with active and engaged families are more likely to:
路 Earn higher grades and test scores
路 Graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education
路 Develop self-confidence, motivation, and better social skills
路 Exhibit positive classroom behavior
Ways Families Can Be Involved:
路 Attend school events regularly
路 Participate in school conferences
路 Attend workshops offered by the school
路 Communicate regularly with your child鈥檚 teacher
路 Visit your child鈥檚 classroom
Hillis PTO:
路 Meets monthly for one hour.
路 Get involved by attending meetings and supporting the school community.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways to volunteer at Hillis Elementary, and we鈥檇 love to have your support!
Step 1: Become a DMPS Approved Volunteer
路 The process can take 1-3 weeks after you submit your application.
路 Once approved, your volunteer status lasts for five years before needing renewal. 路 Apply here: DMPS Volunteer Application
Hillis Volunteer Opportunities We鈥檙e looking for volunteers to read one on one with students, assist students in the classroom on a weekly or biweekly basis. If you are interested, we'd love to learn more about your time, talents, and skills.
For more information on all volunteer opportunities, please contact: Melissa Nordell-Earp Student, Family and Community School Coordinator Email: melissa.nordellearp@dmschools.org Phone: 515-242-8426
Community Resource Corner
You may be eligible to receive FREE tax preparation. You may also be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or Child Care Tax Credits. This is your money to keep and save. Please contact the Iowa Center for any inquiries at 515-283-0940 or by visiting theiowacenter.org/tax services/. Or dial 211 for more information. 211 is free and available 24/7.
What is VITA?
The IRS鈥檚 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to individuals, families, and small businesses filing on a Schedule C. VITA is available to people who generally make $67,000 or less, and provides specialized assistance for persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English-speaking taxpayers.
Please click the link to see the locations in the Des Moines area.
What to Bring to Your Appointment
Please Note: if you will be filling a joint return, both spouses must be at the appointment.
Total household income generally $ 67,000 or less.
You may or may not have the following items. If you have any of these, bring them to your appointment.
1. If you are self- employed, bring a list of your business expenses, totaled by category, including mileage record. If you are a teacher, bring a list of classroom expenses.
2. IP PIN (Identity Protection PIN), if you need one.
3. Health Insurance Exemption Certificate, if received (1095-A)
4. Any letters received from the IRS.
5. Interest and dividend statement (form 1099)
6. Total paid for day care provider and the day care provider鈥檚 tax identifying number (the provider鈥檚 social security number or the provider鈥檚 business employer identification number)
7. Bank routing numbers and account numbers for direct deposit. Blank check or bank statement preferred. We cannot use a deposit slip.
8. A completed intake form, if possible. This will make preparing your return faster and make sure that you have the information you need with you. Intake form for citizens, green card holders, and other residents for tax purposes
9. Photo ID for you and your spouse
10. Social Security cards or ITIN letters (or Social Security Number or ITIN verification letters issued by the Social Security Administration) for you, your spouse, and anyone you supported during the year (digital or photocopies allowed). If you do not have your social security card, you can get a free replacement card. Information about acquiring a replacement card is found on this Social Security Administration webpage: http://www.ssa.gov/ssnumber.
11. Wage and earning statement(s) from all employers, for each year you are filing (Form W2, W-2G, 1099-R, 1099-Misc, SAA 1099) 4. A copy of last year鈥檚 federal and state returns OR copies of income transcripts (if you don鈥檛 have the previous year鈥檚 return) from the IRS and state.
Please see attached flyer for updated dates on VITA Sites locations and Hours
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) can help eligible households stay safe and warm in the winter by providing financial assistance with home heating bills and protection from disconnection until April 1st, 2025.
During certain times of the year, funding may be available through this program to help prevent energy shutoffs, reconnect services, make homes more energy efficient, and repair or replace furnaces.
Your household may be able to receive a one-time payment to your utility provider if you meet income guidelines and provide the required documentation for your household. Assistance level depends on income level, family size, the type of fuel you use to heat your home, and other factors. If you heat your home with liquid propane (LP), you can qualify to receive a delivery of propane through this program.
If you have received a disconnection notice or if you are disconnected from your power source, funding may be available to assist you.
Income guidelines can be found at https://www.impactcap.org/income-guidelines
Required documentation to process application can be found at https://www.impactcap.org/liheap-docs
路 Appointments: Over-the-phone and In-person options are available.
路 Schedule appointment online
路 Mail Application
In-person locations allow walk-ins for households that have been disconnected or have a disconnect notice within the next 48 business hours. 路 Please call 515-518-4770 or email info@impactcap.org if you need assistance booking an appointment.
What if my furnace stops working?
Residents of Polk County, may contact Polk County Public Works.
What if I have a disconnection notice?
ATTENTION: Beginning November 1st, 2024, you can call your utility company to request a 30-day protection from disconnection while you apply for LIHEAP assistance.
If you have received a disconnection notice, have been disconnected from your power source, or have a non-working furnace, crisis funding may be available to assist you. Please call 515-518-4770 or email energyassistance@impactcap.org if you are in need of crisis assistance.
馃挕 Reminders
February 馃搯
27th - Hillis Music Concert at Hoover Auditorium
10th - Hillis Art Show 5pm - 6pm
13th - 21st NO SCHOOL: Spring break
23rd - classes resume
31st - NO SCHOOL, Eid al-Fitr