9/30/24 RCHS Newsletter
Important Dates
- 09/29/24 RCHS One & Only School Wide Fundraiser Begins
- 10/03/24 Jostens Sophomore Meeting - During Seminar - New Date!
- 10/04/24 Jag Day / Late Start - 8:20 am
- 10/08/24 Jostens Senior Meeting - During Seminar - New Date!
- 10/09/24 PSAT & MSQT Testing / Testing Schedule Below
- 🚩All 9th, 10th, and 12th grade students do not need to report to Rock Canyon High School until first period starts at 11:32 a.m.
- 10/10/24 Parent / Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:30 pm)
- 10/11/2024 RCHS One & Only School Wide Fundraiser - CLOSES at 8pm.
- 10/14/24 - 10/18/24 Fall Break
- 10/25/24 Jag Day / Late Start - 8:20 am
- 10/30/24 Trunk or Treat at RCHS (5:00 -7:00 pm)
RCHS One & Only School Wide Fundraiser! Starts 9/29
We are officially kicking off our One-And-Only School Wide Fundraiser!
Just like last year, this is a two part fundraiser.
You can hit the easy button and do a direct donation via MSB, and/or you can BID on much coveted Rock Canyon items such as a parking pass, front row seating at graduation, and (drum roll) a VIP pass for an upcoming launch at Kennedy Space Center!
Auction closes at 8pm on Friday, October 11th so don’t wait!
Funds are raised for Teacher Grants, Staff Hospitality, and After Prom. Last year we granted over $23k in teacher grants…$$ going directly to our classrooms!
Thank you for your generosity,
Rock Canyon Community Alliance (RCCA)
Jostens Sophomore Meeting 10/3/24
New Date!
Jostens will meet with Sophomore students to discuss RCHS class rings and how to order them. This meeting will take place during Seminar.
Join Us for a Special RCHS Feeder Meeting with Supt. Kane (VIRTUAL)
School principals from Rock Canyon High School, Rocky Heights Middle School, Buffalo Ridge Elementary, Redstone Elementary, Timber Trail Elementary, Wildcat Mountain Elementary, American Academy-Castle Pines, and DCS Montessori invite you to a special virtual meeting for staff and families of the Rock Canyon High School feeder.
- Monday, October 7 / 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- Virtual Meeting / Register
Join DCSD Superintendent Kane and principals from the schools listed above for this important community meeting.
Attendees will hear:
- Factual information about the Bond initiative that will appear on the November 2024 ballot.
- How the 2024 Bond would impact the schools in the Rock Canyon HS feeder area.
- Time will be allotted for Q&A.
Jostens Senior Meeting 10/8/24
New Date!
Jostens will be onsite to meet with the Seniors during seminar to discuss how to order announcements, caps & gowns for graduation.
PSAT/NMSQT Testing 10/9/24 Schedule
All juniors will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT test on Wednesday, October 9th.
🚩All 9th, 10th, and 12th grade students do not need to report to Rock Canyon High School until first period starts at 11:32 a.m.
We will then have a 7-period schedule.
- Friday, October 11th will be a Black Day.
- Students who take classes at Legacy Campus have an asynchronous day on Wednesday, October 9th, meaning will not go to Campus that day. Instead, they will go on Friday, October 11th during our Black Day.
Quarter Grades Information
Quarter grades will be posted by classroom teachers on Friday October 11th. These are merely progress grades as a midway point through the semester. These grades will not be posted in a student's transcript. If you have any questions or concerns about your students' grades please contact the teacher of that class.
Parent/Teacher Conferences 10/10/24 from 4:00-7:30 pm
Where: Rock Canyon High School Gym & Commons
When: October 10, 2024 from 4:00-7:30 pm
Join us for in-person, Parent &Teacher Conferences. We ask that you try to limit conversations at PTC to around 10 minutes per teacher.
- Teachers will be available in the Commons and both Gyms
- Counselors and Special Education Teams will be in the Library
We hope to see you there!
DCSD Strategic Planning Meetings & Dates
The Douglas County School District is beginning a new strategic planning process. Help us make sure that the voice of our school’s families is included in conversations about what we want our school district to look like in the next 5 years, 10 years and beyond. Your voice is critical in determining how we can best prepare our students for successful futures so they can lead the way in a world that is quickly evolving in terms of jobs and technology. Please attend an upcoming meeting to learn more and to provide your voice to this important conversation. Click here for a list of meeting dates, times and location and for an RSVP link. Dinner will be provided at the evening sessions.
****High school students who attend one of these meetings will receive one hour of credit towards their volunteer service requirement.
Senior Tribute Ads
Class of 2025 Senior Parents
We know how wonderful your children are but why not let everyone else know by placing an ad in the 2025 yearbook?
- Congratulating and sending off your senior with a recognition ad has become a tradition here at our school and we just wanted to remind you that the special early bird discounted deadline for submitting your photos and message will be here before you know it, Thursday, Oct. 3.
- Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and especially this chance for the best pricing. For more information and/or to submit your ad, please visit www.TheYearbookCompany.com.
Thank you,
The editors of the Black & Gold yearbook
Please join us and make this a special event for RCHS students!
After Prom Meetings will be held in the Library and they start at 6:30 pm.
- Wednesday, October 2nd
- Tuesday, November 5th
- No Meeting December
- Tuesday, January 7th
- Tuesday, February 4th
- Tuesday, March 4th
- Tuesday, April 1st
Are you interested in joining the After Prom Committee? If you are, please reach out to Karen Brankin the RCHS Volunteer Coordinator.
👑 Karen Brankin - karen.brankin@dcsdk12.org
Please download and complete the Volunteer Interest Form to learn more about volunteer opportunities at RCHS.
Contact Karen Brankin in the front office at RCHS, call her at 303-387-0008 or email her at Karen.Brankin@dcsdk12.org to submit the form and receive emails regarding all volunteer opportunities.
- All volunteers must have a VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT ON FILE.
- If you registered during the Express Check In (before school started) and you checked the box to volunteer, then your signature is already on file.
- If you have not registered, then fill out and sign the DCSD Parent Volunteer Agreement OR Community Volunteer Agreement.
- Please turn in the completed Community Volunteer Agreement to the RCHS main office or to the coach, committee chairperson or teacher for whom you are volunteering.
- If you are not sure if you are in the Volunteer database, please email Karen to confirm at Karen.Brankin@dcsdk12.org
Thank you and we look forward to having you volunteer at Rock Canyon.
Polls close at 7 p.m. including all Ballot Drop Box Locations and Voter Service and Polling Centers
Make sure to check the senior newsletter frequently for any new updates regarding graduation.
Join Us On Social Media!
Principal / Andy Abner
5810 McArthur Ranch Road, Highlands Ranch, CO 80124
Main Line 303-387-3000
24-Hour Attendance Line 303-387-3002
Visit us at: rockcanyonjags.com