The Friday Flyer
Boone Meadow Elementary
BME Family Book Club Night November 14th, 6:00-7:00pm
On Wednesday, November 14, 2018, BME will host Family Book Club night. The Family Book Club project is the result of a partnership among the Zionsville Education Foundation, ZCS elementary schools, and the Butler University College of Education, and is made possible through generous funding from the Duke Energy Foundation.
Each elementary student and his/her family will choose a book by author Eve Bunting. Families will have two weeks to read the book together and begin discussion on the rich topics Ms. Bunting’s books provide. At the end of the two weeks, we will gather at BME for Family Book Club night including a short presentation about the author and breakout discussion groups in a book club-type setting.
Please click or type the link below to select your top three book choices for each student and to RSVP for the Family Book Club at BME on Wednesday, November 14 from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Your RSVP will help us to ensure adequate staffing for rich book club discussions during the evening.
The Eve Bunting titles we will explore are: Dandelions, The Wall, The Wednesday Surprise, and The Memory String. Books will be distributed in your child’s class.
Family STEM Project #2
Our second Family STEM Project is to create something that can move! Families have from now until November 14th to create. Please feel free to use your choice of materials and be as creative as you like. Instructions are below. Please return all STEM Projects on November 14th, labeled with your child’s name and teacher’s name.
Upcoming Events & Important Info
November 1st - Kindergarten Field Trip to the Children's Museum; Panera Dine for Dollars (See flyer below)
November 4th - Daylight Savings time ends
November 10th - BME Talent Show Rehearsal 2:00pm
November 12th - Veterans Day Program 1:30pm
November 14th - PTO Meeting 6:00pm, ZEF Family Book Night
November 17th - BME Talent Show 2:00pm
November 21st-23rd - Thanksgiving Break
Art Room Update with Mrs. Albright
Kindergarten students are currently working on a painting project that is influenced by the famous artist Wassily Kandinsky. He was an artist most known for his abstract and non-objective paintings using bright colors and bold lines. Music was his inspiration for many of his paintings. Kindergarten students have enjoyed using paint for the first time in art class and they are doing a great job!
Second grade students have just started their clay project for the year. They learned about the coral reef and the different types of fish that live there. The next step is to create a fish and coral out of clay. Several different types of clay methods will be used to create the sculpture. Lastly, a paper triarama will be created to give the fish a 3D home.
Save the Date! Veterans Day Program
The Boone Meadow students and staff look forward to celebrating our American heroes from 1:30-2:15 on Monday, November 12th*, 2018
- The celebration and presentation from students will begin promptly at 1:30 in our gymnasium.
- Following the program (at approximately 2:15) our honored Veterans have the option to remain for a reception which will include light treats and drinks. We hope you will be able to join us!
- Students that have Veteran guests in attendance will be able to remain for the reception. However, all students staying for the reception or have transportation changes will require written consent in order to do so. More information to come.
- All guests will need to pre-register using the link below.
***Note: Visitor Check-In for Veterans Day Celebration (Required for guests)
On the date of our program, we expect to have a high volume of visitors. To keep our students safe but also manage our visitor check-in system promptly, please make note of the following items:
#1 - Signing in is necessary at front desk if you plan to attend our program.
#2 - Click here to do a pre-registration check-in. It's quick and easy!
- Page 1: Select the green “Next Step” button.
- Page 2: Enter your name & birthday when prompted. When it asks for "Building" select Boone Meadow Elementary. Select the green “Next Step” button.
- Page 3: When prompted for “Person Visiting” use the student’s name, then type “Veterans Day” when it asks for your “Reason for Visit.”
- It will then ask for the date of the visit. Please use the date of the actual event, November 12, 2018.
- Disregard the “If you’d like to notify anyone portion…” on this page and hit Next
BME Talent Show
Students and teachers are invited to dust off their tutus, tune up their instruments, and warm up their voices for an afternoon of entertainment for all to enjoy! Mark your calendars for November 17th at 2:00 pm for the BME Talent Show! Sign up begins on Wednesday, October 24th. A flyer should have been sent home this week with more detailed information. Questions can be directed to our PTO planners: eileenadam@hotmail.com, lizkeiper@gmail.com or carla.strawmyer@gmail.com.
Attention Walkers/Bikers
Lost and Found is Overflowing!
Texts from SchoolMessenger
From time to time Boone Meadow uses SchoolMessenger to send a text to all of the families. If you haven't been receiving texts from us, you may need to opt-in by sending YES to the SchoolMessenger short code of 68453. Contact Beth Kiel in the front office if you have any questions!
Volunteers and Visitor Background Checks
We value partnerships with our families and welcome parents and guardians to serve as volunteers in our schools. Each ZCS building offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities.
Examples include:
- Field Trip Chaperones
- Out of Town/Overnight Chaperones
- Tutors
- Volunteer Coaches
- Classroom Helpers (PTO parties/room parents)
- Library Helpers
- After Prom Workers
- Field Day/Jog-A-Thon Volunteers
- Book Fair Sales/Athletic Ticket Sales
During the school day, all volunteers are expected to sign in at the front office. Prior to the volunteer opportunity, all volunteers must sign a Non-disclosure Acknowledgement Form and have successfully completed a Full Criminal History Background Check. Necessary background check paperwork is available on the ZCS website at the Volunteers/BRAVO link and should be submitted at least 10 days prior to the intended volunteer date. Volunteers must also view the state mandated confidentiality/bullying video, provided on the Volunteer/BRAVO website. The volunteer will pay the fee* for the full background check which will expire after 5 years. The link to apply for the full background check can be accessed on the Volunteers/BRAVO link on the ZCS main webpage. For more information, contact the Volunteer/BRAVO Coordinator.
During the school day, all visitors must enter via the front door and sign-in at the front office. Visitors need to be prepared to present a government issued photo ID which will be scanned against the National Sex Offender Registry. All visitors will be issued a visitor badge/tag to be worn inside the building at all times.
Examples Include:
- Lunch Guests
- Classroom Guest Speakers
- Classroom Special Events (Grandparent Day/Famous Hoosiers/etc.)
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
We ask that all visitors schedule an appointment to meet with teachers, counselors, administrators and all other staff members so that we may best serve everyone. Visitors other than parents/guardians must be prearranged and organized through the main office.
*ZCS thanks all volunteers for generous support of our youth and schools. Thank you, too, for supporting assurance of student and staff safety by completing and paying for a volunteer background check.
Contact Us
Email: thundley@zcs.k12.in.us
Website: http://www.zcs.k12.in.us/bme/
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow