Back to School!
August 12, 2024
Looking Forward to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Dear Caruso Families,
I can't believe school starts in just one week! The staff has been hard at work preparing for the upcoming year. From teachers collaborating on curriculum to our building and grounds team ensuring Caruso is in top shape—clean, welcoming, and ready to inspire—a lot of effort has gone into getting everything ready. To say we're excited is an understatement!
New Info
- First Day of School
- Marla's Lunch information
- Spirit Days!
- Student Expectations (Cell phones, Backpacks, Student Deliveries)
- Bell Schedule
- Car Drop Off Map Arrival and Dismissal
- Medication
- Attendance
- Tardiness to school
- New Staff
Reminders from Last Week:
- Locker Day
- Open House Schedule
- Picture Day
- Cold Weather Gear Order (Part 2)
- Fall Athletics Information (notice change for 6th graders on Friday 8/23/24)
- PTO Information
Mark T. Schwarz - Principal - mschwarz@dps109.org
Donnie Castans - Associate Principal - dcastans@dps109.org
Marcia Klita - Director for Student Services - mklita@dps109.org
First Day of School
On the first day of school, students should report to the following classes to get their Chromebook and school planner.
6th Graders: Core 1
7th Graders: Core 1
8th Grader: Encore 1
The first day of school is an 11AM dismissal and buses will be running.
Marla's Lunch
Spirit Days!
Grade Level Colors!
6th Grade: Gray
7th Grade: Blue
8th Grade: Black
Student Expectations
Cell Phones
Cell phones will be off and away in lockers from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm every day (8:00 am - 2:00 pm on early release Wednesdays). Here's the why: This will help our students focus on their learning, build relationships with those around them, and hopefully disconnect from the anxiety that comes from even just having a phone in the pocket, wondering what notifications they are missing.
If students are using their phones during the school day, they will be instructed to bring their phone to the main office. There will be a progressive response when this occurs that resets each semester:
First and Second Occurrence: Email home and student picks up phone at the end of the school day.
Third Occurrence: Parent/guardian must come pick the phone up from school. Student will serve a lunch reflection.
Fourth Occurrence +: Parent/guardian must come pick the phone up from school. Student will also drop phone off at office each morning. Student will serve an after-school reflection.
MUST be wired and are not used during passing periods.
A student who fails to meet the expectations will be asked to comply with them and may be subject to a verbal warning or behavior check in.
Backpacks & Lockers
Backpacks must be kept in students’ lockers throughout the school day unless it is a documented accommodation. They will not be traveling from class to class. Here's the why: We do not have room in our classrooms to safely store backpacks without having a tripping/fire hazard, and—by keeping backpacks in lockers—we have a wonderful opportunity to teach and reinforce important executive functioning skills with material organization, case-its, and other organizational tools.
Student Deliveries
Bell Schedule
Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal
If arriving between 7:30 and 7:45, students should enter at the north side of the building at the Athletics Entrance. Students will wait until 7:45 to head to class. If a student needs to see a teacher before school, they will need to present a pass/note/email from the teacher to do so.
After 7:45, students should utilize the following entrances:
All students riding the bus: Athletics Entrance (north side of building)
6th Grade - Front Door (south side of building)
7th Grade - 7th Grade Door, north side of building (walk down sidewalk towards building)
8th Grade - 8th Grade Door, west side of building
Students should enter and exit vehicles only on the passenger side and on to the sidewalk or grass, and once you drop off, please keep moving.
Respect the staff working and please follow their directions. They are doing all they can to keep all students and staff safe.
When the weather is beautiful, we have many students who walk or ride their bikes to school. When the weather is less than ideal, many more students are driven. Please ensure that you leave home early enough to account for the increased volume of traffic. It is expected that students are in class at 8:00 AM ready to learn.
Students entering after 8:00 AM must do so through the main office and will receive a tardy pass.
If you are picking up your student during the school day, please buzz the front door and we will call your student down for dismissal.
Please help us be good neighbors, and do not turn around in driveways in the neighborhood.
Medication, Attendance, & Tardiness to School
Please do not send any medication, over-the-counter pain pills (Tylenol/Advil/aspirin), or cough drops with your students. State law prohibits students from taking medication at school outside of the nurse's office with a doctors' note on file. We will confiscate any meds found outside of the nurse's office.
Attendance and Tardies
If your student will not be in school, please report the absence to the health office by phone ((847) 945-8430 x6103) or email (carusoattendance@dps109.org) before 8:00 am. If you do not contact our school nurse by this time, she will contact you at home or at work to ascertain your child’s whereabouts. Children must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Students will only be dismissed to a parent or legal guardian, or to emergency contacts designated in Family Access.
Student Tardiness to School:
Students who arrive late are greatly disadvantaged because they miss starting the day with their peers and miss out on the instruction given at the beginning of class. This means that they are often unsettled and confused about tasks, resulting in reduced achievement, regardless of academic ability. It is also very important that students establish good routines and habits in preparation for the rest of their lives. Punctuality is a life skill that is important to develop.
Tardiness to school will be unexcused even if a family member brings the student(s) to school. Oversleeping, missing the bus, car/traffic problems, etc. are all unexcused. Tardies are excusable under the following circumstances: personal illness of student, serious illness or death in the family, a doctor/dentist/professional appointment (a note or phone call from a parent or a professional), family emergencies, and religious holidays.
School begins promptly at 8:00 am. Students are expected to be in class ready to learn by 8:00 am. If students are not in the classroom, they will be sent to the office for a pass. The consequences for tardiness are as follows:
Tardy #1: No consequence
Tardy #2: Warning and a phone call home
Tardy #3 & 4: Student will be assigned to the after school Reflection Room.
Tardy #5: Return with a family member. A family member must meet with a member of the administrative team and the student to discuss intervention measures going forward.
Please note: at the beginning of each quarter, students’ tardies will be reset to zero.
Student Tardies to Class:
Students are expected to be in class, in their seats, ready to learn at the start of class. Students who who don't abide by this will receive a check-in.
New Caruso Staff!
Tasha Danielewicz - 6th Grade Special Education
Hi, my name is Mrs. Danielewicz, and I am thrilled to join Caruso as a 6th grade cross-categorical teacher. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Special Education and General Education with a Middle School Language Arts endorsement from Bradley University. This will be my eighth year teaching, following seven fabulous years at Woodland Intermediate as a fourth-grade self-contained teacher. During my time at Woodland Intermediate I earned my Master’s degree as a Reading Specialist and an ELL endorsement. I grew up in Highland Park and recently moved to Riverwoods with my husband and our two puppies, Batman and Robin. I spend my summers working at Tamarak Day Camp as a Unit Leader for the incoming 3rd grade age group and their counselors. In my free time I enjoy walking, spending time with family and friends, and traveling with my husband. My dream has always been to inspire children to love learning. With great passion I hope to show students the value of learning in their everyday lives. I am incredibly excited to be part of the Caruso family!
Ben Serck - 6th Grade Special Education
Hi! My name is Ben Serck and I am so excited to be joining the team at Caruso this year! I grew up in Deerfield where I attended Caruso, then Deerfield High School before I attended the University of Illinois in Champaign where I got my degree in special education. The last four years, I was fortunate to get my start at Wilmot Elementary. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family as well as playing golf. This summer, I spent time working for my family’s business and did some traveling with my roommate. I was lucky enough to coach boys basketball last year and look forward to returning to that this year! I can’t wait to get to know you all and start another great school year! See you soon!
Donnie Castans - Associate Principal
My name is Donnie Castans and I am excited to be the new Associate Principal at Caruso! Before becoming a Caruso Blue Jay I taught high school science, was a science department chair, and EdTech Coordinator. I also coached lacrosse, scholastic bowl, and sponsored clubs such as Astronomy, Juggling, and Rock Climbing. When I am not at school, I spend time with my wife, Kelly, and son, Griffin (18 months), as we await the arrival of our baby girl. I love being outdoors, watching movies, playing video/board games and creating art. I’m always up for having new experiences and taking on new challenges which is what I strive to instill in the students and staff I work with. I believe it’s important to perpetuate curiosity and excitement while we all refine our 4C’s skills. Questions are always welcome and inviting students to be a part of the learning process in their own unique way is a must! I'm looking forward to a fantastic 24-25 school year and getting to know the Caruso community!
Jamie Tanen - 7th Grade Math
Hi Caruso! My name is Jamie Tanen - your new 7th Grade White Team Math teacher. I'm super excited to be joining the Blue Jays! Prior to teaching in Deerfield, I was a classroom teacher for 11 years in a Chicago Public School. My family - husband (Luke), twin boys (Avi and Jonah), and new puppy (June) - and I moved to Riverwoods 2 years ago. When I'm not at school, I love being with my family and friends, reading, travelling, teaching Pilates, being outside, and trying new things. I can't wait for the school year to begin, to meet all of the rising 7th graders and their families, and to explore the wonderful world through math!
Ally Mart - School Counselor
My name is Ms. Mart and I am excited to join Caruso Middle School as a School Counselor this year! I recently graduated from Northeastern Illinois University where I got my Masters in School Counseling, however, I am an Ohio State Buckeye at heart where I got my undergraduate degree. Last year, I did my counseling internship at Evanston Township High School where I worked with Freshman and Juniors navigating High School. In addition, throughout my graduate program, I worked at Meadowbrook Elementary School in Northbrook doing Special Education. I am grateful for all the experiences that got me here including being a District 109 alumni (Kipling and Shepard), and a Deerfield High School graduate. When I am not working you can see me coaching softball, talking about Chicago sports, and cooking new recipes. I look forward to getting to know the Caruso Community and making a positive impact!
Gabby Bursak - School Counselor
My name is Gabby Bursak, and I’m thrilled to be joining Caruso as a School Counselor! After earning my Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education, I started my career in education at Niles West High School. There, I discovered a passion for working one-on-one with students, particularly with social-emotional learning needs. This inspired me to pursue a Master's degree in School Counseling. Outside of work, I enjoy attending concerts with my fiancé. I look forward to meeting everyone this upcoming year!
Locker Day: (8/14/2024 - 1:00-4:00PM)
New Jay & Locker Day is an optional time, on August 14th from 1-4 pm, for any new and returning families to visit our building, walk your student's schedule, and get acclimated to Caruso! Upon arrival, students will be able to pick up their locks and place supplies in their lockers. While this is not a guided tour, maps will be available to help you navigate the building. Please note, teachers will not be in attendance and classrooms will not be open. If your student cannot attend, alternative times are not available due to staffing needs. Staff will be available to help students on the first day of school.
A Note on Locks: Using a lock on a locker can be a source of anxiety for students, especially those who have not done it before! Especially for new students and our rising 6th-grade students, we highly recommend you have your child take their lock home and practice the combination. It can be tempting to set up lockers during Locker Day, but saving that for the start of school and—instead—getting familiar and confident with the lock at home can help set your child up for success with using lockers this year and beyond!
Locker Day Student Volunteers: (8/14/2024 -12:45-4:00PM)
We are in need of 7th & 8th grade student volunteers for the New Jay and Locker Day! Students will help out other students, pass out items, and answer questions. Please complete this form to sign up. Students should arrive between 12:45 and 4 pm and will finish at 4pm. Students should wear a CMS spirit wear shirt. Questions? Please email Mr. Castans (dcastans@dps109.org).
Open House (Thursday 8/29/2024 - 5:00PM-7:00PM)
Save the date and time for your planning purposes. More info to come!
PE Cold Weather Gear Flier - 2nd Ordering Wave!
Caruso is pleased to offer cold weather gear options for ALL 6th, 7th & 8th grade Physical Education (PE) Classes. We want to emphasize that purchasing these items is entirely optional but highly recommended. Should you decide to acquire them, students will have the flexibility to wear these specialized garments both indoors and outdoors during PE sessions. They are great to have on our chilly weather days. Click here for more information and ordering link. Deadline 9/1/2024
Contact Ms. Signa (msigna@dps109.org) for any questions.
Fall Athletics Information - Get Medical Forms In Soon!
We are thrilled to invite all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to join our Fall sports programs! Participating in sports is a wonderful way for students to get involved, stay active, and showcase their Caruso pride. However, a current physical must be on file for students to participate in tryouts and play on teams. Click here for more information and click here to upload required health documentation.
If you have ANY questions regarding fall athletics, reach out to Mrs. Signa at msigna@dps109.org.
This fall season, we are offering:
- Cross Country (Open to 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys/Girls) - 1st practice is Thursday August 22, 2024 from 3-4pm
- Co-Ed Soccer (Open to 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys/Girls) = 1st Practice is Wednesday, August 21, 2024 from 3:30-4:30pm
- Girls Volleyball (Open to 6th, 7th & 8th Graders) = Tryouts are Thursday, August 22 from 3:15-4:30pm & Friday, August 23 from 3:15-4:30pm (6th Grade tryouts right after 6th Grade Bash 4-5PM)
Meet/Contact Our Coaching Staff:
Boys/Girls Cross Country:
Melissa Signa msigna@dps109.org
Dana Spies dspies@dps109.org
Jeff Swanson jswanson@dps109.orgGirls Volleyball:
Bea Revelins (8th) brevelins@dps109.org
Ben Serck (7th) bserck@dps109.orgCo-Ed Soccer:
Tom Hoy thoy@dps109.org
PTO Membership Flyer
School Supplies
6th Grade Bash
Follow on Facebook
Coffee @ Caruso
Join us for coffee @ Caruso; a way for the adults in our students' lives to build stronger connections with us at Caruso. Space is limited to 25 people per event, please RSVP by calling the Caruso Main Office at 847-945-8430. Thanks to the PTO for Sponsoring Coffee.
Important Dates
Mark your Calendar...
Wednesday, August 14
- Locker Day 1:00-4:00 PM
Monday, August 19
- 1st Day of school. 1/2 Day AM
Tuesday, August 20
- First FULL day of school
Thursday, August 22
- Coffee with Caruso 9:00-9:40AM
- 6th Grade Bash 3:00-4:00PM
Thursday, August 29
- Open House 5:00-7:30 * (notice the time change. Schedule coming soon!)
Monday, September 2
- No School, Labor Day
- Picture Day
Mrs. Klita, Director for Student Services
School: Crawford Day School, Chicago, IL
Mr. Schwarz, Principal
First Year of Teaching: 2013
School: Holmes Jr. High, Mt. Prospect, IL
Mr. Castans, Associate Principal
First Year of Teaching: 2009
School: Hoffman Estates High School
Caruso Middle School
Email: cmsoffice@dps109.org
Website: https://www.dps109.org/Page/9
Location: 1801 Montgomery Road, Deerfield, IL, USA