May 26th, 2024
Class of 2024
Attention parents and seniors, please review this letter for important information regarding end of year events for the Class of 2024 and graduation.
In addition, I am in the process of writing a speech to celebrate the Class of 2024. To do this, I need your help. I am asking all seniors and parents of seniors to identify the one word that best represents the Class of 2024. Please complete this Slido by 5/31/24. The password is nynvhm.
If you have any questions regarding graduation, please contact me at Jennifer.Cavanaugh@lcps.org.
Countdown to Graduation!
Graduation is in the school stadium at 7pm on 14th June 2024. There is no guest limit for the stadium but if there is an extreme weather event the students will be issued with 5 tickets for main gym at the final mandatory practice on 13th June.
Caps , Gowns and Stoles- there are still some caps and gowns that have not yet been collected. If you have completed your Senior Fees please come to the Counseling Office and see Ms Grainger for your Cap and Gown.
If you did not get your stole when you picked up your cap and gown please come and see Ms Grainger.
If you have not paid your Senior Fees you must see Ms Grainger, Ms Thomas or Ms Saib as SOON as you can so that we can help you with this.
Upcoming Important Dates
On June 11th the students who attended Moorefield Station are invited to do a Walk Through wearing their caps and gowns to celebrate the upcoming graduation. Students should plan to meet at around 9:30 at the front of the school. Own transportation is needed. Former students of Rosa Lee Carter are invited on June 12th for a walk through. Students should meet at the front of RLC at around 9:30 am. Please plan to wear your cap, gown and stole. Take good care of these items!
June 13th – Final Practice, breakfast, lunch
12-2:30 -pm Graduation Celebration hosted by the PTSO
Important Senior Letter
Class of 2024
Attention parents and seniors, please review this letter for important information regarding end of year events for the Class of 2024 and graduation.
From the Tech Team
Hello seniors,
If you currently have an LCPS issued device and are not using it, please turn it (and the charger) in so you have one less concern during the hectic time of graduation. You can bring the device and charger to the MPR (near the cafeteria) at any time.
If you no longer have the charger, you can pay for (but not receive) a replacement at the front office. You will get a receipt which you will then bring with you when you turn in the device.
If you are still using the device that’s fine, we will have designated collection dates/times just prior to graduation.
Please stop by the MPR is you have any questions or concerns. DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT!
Thanks – RRH Tech team
Over 120 seniors still have NOT bought a yearbook. There are ONLY 60 yearbooks left. Once we sell out, we cannot get anymore, and your name will be added to a waiting list.
Yearbooks will be available for purchase and pick up in the main hallway during the following times:
- Tuesday- 3:00-4:00
- Wednesday- 9:50-10:50 & 1-2:30
- Friday- 12:30-2:15
Yearbooks can be purchased online at www.yearbookforever.com and then picked up, or you can bring cash/check during one of the times above. Check this link here to see if you purchased a yearbook. If your name is on the list, be sure to pick yours up. If your name is NOT on the list, buy yours NOW before they sell out. If we have any more, we will also be distributing and selling during the senior picnic. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your senior yearbook and get your book signed during the senior picnic.
· We are currently seeking volunteers for the Senior Grad party on June 13th, 2024. If you can spare a couple hours, please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044DAEA628AAF58-49629908-senior
· We need gift cards for the raffle during senior grad party on June 13th, 2024. If you can, please consider dropping off gift cards at the front desk and sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044DAEA628AAF58-49627897-seeking