Anna Yates TK-5 Student Activities
1 August 2024

Scientific Adventures for Girls (TK/K & 1/2/3) at Anna Yates
Scientific Adventures for Girls
Scientific Adventures for Girls´s flagship program is its 27-week afterschool, hands-on STEM education for TK-6th grade girls and girl identifying youth held at 22 elementary schools in the San Francisco East Bay Area. A cohort of 30-35 girls from each school participates once a week for 27 weeks in STEM programming. Each year, hundreds of elementary school girls learn important 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration in our weekly lessons. Many return for a 2nd, 3rd and 4th year!
The students are introduced to three STEM themes each school year, e.g., biology, civil engineering, space science, environmental science, coding, chemistry, etc. The curricula encourage dialogue, interdisciplinary thinking, and playful discovery. These instructional criteria are deemed essential by the STEM 2026 initiative for innovative STEM education.
SAfG's highly qualified teachers create learning environments that explicitly teach social emotional learning skills (SEL) and promote collaboration, communication, persistence, determination and making mistakes to learn STEM. SAfG inspire the girls, engage their natural curiosity and help them believe they belong in STEM. By the end of each program, classes have transformed into a tighter-knit and more resilient community, and friendships have developed.
The first day of class is Thursday September 26, 2024.
Classes on Thursdays.
1:45-2:45 PM for TK to K
3:00-4:15 PM for Grades 1, 2, 3.
REGISTRATION: If you are interested in enrolling your child, please apply here. Space is limited so please apply now. We will contact you if your child has been enrolled with more information one week before the first day of class.
Girls on the run! (Grades 3/4/5) at Anna Yates
Join the Fun and Cross the Finish Line: Enroll in Girls on the Run!
Creating future leaders, one practice at a time.
- Girls on the Run is an after-school program that uses the power of running to build healthy, confident girls. At each practice, teams focus on a critical skill for next-generation leadership, including confidence, motivation, self-awareness, growth mindset, boundary-setting, and empathy.
- Trained coaches use our curriculum to guide discussion and fun games that bring the day's topic to life. The active games lead to a running workout that incorporates elements of the day's lesson. Physical fitness and strong team relationships are built throughout the season.
- The culminating event is a 5K run/walk celebration that brings together 75+ Girls on the Run teams from across our 5-county region.
- Girls on the Run is one of only 3 programs recognized by the Harvard Graduate School of Education as a top social-emotional learning (SEL) experience.
Girls on the Run: Anna Yates Team Details
First Practice: September 9
When: Mondays and Thursdays 3-4:15 PM
Price: FREE! Use Code ANNA
Includes: 16 lessons, team t-shirt, journal, and end-of-season 5K run, including finisher´s medal
Website: www.gotrbayarea.org
DATES: Start practices the week of September 9, practice is twice per week with school holidays off: end with 5K on Saturday, November 2, 2024.
REGISTRATION: Team is limited to 16 participants, and offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign up here by September 1. Use Code ANNA.
New student orientation slides
Nature Pop-Up Series in Emeryville
Nature Pop-Up Series!
Nature makes us happier, healthier, and smarter.
Join Emeryville Children & Nature's FREE pop-up series, where children of all ages are invited to explore nature through CREATIVITY, CURIOSITY, and PLAY!
Saturday, August 24
10 AM-1 PM at Doyle-Hollis Park
Plantify will join Emery Children & Nature for an investigation of the plant cycle and plant anatomy, and explore the benefits of native plants to our ecosystem. Plant seeds!
Saturday, September 7
9:30 AM-12:30 PM location to be determined
Join the East Bay Regional Park District Naturalist from 10-11 AM as they explore the differences between reptiles, amphibians, and humans, and meet a live reptile!
Saturday, October 5
Emeryville Harvest Festival and Huchiun Park
Visit the Emery Children & Nature booth at this annual
festival to get creative with nature, and experience the live animals presented by special collaborators.
Saturday, November 2
10 AM-1 PM at Temescal Creek Park
The Golden Gate Bird Alliance will lead an exploration of local bird and the Temescal Creek watershed ecosystem, and take the group on a nature walk.
For updates and more information about events in Emeryville please visit: