Ms. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
Our Week in Review
Week of September 12-16
We are reading...
*Jabari Jumps
*Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon
*Roller Coaster
*What Is Science?
Language Arts
*Phonics Workshop - Study words and notice blends and digraphs.
*Readers Workshop - Readers don't give up! They try, try again!
*Writers Workshop - Writers read their writing and ask "Does that make sense?"
*Grammar Talk - Sentences have ending punctuation
*composing and decomposing numbers to 20
*comparing numbers
*greater than, less than and equal math symbols
*study a number line
*identify missing numbers on a number line
*learners will learn to ask questions
*collect and analyze data
*use Science tools safely
A Note From Our Counselor
Coppell Cares will provide the Weekend Backpack Program (WBPK) again this school year. Families may sign up for this program at any time during the school year. Siblings living in the same household, are also eligible to participate. If your family would benefit from a weekly Friday snack bag delivery, please complete the following form to sign up:
English Application:
Spanish Application:
WBPK deliveries will begin Friday, 9/8/2022. Deliveries will be suspended for Thanksgiving Week, Winter Break, and Spring Break.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Austin Elementary's counselor, Joanna McFarling, at jmcfarling@coppellisd.com.
Upcoming Events
Wear tennis shoes to P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Library books are due on Tuesdays.
iPads need to be charged each day.
Please provide headphones for your learner.
Upcoming Dates:
*September 30 - Spirit Assembly - Wear your House colors!
*October 6 - Early Release at 12:30 p.m.
*October 7 - Student Holiday/Parent Conference Day
*October 10 - School Holiday
*October 26 - Picture Day
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C