Trailblazer Talk
September 2024 (B)
Academic Parent Teacher Teams
Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) night will replace Open House on 10/8 from 5:30-7 pm.
Purpose of APTT:
1. Review of student academic performance data
2. Academic goal setting
3. Teacher demonstration of skills to practice at home
4. Parent practice
5. Networking opportunities with other parents
Counselor's Corner
Nurse News
PTO Info
Helpful PTO Links!
-Car Rider Line Sponsorship Sign Order Form (Last day to order Sept 28)
-Flash Sale on Last Year's SCE Flag Shirts $5 (until sold out)
- No electronic devices including electronic watches
- Volunteer forms must be completed and approved
- Lunch visitors begin on 9/3
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, 9/25: See You at the Pole at 7:30am
- Thursday, 9/26: School pictures
- Monday, 9/30: APEX pep rally fundraiser kickoff
- Tuesday, 10/1: Montgomery Faith & Blue event
- Tuesday, 10/8: Title 1 meeting in library 5pm
- Tuesday, 10/8: Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) Night at 5:30; more information to come
- Thursday, 10/10: APEX Fun Run during specials
Montgomery Faith & Blue will be held on Tuesday, October 1 in downtown Montgomery.
All MISD families are invited to attend and engage with our community and district first responders.
Food, fun activities, games and prizes- bring your kids out for a fun night with our police officers and be sure to visit the MISD Police Department's tent!
The event will be at the Montgomery Community Center from 6-8pm.
Montgomery ISD is inviting all senior citizens in our community to join us for breakfast with our Class of 2025 Graduating Seniors. Dr. Ruffin will share about the great things happening in our schools and our amazing students will provide entertainment and tours of campus, sharing a peek into their mornings in MISD.
Montgomery HS: October 7
Lake Creek HS: October 9
Breakfast will begin at 8:30am and will be served by MISD CTE Culinary Arts students, followed by a special message from Dr. Ruffin. The morning will be wrapped up with student-led tours. You can RSVP here to let us know you're coming: https://forms.office.com/r/pthkSsvAhW or call to RSVP: 936.276.2106
Please share this invite with your MISD grandparents and neighbors and help us kick-off this program, developing relationships between our graduating students and our seasoned community members.