The SHARK Alert
Chatham Elementary School Family Update
Sunday, February 11th
Dear CES Families and Friends,
Last week we celebrated the 100th day of school on Thursday. Many classrooms celebrated in different ways with activities and learning. We were thrilled to have a special visitor, Granny King, our own Mrs. King's grandmother join us for the day. Can you believe that Granny King is 100 years old? We always give her a huge SHARK welcome when she visits on the 100th day of school!!
A reminder that this coming week is our final week of school before the February Break. There will be NO SCHOOL Monday, Feburary 19th to Friday, February 23rd. We look forward to welcoming students back on Monday, February 26th.
Speaking of vacations, the Main Office at CES has limited hours over the Summer Break. Beginning on July 1st, the Main Office will be closed on Mondays and Fridays. The office will be open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. Summer Hours end on Friday, August 16th and the Main Office will be open Monday-Friday, 8:00-2:00 beginning August 19th.
There will be NO Summer Skills program or EL Summer Camp at Chatham Elementary School this summer. Keep an eye out for summer camp programs and registration information in the "Community Events" section of the SHARK Alert for the remainder of the school year.
Have a great week ahead and a very Happy Valentine's Day!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Kelly
CES - Where we are proud to be SHARKS!
Safe - Honest - Accepting - Respectful - Kind - Successful
Coming Soon to CES...
- Wednesday, February 14th - SHARK Assembly & Valentine's Day
- Friday, January 16th - Kindergarten and 2nd-Graders to Cape Cod Theatre Company
- February 17-25 - NO SCHOOL - February Vacation
- Monday, February 26th - Return to School
- Wednesday, February 28th - Early Release Day
2024 MCAS Testing Schedule
All students in Grades 3 and 4 participate in the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Please make note of the testing dates and ensure to avoid scheduling medical appointments or travel on those days.
Grade 3 ELA - Tuesday, April 2nd and Wednesday, April 3rd
Grade 4 ELA - Wednesday, April 10th and Thursday, April 11th
Grade 3 Math - Wednesday, April 25th and Friday, April 26th
Grade 4 Math - Tuesday, April 30th and Wednesday, May 1st
Pre-School Returns to Chatham Elementary School for 2024-2025
Monomoy Regional School District will be expanding its early childhood education offerings by opening a morning integrated preschool session at Chatham Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year, in addition to the existing program at Harwich Elementary School.
In the past, MRSD had a preschool program at Chatham Elementary School, but due to low enrollment, the programs were combined and held at Harwich Elementary School. The district is now able to reopen a session at Chatham Elementary School.
“This is an exciting expansion of our early childhood programming and we look forward to serving even more young people as they begin their educational journey,” said Melissa Maguire, MRSD Director of Student Services.
Monomoy’s integrated preschool program provides students with high-quality social, language, and early academic experiences, which address each child’s individual needs in an emotionally and physically safe environment. We follow developmentally appropriate best practices for young children of all abilities by providing a standards-based curriculum. Preschool children ages 3-4 who have been found eligible for special education services learn alongside more typically developing students called community friends. The community friends help to model age-appropriate social, play, language and learning skills. The Monomoy preschool program is free to residents of Chatham and Harwich.
On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, Monomoy Regional School District will hold preschool screenings for families who would like to enroll their 3- or 4-year-old child as a community friend in Monomoy’s integrated preschool program for the 2024-2025 school year. Children who will be age 3 or 4 before September 1, 2024, are eligible to enroll. The screenings for community friends are by appointment only. To begin the enrollment process and schedule a screening, visit and complete the online form.
If you have concerns about your child’s development, contact Janet Caron at 508-430-7216 or to schedule a screening at any time.
- Información preescolar Versión en español
- Informações pré-escolares Versão espanhola
- Enfòmasyon sou lekòl matènèl Vèsyon Panyòl
SHARK Raffle Winners
Congratulations to this week's winners in the SHARK Raffle.
KJD - Edward Minaya Almonte
KK - Cael Butter
1H - Esme Turner
1M - Tulsi Patel
2H - Cora Hastbacka
2L - Talisia McDonald
3T - Matej Souza
4A - CJ Luciano
4G - Eitan Mata Torres
Facts of Love Challenge
The Facts of Love Challenge is going strong. Week 3 of the challenge is now complete and our 2nd Grade SHARKS are absolutely demolishing the competition. They are practicing and mastering new facts at a STAGGERING rate. We are so proud of their hard work!
SHARK Assembly
SHARK Assemblies are an extra special time at CES when our school community comes together to celebrate what makes us special and unique. The next SHARK Assembly will this Wednesday, February 14th. Please remember to wear your SHARK gear and show that SHARK Pride.
January's SHARK Assembly video is now available on the school's YouTube page.
CES March Madness Book Challenge
Week Four Match-Up:
A Map Into the World written by Kao Kalia Yang and recorded by Mr. Anglim.
Little Libraries, Big Heroes written by Miranda Paul and recorded by Mrs. Grodzicki
Week Three Results:
Congratulations to Rescue & Jessica for being the Week 3 winner.
MRSD Portrait of a Graduate - Engaged Citizens
- acts with integrity
- treats others with empathy
- recognizes and respects diversity
- engages critically, environmentally, and globally
At CES, we introduce and practice these crucial life skills in all areas of our school. Mrs. Grodzicki's afterschool club recently read the book, Walter Had a Best Friend by Deborah Underwood. The group of K-2 students then discussed all the qualities that make a good friend and made some beautiful posters representing all the qualities of a good friend. We know that SHARKS make good friends and being a good friend is one of the many ways we can be engaged citizens.
- Thank you to Mrs. Grodzicki for sharing the photos from your Readers & Makers Club. We love seeing our SHARKS learning and having fun!
- Thank you to the MTSS TEAM for being part of our MOY Data Days. These talented educators and service providers work with each classroom teacher to review mid-year assessments for every student in our school, make plans for intervention and enrichment, and organize special opportunities to increase learning and belonging!
Resources for Families
Coffee Chat
Glowing Beginnings Workshop
Winter Newsletter
Mobile Crisis
MCI provides short-term service that is a therapeutic response to youth and family/caregivers experiencing a behavioral health crisis. MCI evaluates the situation, identifies the challenges, involved, assesses the needs, and begins to treat and stabilize the situation, reducing the immediate risk of danger to the youth or to others. MCI then provides up to 7-days of intervention and services post the initial encounter. Learn more about Bay Cove Mobile Crisis HERE.
Children's Place
Contact the Monomoy Family Resource Coordinator, Lucy Gilmore, / 508-430-7216
for assistance and information regarding any of the following:
➢ Child Development Assessment Tool (Ages and Stages)
➢ Early Education Tuition Assistance Scholarships
➢ Support groups
➢ Free Parent / Child Playgroups and Family Activities
➢ Free Parent Education Classes
➢ Free Books, Diapers, and gently used infant and toddler Clothing
Winter Programming Schedules:
WIC Program
WIC is a nutrition program that provides nutrition and health care education, healthy food, and other services free of charge to Massachusetts families who qualify. WIC is for all kinds of families: married and single parents, working or not working. If you are a father, mother, grandparent, foster parent, or legal guardian of a child under the age of five, you can apply for WIC for your child.
Learn more about WIC at the following links:
Volunteer @ MRSD
All potential volunteers need to complete the Volunteer Registration Form and have a current CORI on file in order to volunteer in our schools or at school-sanctioned events.
Information can be found at:
Monomoy Regional SEPAC
Pre-School Vouchers
Application and information can be found: HERE
FAMILY SUPPORT: Lower/Outer Cape Cod Food Pantries, Clothing, Emergency Funds, and Services
Brewster Brewster Baptist Church 1848 Main Street Thursday 10:00-12:00 Walk-In food pantry
Chatham St. Christopher's 625 Main Street Tuesday 4:00-6:00 Walk In Thursday 3:00-5:00 Walk In
Eastham Eastham United Methodist Church 3200 State Hwy, Route 6 Monday 4:00-6:00, Tuesday 10:00-12:00, Thursday 2:00-4:00 Walk-In food pantry
Harwich St. Peter's Lutheran Church 310 Route 137 Monday 1:00-3:00 Walk In Wednesday 2:00-4:00 Walk In Thursday 11:30-1:30 Walk In Friday 10:00-12:00 Walk In food pantry
Orleans Orleans Methodist Church 73 Main Street (Across from the Library) Tuesday 10:00-12:00 Walk-In food pantry
Provincetown Methodist Church 20 Shank Painter Road Wednesday 10:00-2:00 Walk In Thursday 10:00-2:00 Pantry
Truro Community Center 7 Standish Way Tuesday 10:00-12:30 Walk In Wednesday 10:00-12:30 Walk In food pantry
South Wellfleet Grace Chapel Corner of 25 Lieutenant Island Road and Route 6 Monday 3:00-6:00 Wed. 4:00-6:00, Thursday 10:00-12:00 Walk-In food pantry
Harwich Cape Cod Family Pantry 133 Queen Anne Rd, (508) 432-6519 Sat 10 - noon Tues 10
am - 3:30 pm Wed. 10am-noon Th 10-3:30, 5-7 pm, closed on Sun, Mon and Friday
Lower Cape Outreach Council Financial assistance for emergency needs; food pantry, Katy’s Corner free shop 19 Brewster Cross Rd Orleans, MA 508-240-0694
Mass-APPEAL Free shop: clothing, toys, books 2393 Cove Corner Wellfleet, MA 508-349-1173 Tues—Sat 9-12
Mustard Seed Kitchen Meals prepared and delivered to Outer Cape 155 Hopkins Dr. Wellfleet, MA 508-349-2049
Soup Kitchen in Provincetown (SKIP) Provides a hot and nourishing lunch to Outer Cape residents; November to April Monday-Friday 10 Shank Painter Rd Provincetown, MA 508-487-8331
South Coastal Counties Legal Service Legal assistance Monday-Friday 9 am-1 pm 460 W. Main St. Hyannis, Ma 508-775-7020 1-800-742-4107
Sustainable CAPE (Center for agricultural preservation and education) Truro Cape Farmers’ Market Coalition
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Program for healthcare and nutrition for low-income pregnant or breastfeeding women and infants and children under the age of 5 Appointments available in Harwich, Orleans, Eastham, and Provincetown 774-209-3212
Katelynn’s Closet serves children ages 4-18 who are in need and live on Cape Cod and the Islands. All orders for children in need must be placed by a social service agent or school nurse. All emails must be sent through a verifiable agency/school email. 508-367-2587
A BabyCenter clothing, toys, equipment, food and formula, shoes, and diapers 81 Willow Ave Hyannis, MA 508-771-8157
Cape Cod Children’s Place Family Support Program Info on childcare funds, food, diapers, referrals, and more 10 Ballwic Road Eastham, MA 508-240-3310
Childcare Network of the Cape & Islands / Community Action Committee 372 North Street Hyannis, MA 02601 childcare vouchers, emergency assistance, immigration assist, tax prep assistance., help with health insurance, women and children shelter.
Department of Transitional Assistance AND Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Cash assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP- provide nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of families in need) SSI, employment support 508-862-6600
Fuel Assistance Program—Emergency assistance for fuel/heat 20 Willow Ave Hyannis, Ma 508-746-6707
Monomoy Early Childhood Family Resource Center Offers food, diapers, clothing, books, resources for parents, and tuition subsidies Harwich Elementary School, 263 South St Harwich, MA 508-430-430-7216 x3044
Homeless Prevention Council Comprehensive case management, professional counseling, and guidance to those at risk of becoming homeless. Our client services include advocacy and access to housing programs and funding and budgeting and negotiation for rent and mortgage payments. In addition, our case managers assist clients in assessing their ability to earn a living and, if appropriate, encourage them to pursue further job training and/or education. 14 Old Tote Rd. Orleans, MA 508-255-9667
Women of Fishing Families Financial assistance for Cape Cod Fishing families 508-274-2092
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Mass 2-1-1 A free 24/7 resource to locate services Dial: 211
Parents Helping Parents of Mass Stress hotline 24/7 1-800-632-8188
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline Food, clothing, emergency funds 508-385-3242
The Samaritans of Cape Cod and the Islands Provide support to those who are lonely, depressed, or suicidal 508-548-8900 / 800-893-9900 Crisis Text Line Text: 741741 24-hour texting service for people in crisis who need someone to talk to without calling
. - use the zip code to search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, or to find other free or reduced-cost help.
and snippets of some of our favorite SHARK-tastic activities!
Contact us:
Location: 147 Depot Road, Chatham, MA, USA
Phone: 508-945-5135
Twitter: @ChathamElemMRSD