Tales from our Youngest Wildcats

January 13th, 2025
🔵 News from the Office
Dear MACC Families,
Happy New Year! This is the first newsletter of 2025, and I can’t believe we’re almost halfway through your child’s kindergarten journey. As we return from winter break and step into a fresh new year, I want to extend a warm welcome back to the MACC!
I want to take a moment to thank all of you for attending our VIP Day before the holiday. Your children are definitely performers, and they did an amazing job! I hope you enjoyed our hallway wonderland. Our FFA students created a Santa Trail for students, and afterward, they graciously decked our halls. The Snoopy tree took me back to a time when I was little. I’m extremely grateful for the work these high schoolers do for our youngest students.
As we move forward, students are getting back into the swing of things and adjusting to our classroom routines and expectations. This is always a great time of year to reflect on progress made so far and set new goals for continued growth and success. We are all eager to make the most of the second half of the school year!
A quick reminder: the student handbook states that students will go outside for recess unless the wind chill is 0°F or below. Please ensure that your child comes to school with appropriate outdoor clothing, including coats, hats, gloves, and snow pants. This will help keep them warm and comfortable during outdoor play. Also, kindly label all clothing with your child's name to avoid any mix-ups.
We look forward to a productive and exciting second half of the school year filled with learning, growth, and community engagement.
Warmest regards,
Jennifer Stoneman, MACC Principal/Federal Programs Director
MACC Staff
PAW PRINTS newsletter will be sent out biweekly. It should be out Sunday evening or Monday. The next newsletter will be on January 27th . If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher. You may also contact the office.
🔵 School Hours
- 8:25 am : Drop Off Begins
- 8:30 - 3:45 pm : Official School Day Hours
- 2:45 pm : Wednesdays ONLY Early Dismissal
Reminder - If your child has a change in drop off plans, please call the school before 3:00 PM.
Absences – If your child is absent, please call the school (981-4670) before 9:00 AM. Please read the Attendance Policy in the MACC Student Handbook posted on our website.
Additional Reminder
Every Wednesday in Montague Area Public Schools is early dismissal. the MACC dismisses one hour early, at 2:45 p.m. on Wednesdays.
January Half Days
We have half days of school on January 16th and 17th. The MACC dismisses students at 12:00 PM. Please call the office if your child's transportation is different from the usual full day. Thank you!
🔵 Upcoming Events
January 13th
- Board Meeting 6 PM @ MHS Cat Lab
January 14th
- Candid pictures for the yearbook
January 15th
- Early Release 2:45 PM
January 16th & 17th
- Half Days of School : Students dismiss at 12:00 PM both days
January 20th
- No school for students
🔵 Bus Expectations
Dear Parents,
We are grateful to offer school bus transportation to ensure students travel safely and conveniently to and from school. School bus rides are an extension of the classroom, and students are expected to demonstrate the same level of responsibility and respect while on the bus. Proper behavior not only ensures their safety, but also the safety of fellow students and the bus driver.
We kindly ask for your support in reinforcing these expectations with your child. Key behavior guidelines include:
- Remaining seated and facing forward throughout the ride.
- Using kind and respectful language.
- Keeping hands, feet, and belongings to themselves.
- Following the bus driver’s instructions promptly.
By working together, we can make every student’s bus ride a positive and safe experience. Thank you for your partnership in supporting this important part of your child’s school day.
🔵 Special Events & Notices
🔵 Friendly Reminders : Morning Drop Off & Pick Up
**Drive through drop off procedures are available for you .We encourage you to transition to this drop off model as soon as possible.
Daily Drop Off Procedures: ( September 16 - June 7)
Parents will use the “drop off zone” to allow their student to have a safe and efficient transition from car to school building. Please adhere to the drop off signs. Have your child seated in the rear passenger seat with their backpack zipped and ready to go. As you pull to the curb, an adult will open the back door of the vehicle and assist your child out of the car. School staff will be waiting inside to help your child navigate to their classroom.
Student Pick-Up
To ensure the safety of our students, parents are asked to pick up their child from a designated area each day. Students are dismissed to parents or authorized adults from that location. Although this procedure takes a few extra minutes, it helps to ensure greater safety for our students. Parents MUST come to get their student and check out with the adult supervising the pick up line. Students will NOT be released to go into the parking lot alone.
The following indicates where students from each classroom should be picked up at the end of the day:
Gould, Flynn: Students will be ready for pick up at the playground entrance nearest to the parking lot.
Verner, Goz: Students will be ready for pick up at the drop off zone at the front of the MACC building.
🔵 PTO News : Monthly Meetings
🔹Meetings are held at RRO CAT Lab at 6 pm. rropto@mapsk12.org
- September 3rd , 2024
- October 1st, 2024
- November 5th, 2024
- December 3rd, 2024
- January 7th, 2025
- February 4th, 2025
- March 4th, 2025
- April 1st, 2025
- May 6th , 2025
- June 3rd, 2025
Jennifer Stoneman - Principal, Federal Programs Director
E-mail: E-mail: stonemanj@mapsk12.org
Website: https://www.mapsk12.org/macc/
Locations: Montague Area Childhood Center, 9151 Dicey St., Montague, MI 49437
Phones: (231) 231-981-4670