Panui / Newsletter
Rāmere Friday 19th August Here-turi-kōkā 2022 (T3: W4 of 10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
- Board Elections: There are two weeks left for voting in our School Board election. Please make sure that you have your votes in before 4.00pm on Wednesday 7th of September.
- New Board: The new School Board officially takes office on Wednesday 14th of September. They will hit the ground running with an induction tea meeting on Monday 19th of September starting at 6.00 pm and then, on Tuesday, it is the AGM and General Meeting starting at 7.00pm.
- Polyfest: This coming Tuesday, August 23 is Polyfest. Our ten-minute timeslot is 10:40 am. A notice went out at the start of this week. We have a great Kapa Haka group that is helping to lead us.
- Uniform Top Update: We have finally been able to source a replacement for our sports jacket. This top is now stocked with us here at the office. They are $40 each.
- Weetbix Swap Meet: Thank you to those who have provided cards for swapping with the children. This is a great help. The children enjoy being able to get their sets complete.
- Discretionary Support: Should you be finding the financial side of schooling a bit of a challenge I have the ability to support and help in this area. Phone me (03 206 6959) or email me ( and we can chat it through. We desire all children to be able to enjoy the opportunities that our school provides.
- Toys/Equipment at School: Children from time to time bring toys/equipment (e.g. scooters, rip-sticks etc) to school to play with. There is a lot of learning around doing this including sharing, trusting and storing it in a safe place. We take an 'At your own risk' approach. We would advise that all items are named so we know what belongs to whom and it helps us to adjudicate when there is a dispute. We would also advise that children take their toy/item home each day and not leave it lying around the school for strangers to use or take.
Acknowledging - Team Edendale
- Jump Jam Teachers and Parents: Three teams are entered into the Southland Jump Jam competition tomorrow. A big thank you to teachers Laura McVicar, Caci Mineur and Sarah Botting along with parents Caroline Blackmore, and Nikoia McKelvie, for supporting the teams to learn their routines. Go well.
Our Events Coming Up
Term Three 2022
Week 5 (of10)
- Tuesday 23rd August - Polyfest
- Wednesday 24th August - LMV Speeches
Week 9 (of 10)
- Monday 19th September - New School Board Induction, 6.00pm, staffroom.
- Tuesday 20th September - School Board AGM and General Meeting 7pm, staffroom
- Thursday 22nd September - Senior Production 1pm, 7pm
Week 10 (of 10)
- Tuesday 27th - 29th September - Life Education
- Friday 30th September - School Picnic
Term Three: Principal's Challenge - Lego Masters Edendale 2022
This year's theme is THINGS WE EAT. What will you create? An apple? A hamburger? A cake? A carrot? A plate with dinner on it? Fish and chips? A chocolate bar? Lollies? A doughnut?
How delicious can you make your Lego creation?
Age Groups:
- New Entrants
- Year One
- Year Two
- Year Three
- Year Four
- Year Five
- Year Six
- Open Section: Parents, grandparents, past students, community members.
Judging Criteria:
- Attention to detail - did you think of everything in your build?
Use of colour - is the colour scheme consistent and thought through?
The originality of design - you cannot build from an instruction kit. It must be all your ideas, from scratch. This is about you being creative.
Technical building skills - How do you use the blocks? Are there ways that you use them that are different to what they were intended?
A strong story - Can you create a story around your creation?
Entry Instructions:
- Please have your creation in a sturdy container.
- Clearly name your container.
- Include your year level.
- Have your entry in by Thursday 8th September.
Our Kura News and Information
Pet Day - AGM and General Meeting
The Wyndham and Districts Pet Show AGM and General Meeting are to be held on Thursday 25th August in the Lounge Bar at the Three Rivers Hotel at 7.30 pm.
All parents and caregivers are warmly invited to attend.
Apologies to Bathan Muir 206 6334 or Leanne Johnston 027 664 4647.
Menzies College Teacher Only Day - Monday 22nd August
Menzies College is having a Teacher Only Day on Monday 22nd August. This means there will be no Mataura Island Fortrose Bus run on this day.
Parents of students on this bus will have to arrange to get your child/children to and from school.
Ice Skating 2nd September 2022
Reminder that Ice Skating permission slips are due back for Team Kea, Kiwi, Pukeko and Tui students by Monday 29th August
Our Team for this Week - Team Kereru
Wow! It is already four weeks into the term! This term is a busy one with the Year 5 and 6’s doing production.
In Team Kereru we have been looking at a variety of creatures to research and discover in reading, writing, and art. In writing, the children choose their own creature that they would like to make a brochure on. It has been awesome to see each child making a brochure that is their own. The children made a brochure last year by physically writing and drawing, so it was good for them to learn how to create and publish a brochure on Google Docs. The children learnt how to add drawings, and images and change the background.
In art, we created a twist on creatures. Instead of painting a creature that already existed, the children created a mythical creature on anything they wanted. This could be three different creatures put together etc. To start the art, the children created a textured background with layers, only using two colours. When that was dry, they drew their creature on with pencil first and then used a variety of colours to paint their creature to what they had imagined.
For PE, we have been looking at a variety of cultures. Every Thursday for the first five weeks of Term 3, the class has been tasting snacks from a variety of places around the world. We have tried snacks from Holland, the Philippines, the UK and Thailand. To go with this, we have learnt a couple of different games from India and Brazil called Kabaddi and Luta de Galo. The children like the competitive aspect of these games and we have adapted them to make them easier or harder as we go.
It has been a great start to the term. It will be awesome to see the other learning that the children will produce over the rest of the term.
Have an awesome weekend - good luck to all teams that are competing at the Jump Jam competition.
Character Values Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): Term Three Excellence Tohungatanga
Excellence means we aim for a high standard and continuous improvement and is shown through reliability, consistency, flexibility, reflection, change, innovation, accuracy, completion, dedication, practice, effort and attitude.
Work hard, have a go and do our best.
Leave everything how we would want to find it.
Wear our uniform with pride.
This week's Principal's Values Award goes to: Divine Makundu
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Pukeko
Aria Power.
Our Term Three focus value is Tohungatanga - Excellence and in Team Pukeko we have been talking a lot about working hard, having a go, and doing our best with all of our learning tasks, whether we find them easy or challenging.
Every day, throughout the day, Aria is a fantastic role-model for all of these actions.
Aria has a great attitude to learning and consistently shows that she is willing to listen to advice and try again with a task; she is making great progress with her learning as a result.
Aria completes her work tasks on time, she writes neatly, and she presents her illustrations with care and colour. Aria regularly does her homework and she always wears the correct uniform.
In pair or group activities, Aria is cooperative and helpful to others. I know that I can rely on Aria to be doing the right thing at the right time and that Aria will ensure that everything she uses is tidy and ready for the next person.
Thank you for being such a super star of a role-model, Aria. Someone* once said “The best preparation for tomorrow, is doing your best today” - you are well on track for many years of successful learning ahead!
*H.Jackson Browne, Jr
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kahu
Team Kahu’s MVP this week for displaying our value of Tohungatanga – Excellence is Aisha Raluto.
One of Team Kahu’s quotes this term states, “The two things in life you are in total control over are your attitude and your effort.” (Billy Cox)
Aisha is a young lady that works extremely hard to complete all her tasks to the best of her ability. Aisha shows control over her effort by always pushing herself to do her best and by listening to the feedback given so she can improve her learning further. Aisha ensures all her bookwork is presented neatly, that belongings are looked after, and that she meets our classroom expectations.
Aisha shows control over her attitude, by approaching all tasks positively. She is a kind and caring person who helps and encourages others in their learning. Aisha has a growth mindset and demonstrates this by showing gratitude, resilience, and perseverance, always taking the opportunity to improve.
Aisha, you understand that excellence is about always trying your hardest and approaching all opportunities with an open mind.
You have a very bright future ahead of you.
Tino pai!
Writer of the Week - Charlie Ritani (Team Kereru)
My Mythical Creature
My mythical creature is all red with black, stained teeth and threatening dark eyes. When you look into his eyes you see flames. His legs are genie legs, making it float and hover over the ground. He has long claws to slash his prey in one strike. He has horns that are as sharp as knives that have just been sharpened.
My creature is called Death and it lives in a dark gloomy room filled with fog. The creature opens a portal to get to the real world to stash its prey. It then takes it back to the void to eat it. The only other thing in the void besides the mythical creature is its prey and his soldiers.
The creature can bring things back from the dead to use them as an army to attack Earth. He can also turn into powerful dust particles and it is impenetrable when he does.
My mythical creature eats deer and anything that lives in a forest because if he is seen, then he will die and lose his power.
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Edendale Primary School Parent Election - Notice
There were 6 successful parent nominations for our 5 positions on the School Board.
These are:
- Richard Abbott
- Sarah Cupido
- Bethany Lang
- Daryl Martyn
- Jacob Smyth
- Narissa Webber
Voting papers are in the mail and you should have yours by now.
Voting closes on the 7th of September at 4.00pm. There is a ballot box in the office to drop the votes into.
Board Election - Timeframe
- Voting Closes: Wednesday 7th September at 4.00 pm
- New Board Takes Office: Wednesday 14th September
Term Three - Meeting Six of Eight
The next general meeting and AGM (in an election year the AGM is the first meeting after the new School Board takes office) for the School Board is Tuesday 20th September starting at 7.00pm.
Meeting material goes out a week prior to this meeting.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term Four 2022
The Term Four 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 31st of October at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - Tonight (Friday)
- Boys Outreach and Girls Rally is on this Friday from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm.
- 9 years old and up welcome.
- Activity Centre, George Street.
- Boys: Splash Palace, Cost: $8.
- Girls: Movie Night.
- Contacts: Johno Ferguson 206 6878 or Liz Pask 027 657 4615.
Youth Group - Saturday
- Youth group on this Saturday 7.30pm – 10.15pm.
- Yr 9 and up welcome, just turn up.
- Activity Centre, George Street.
- Contact: Becs 027 412 4941.
Edendale Community Pool Society (ECPS) - AGM and General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting, followed by the first General Meeting of the new season, will be held on Monday 29th August, at 7.30pm, in the Edendale School staffroom.
All current and intending members welcome to attend. We have a valuable asset here for our community and our volunteers appreciate your support.
Apologies or inquiries to Secretary, Jenny Coyle, via
Eastern Southland Basketball Association - Miniball
The new miniball season will start on 19th September.
Get your teams together.
Year 5&6 boys will play on Monday
Year 5&6 girls will play on Tuesday
Year 3 & 4 mixed will play on Thursdays
Subs are $45 pp
We will be in touch in the next few weeks with detailed information about how the players register into their teams through our Gameday system. At the same time we will let you know when the deadline is for registration and to finalise the teams into Gameday.
Eastern Southland Basketball Association
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool